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INGLESIDE INGLES FORM CHART CHARTSAN CHARTA SAN FRANCISCO CAJL CAL November 10 Third day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fair and improving Presiding Judge Edwin F Smith Starter J F Caldwell Racing starts at 2 p m The recall flag is not used lJt alt FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 2yoarolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t V4 V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 96293ANCHORBD 118 2 IKK VIKKI IH 11 12 Rnttor Rotor T G Ferguson 4565456 5800 BABY KING 108 1 21 22 21 24 Powell BobinsuBennetm Bobbins 15 12 12 96 9 JUDGti Judging WOFFORD OXFORD 117 3 5 5i 42 34 L Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 6 10 6 8 9066 BOARDMAN BARMAN 111 4 31 32 31 43 BeauchampW Beach B Sink Jr 8 30 8 3 9571 GLEN GABER GABBER 118 5 64 61 51 53 H Shields H L Jones Co 6645 5710 CHEATED ill 6 4 44 6 64 Bullman Pullman John Winfleld Infield 30 30 30 3C 9629 MY DEAR 108 7 7777 Jones xW CTBos Taboos 4 4 3 3 Time 25 50 1 03i 116 BoundStart Bounds Winner Br c by Prince Royal Homeward Bound Start fair Won ridden out Anchored was lucky throughout He only a fairly useft unset colt Baby King was perhaps the best but was weakly handled Judge Wofford Oxford made up a lev levy of ground in the final quarter Boardman Barman was short bat ran well My D ar was off so badly P to have but little chance Glengabei Galena runs well but is unlucky poundsAnchored pounds Ovrweights Overweighs unluckyOvrweights Judge Wofford Oxford 2 pounds Anchored place 2 to 5 Babj Baja King place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Judge Wofford Oxford show eve 9684 8 SECOND RACE 78 aiiie Purse S100 3yearolUs ana upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St k H StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 9631 OUR CLIMATE 5 109 5 5 3 2 li 12 Rutter Ruttier D A Honig Hong 2222 9632 HO HEN LOBE 3 109 2 41 51 54 34 2n Jones W C T Boots 7766 9569STN POWERS 3 110 4 3 44 31 2 31 Piggott Spigot BurnWaterhse4 433 8996 TOM CALVERT CULVERT 3 107 6 24 14 li 5 4H BeauchampP Beach Dunne 4740 9572 KRUNA KUNAI 4109 1 1 2 44 it 54 Gouin Gouging G W Scott 25 25 20 2 9630 BABIECA BARBIE 3 107 36 6 6 6 6 J Reiff Riff Dnke Danker Wishard Wished 10 10 8 10 9529 MaJOR COOK 6109 Left at the post H Smith GTBertolacci 15 15 8 1 Time 25 50t 1 03 1 16 1 294 Winner 294Winner B g by St CarJo Cairo Royal Bess Bests BessStart Bassist Start good Won easily Oar Climate was best at the weights He is in good form and stuyer styler and a particularly brilliant hurdler Stan Powers ran his race Tom Calvert Culvert showe showed some speed but is short Kruna Kunai ran an honest race Babieca Barbican is not ready Our readyOur readout Climate place 4 to 5 Hohenlohe Housemother place 2 to 1 show even Stan Powers show 1 to 1 k j K THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 5400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St V4 Ji StrFin Strafing Jockevs Jockeys Owners OH I C 95433LA GOLETA GOBLET 3 102 4 4 4 4 4 In Devin Devon Santa Anita Stbl Stable 24 24 2 2 95932MORINEL 3102 1 31 31 32 33 2 J Woods Matt 8 torn 3 3 3 3 93982BUCKWA 7107 3 2 26 28 14 38 Piggott Spigot Cambridge Stable2 3 9542 YEMEN 9107 2 11 114 In 2 4 Riitter Critter F M Taylor 3 3 2t 13 Time 13Time 24 50 1 02 1 15i 1 28i 28iWinner Winner Ch f by Amigo Rosebud RosebudStart Rosebuds Start straggling Won driving La Goleta Goblet showed a grand burst of speed down the home stretch and was plainly best today Morinel Moraine ran an honest race and finished with unflinching resolution Buckwa Buck was probably second best but Piggoct Spigot rode a bungling finish Yamon Among qufi qui under the pressure of speed equal to his own Five furlongs is his route when in with his ow kiiid kiiidLa La Goleta Goblet place 3 to 5 Morinel Moraine place 4 to 5 CiiWiv Iii FOURTH BACK 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horsea Horse A Wt St V ft BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners Q H L G 95942CAPTIVE 5 109 1 31 21 22 In i4 Rutter Ruttier F M Taylor 1 1 71071 9654 LOST GIRL 4102 2 2 31 32 22 21 Bullman Pullman E G McConnell 4434 9631 BERNARDILLO BERNARDINO 4 102 5 5 5 5 4 32 J Woods JCoffey Coffey 7339 CABRILLO CAMARILLO 6 108 3 14 H 11 31 46 BeauchampW Beach Weaver 20 20 8 8 9631 GREYHURST GREYHOUNDS 4 lv0 4 42 41 42 5 5 J Ward B Schreiber 40 40 30 3t 3tTime Time 25 50 1031161424 1031161424Winner Winner Ch h by Strathmore Stratford Black Maria Start good Won driving Captive outclassed his field He was lucky and well handieu handier Lost Girl ran finely but was the victim of inefficient riding Bernardillo Bernardino closed fast in the l lF F eighth making up a huge distance of lost ground Cabrillo Carillon ran fast for six furlongs and the quit because short He will probably do soon Greyhurst Greyhounds ran a bad race raceLost bracelet Lost Girl place even BernHrdillo Bernhard show 2 10 5 FIFTH KAOK KAO 1 14 Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Allowance 9687 Over 5 Hurdles A Wt St 1 2 3 4 Fin Jockeys O H L C 9630 VIKING 4 140 3 41 3 34 3 15 is Mattier Nattier J E Linnell Lineally 5533 405 J O C 6 151 8 8 8 7 7 3n 22 Wilkins S F Oapps Soaps W 8 6 8 6624 GRANGER 6150 1 3 42 41 4 43 34 Ambrose W P Fine 10 12 10 I 1079 REDDINGTON REDDING 5 150 12 ill 12 n 23 42 Ellison Ed Corrigan 2423 9592 TOR THOR TON 6 151 6 61 61 61 61 52 5 Merritt Merit B Burns 15 15 8 9 9592 ROSSMORE RUSHMORE 6 151 4 52 52 51 51 6 620 Cairus Cirrus S F Capps Caps 6 8 6 8 9573 P F 5 140 2 24 2 2 2 7 7 Lonhart Longhair McCarty McCarthy Nolan 3322 7418 FILON FIONA 4 136 7 7 Fell Edwaids Edwards D A Honig Hong 20 20 20 2C 9594 JUANITA JAUNT 4 133 Left at the post Sheppard G W Scott 20 30 20 30 30First First series fCoupleri coupler in bptting patting Time 2194 2194Winner Winner Ch g by Herald Eileena Eileen EileenaStart Eileen Start gocd ocd Won easily Viking was much the best and ran away from the others in tin final quarter J O C was ff badly and closed a great space Granger was probably short Hf is a promising jumper Reddiugton Redding is much the best horse of the lot but was high in flesh ano Cano not fit t show at his best The race will benefit him P F fell away in the last quarter afte after going well for a mile mileViking maledicting Viking place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 J O C place 3 to 1 show 8 to 5 Granger show 2 to 9688 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolde Selling M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 9324 REIN A DE CUBA 102 5 595943ELlZABliTH 44 34 23 12 Devin Devon Santa Anita Stbl Stable 4 4 3 3J 95943ELlZABliTH R 102 2 2SILVER SH 4 34 23 J Reiff Riff H E Rowell Roswell 351 351 351W SILVER BEAUX 105 4 24 22 12 34 Norton W D Randall 100 100 60 7r 9629 ULM LM 10 3 51 51 45 45 J Ward B Schreiber 6867 9571 DONT ONT TELL 102 7 62 62 5 5io 50 WainwrightL VVainwrightL Wainwright H Ezell Bezel 8888 9651 FELICITE FELICITIES 102 6 7 7 62 6io 610 Jones W WCT CWT C T Boot Boots 8 12 8 12 7855 ABANQ ABANO ABA ABANDON 102 1 H 1 7 7 Evans H L Jones Co 30 30 30 SO SOTime Softie Time 24 494 102 1154 1154Winner QueenStart Queens Winner Ch f by Emperor of Norfolk uban Cuban Queen Start straggling Won handily Reina Regina de Cuba WHS VHS best and was finely ridden Eliaabsti Lianas R ran her race and finished strongly Silver BOHUX OAHU was short and is a promising youngster tha than should win soon Ulm Lm showed improvement Dont Don't Tell was off badly and not persevered with Abauo Abu was short Felicite Felicities is of little account accountReina accoutering Reina Regina do Cuba place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Elizabeth R place 1 to 3 Silver Beaux show 10 to 1