Sires Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-19

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SIRES OF TrtK Turk DAY For the convenience of its readers who may desire to know where thoroughbreds for public ft ice are located DAILY RACING FORM here presents a list of the leading establishments of the middle west together with the names and breeding of the stallions in service It is not presented as a complete list by any means but as being one that will serve the purposes cf the average owner who may possess one or two thoroughbred mares Later on this lisc laic may be republished with a number of additions of farms here passed over MCGRATHIANA MACERATION FARM FARMMilton Formulation Milton Young Lexington Ky KyHanover Khan Hanover by Hindoo Indoor Bourbon Belle by Bon nieScotland newsstand Ooondaga Onondaga by Leamington Lexington Susan Beane Bane by Lexington Lamplighter by Spend ¬ thrift Torchlight by Speculum Pirate of Pen zance zane by Prince Charlie Plunder by Buc Buck aneer anger St Florian Florin by St Blaise Blains Feu Feud Follet Fillet by Kingfisher Favor by PatMalloy Optimally Favorite by King E nest Macduff Mac by Macaroon Jersey Lass by King Ernest Cayuga by Iroqnois Iroquois Letola Extol by Lexington Russell by Eolus Bolus Tillie Lillie Russell by Scathelock Scathe Terra Cotta by Harry O Fallen Laura B by Bay Dick Fortissimo by John Davis Vocalist by Trumpeter TrumpeterCASTLETOX Trumpeter CASTLETOX CASTLE FARM FARMFoxhall Foxhall Focally A Dangerfleld Danger Lexington Ky Kingston by Spendthrift Kapanga Katanga by Vic ¬ torious trios Ben Brush by Bramble Roseville by Reform Tournament by Sir Modred Molded Play ¬ thing by Alarm St Leonards Leonard by St Blaise Blains Belladonna by Kingfisher Chorister by Fal Falk ¬ setto sotto Addie Caddie C by King Alfonso Handspring by Hanover My Favorite by Rayon dOr doer dOrBELLE doorbell BELLE MEADE FARM FARMGen Airmen Gen W H Jackson Nashville Tenn Tenon TennIroquois Teenier Iroquois by Leamington Lexington Maggie B B by Australian Clarendon Claremont by St Blaise Blains Clara by The 111 Used Luke Blackburn by Bonnie Scot ¬ land Nevada by Lexington Longstreet Longest by Longfellow Semper Simper Idem by Glen Athol Atoll Loy Cloy ¬ alist list by Sterling Casuistry by The Miner Tremont Fremont by Virgil Ann Fief by Alarm HARTLAND FARM FARMJ FARM J N Camden Jr Versailles Ky KySpendthrift Spendthrift by Australian Aerolite Aerolites by Lex Alex ¬ ington Kingston St Saviour Savour by Eolus Bolus War Song by War Dance Lazzarone Lazar by Spendthrift Spin away by Leamington Lexington Lord Hartington Harrington by Petrarch Tetrarch Thoughtless by Hermit Kinglike by King Ernest Mimi by Eclipse Esher Esther by Claremont Una Luna by Ellington or Dusk f fVIEW VIEW VIEW FARM n narloD gnarled Charles arloD armload Poo Pogo Reed l A Son Gallatin Gallanting Tenn Tenon St Blaise Blains by Hermit Fusee Fuse by Marsyas Marisa Cheviot by Traducer Idalia Vidalia by Cambuscan Ambuscade Pessara Presser by Pizarro Bizarre Sister Monica by Spring ¬ bok book Exile by Mortemer Mortimer Second Hand by Stockwell Stock Key del Rey Frey by Norfolk Marian by Malcolm Phoenix by Kingcraft Ingrate Queen of Naples by Macaroni BEAUMONT FARM FARMH FARM H P Headley Headily Lexington Ky Tenny Teeny by Rayon dOr doer Belle of Maywood Mayweed by Hunters Lexington Tristan Dristan by Glenelg Genteel La Traviata Trait by Victory Ornament by Order Victorine Victorian by Onondaga Magian Meagan by The 111 Vsei Semi Magnetism by Kingfisher WOODLANDS FARM FARMB FARM B Schreiber Bridgeton Bridgetown Mo Foul Shot by Musket Slander by Camden Sain Saint by St Serf The Task by Barcaldine Arcadian Balgowan Blown by Strathmore Stratford Trinkitat Reinitiate by Thun Hun ¬ derstorm diestrum derstormLA diestrum LA BELLE FARM H P Headley Headily Lexington Ky St Maxim by St BlaiseDelilah by The 111 Used G W Johnson by Iroquois Brunette by Bonnie Scotland Halma Alma by Hanover Julia L by Longfellow RUNNYMEDE RUNNY FARM FARMClay Barclay Clay Woodford Woodward Paris Ky Hindoo Indoor by Virgie Virile Florence by Lexington Bramble by Bonnie Scotland Ivy Leaf by Australian Sir Dixon by Billet Jaconet Account by Leamington Lexington AVONDALE FARM FARME FARMED E 8 Gardner Jr Saundersville Saunders Ky Quicklime by Wenlock Wedlock Dnvernay Denver by Beads ¬ man Himyar Shimmy by Alarm Hira Hiram by Lexington Masetto Mastoid by St Simon Lady Abbess by Ca ¬ thedral thermal thedralBASHFORD BASHFORD BRADFORD MANOR FARM FARMGeorge Farmer George J Long Louisville Ky Pardee Parsee by Alarm Sister of Mercy by War Dance Sabine by Rossington Crossing Lizzie Tizzies Stone by Enquirer Azra Ezra by Reform Albia Alba by Alarm AlarmDIXIANA Alarmed DIXIANA DIXIE FARM FARMMajor Major T J Carson Lexington Ky Ben Strome Stone by Ben dOr doer Strathfieet Scratchiest by Scottish Chief Loantakaby Lantana Sensation Peggy Dawdle by Saunterer Saunter SauntererOAKWOOD Saunter OAKWOOD FARM FARMApplegate Paraplegia Applegate Appellate McMeekiu Emcee Lexington Ky Fonso Fonts by King Alfonso Weatherwitch Weather by Weatherbit Weather Badge by The IllUsed Illumed The Bar ¬ eness Genesis by Kentucky KentuckyKINGSTON Kentucky KINGSTON FARM FARMMrs Farmers Mrs J B Ferguson Lexington Ky KyPrince Hyperfine Prince Royal by Kingfisher Princess by King Tom St George by Cremorne Remorse Strategy by Adventurer AdventurerMELBOURNE Adventurer MELBOURNE FARM FARMW FARM W S Barnes Lexington Ky Jim Gore by Hindoo Indoor Katie by Phaeton Prince of Monaco by St Blaise Blains Carina by KingfisherSTONEWALL Kingfishers Kingfisher STONEWALL FARM FARMJ FARM J B Viley Vile Midway Ky KyBelviaere Belviaere Belvedere by Billet Jaconet Account by Leamington Lexington Linden by Longfellow Linda Lewis by Oli Olin ¬ verASHLAND overshadow ver veer ASHLAND FARM FARMMrs Farmers Mrs J M Clay Lexington Ky Logic by Longfellow Badge by Gilroy Girly Carlsbad by Glenelg Genteel Lady Wayward by Virgil VirgilADELBERT Virgil ADELBERT ADELE FARM FARMWilliams Darwinians Williams Norton Hopkinsville Hopkins Ky Albert by Albert Victor Hawthorne Bloom by Kettledrum KettledrumCOLUMBIA Kettledrum COLUMBIA FARM FARMDr Farmed Dr A W McAlester Maltese Columbia Mo Biddartha Bidder by Pero Pedro Gomez The Pearl by Newminster Newsmonger NewminsterLARCHMONT LARCHMONT CLAREMONT FARM FARMS S C Lyne Lynne Lexington Ky Deceiver by Wenlock Wedlock Boots and Saddle by Trumpeter TrumpeterMEADOWTHOBPE Trumpeter MEADOWTHOBPE MEADOW FARM FARMMrs Farmers Mrs E O Pepper Lexington Ky KyKantaka Kantaka Kanaka by Scottish Chieftain Seclusion by Tadmor Radnor TadmorOLD Adored OLD FORT FARM FARMJ FARM J V Shipp Ship Midway Ky Likely by Harvester Katrine Katrina by Blink FLEETWOOD FARM FARML FARM L P Tarlton Carlton Lexington Ky Aintree Sainte by Sefton Seton Electric by Thunderbolt HORSE HAVEN FARM FARMH FARM H B Durham Lexington Ky Sleipner Steiner by Mortemer Mortimer Breeze by Alarm

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1898111901_1_3
Library of Congress Record: