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INGLESIDK INGLES ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 93992Rio Chico Chic 105 675 9356 Sam McKeever McKee 108 680 8906 Stamina 1 8 670 6709651Obsidian 9651Obsidian 109 695 9715 Lime Water 109 685 9591 Almoner 110 690 9594 Headwater Ill 700 700Second Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances 3213 Yorick Lyric 3 104 660 66095693Inverary 95693Inverary II 3 112 675 9687 Filon Dillon 4 112 640 64095692Pongo 95692Pongo 3 112 670 67097043Durwad 97043Durwad 4114 665 8323 Sokombeo Spokane 3 114 650 650Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesSpecial Allowances Special Special97022R03inante 97022R03inante 4 102 745 7459632Morellito 9632Morellito 3105 735 9630 Mistral II 4 108 740 7409702Ostler 9702Ostler Joe 5 114 750 750Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileThe Millet The San Francisco Stakes Value 1200 12002yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances96882Elizabeth 96882Elizabeth R 103 725 7259688Reina 9688Reina de Cuba 110 120 9526Jingle Jingle 110 95913 idlove midlevel 115 9084Miss Marion 115 Doubtfnl Doubtful starter starterFifth starter Fifth Race Short Course Course3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Steeplechase 9397 San Carlos 3 125 9687 Filon Dillon 4 129 9687 Tortoni Tortoise 6 154 5466 Huntsman 7 159 53823Reno 6 164 9687 Rossmore Rushmore S164 Sixth Race 68 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9652 Aluminum 3 92 9718 Flora Hawk 3 92 97183First Call 3 95 96553Mocorito 3 102 9718 Little Alarm 3 102 9701 Mainstay 6 103 9573Amasa 3 105 9687 Juanita Junta 4 107 Chnrea Chorea 4 109