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INGLESIDE INGLES FORM CHART CHARTSAN CHARTA SAN FRANCISCO CAL November 31 Seventh day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter WinterMeeting Interesting Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Edwin F Smith Starter J F Caldwell Racing starts at 215 p m The recall flag is not used 9749 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St V 3i StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 96993 BOARD MAN 115 4 3 31 11 11 BeauchampW Beach B Sink Jr 4444 9629 ALHAJA ALA 108 6 4t 41 41 22 Powell Hanford Sanford Stable 5544 9192 PAYERS HAM 115 1 196833JUDGE 21 21 21 SH Bullman Pullman W E Applegate Appellate Jr6 666 96833JUDGE WOFFORD OXFORD RD 666RD 115 2 51 51 51 46 L Roiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 2 21 2 21 9683 MY DEAR 108 3 111 12 3 5 Jones W C T Boots 4646 9396 PEACH BLOSSOM M 4646M 108 5 61 61 62 6 Houck Hock H L Jones Co 12 12 10 10 9699 WRINKLES 108 7 7777 Snider J Neal 20 20 15 15 1051Winner Time 15Time 251 51i 1051 Winner Ch c by Wilful or St Charles Rosewood RosewoodStart Rosewoods Start fair The first two were driving there was a drive for third place Boardmans Barman win was one of luck He was well handled Alhaja Aloha was the best but was beaten by a bad ride Judge Wofford Oxford could not extend himself in the going He wants a fast or a sloppy track Favor sham does best in mud His best isnt isn't much The others are of no account Boardman Barman accountBoardman account place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Alhaja Aloha place 7 to 5 show 7 to 10 Faversham Feverish show even 9750 SECON SECOND ECON HACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 All Ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 96332MARY BLACK 3 109 2 2 2 1 1 J Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 1 11101 1110 9715 ESPIONAGE 2 96 3 31 31 32 23 J Woods L H Ezell Bezel 3 4 3 31 93583VALENCIENNE 3 109 1 11 11 21 31 H Martin E F Fredrickson Frederick 2 21 32 85 9700 ZORRAZO 4 110 5 5 42 46 412 Rector D A Honig Hong 100 100 75 75 4612 RACIVAN RADIAN 2 86 4 41 5 5 5 J Ward B Schreiber 100 000 75 80 80Time Time 24 501 1 031 1 17 17Winner SongstressStart Songsters Winner B f by Islington Wilmington Songstress Songsters Start fair The first two were going easily at the end Mary Black was best and reveled in the going Espionage ran a good race and closed a lot of ground She is ready So tab her Valencienne Valence dislikes mud She showed a lot of speed but tired at the end Watch for her on fast footing Zorrazo Okra is a mudlark medullar but belongs in a lower class classScratched Scratched Reina Regina de Los Angeles 102 Rosormonde Roomed 102 102Mary Mary Black place 1 to 4 Espionage place even Q rj T 1 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St M yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 97173RED GLENN 6 99 2 1 li IB 12 is Bullman Pullman Cambridge Stable4 433 43397002DR 97002DR BERNAYS BETRAYS 3 88 4 5 51 51 3 2H J Ward B Schreiber 5 5 21 135 9686 CAPTIVE 5 110 5 2 31 31 21 32 Rutter Ruttier F M Taylor 1212 121297202TOM 97202TOM CALVERT CULVERT 3 100 6 6 4 41 420 41 H Martin P Dunne 3535 9592 EUREKA 5 103 1 4i 6 6 6 51 H Smith E F McDonald 200200100150 9719 FLEMING 3 94 3 3 2 2 5 6 J Woods Mrs W Muir Mir 50 50 40 40 4089372OUR 89372OUR JOHNNY 4 112 Left at the post Flint W A Cheritan Christian 20 20 20 20 20Time Time 251 51 1 04 1 17i 1 44i 1 511 Winner B g by Glen Elm Red Girl Start straggling Won easily second ridden out The going suited Red Glenn He had clear sailing and was well handled Dr Bornays Boras was badly ridden interfered with at critical stages of the race and took the long route Captive is a cripple but ran an honest race Cal vert avert ran to the notch He had bad luck Watch him The others were of no account Scratched Magnus Magnums 88 Dolore Dolores 100 Hazard 104 Overweights Overweighs Red Glenn 2 pounds Red Glenn place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Dr Bernays Betrays place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 9752 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 96322CYRIL 3 114 2 11 li 16 1 Rutter Ruttier George J Long 2 2 85 95 9597013MC 97013MC FARLANE ARLENE 6 109 4 51 42 22 22 Jones T Mulqueen Mullen 2323 2705 GRATIFY 5 109 5 61 51 42 31 Houck Hock H L Jones Co 40 40 30 30 97042 MAMIE MAMMIES SCOTT 6 109 1 2 21 32 4 Powell W B Knight 7766 9652 REJECTED 5 109 3 4 61 61 5 H Smith G Narvaez Larvae 100 100 75 75 4759 DON FDLANO FLAN 7 112 8 8 8 8 61 Piggott Spigot M F Feeney Fence 2525 9687 REDDINGTON REDDING 5 109 7 31 31 5 71 Thorpe E Corrigan 3433 9687 ROSSMORE RUSHMORE 6103 6 7778 Bullman Pullman S F Capps Caps 10010075 100 f Time 25 50i 1 03t 1 171 171Winner EspanitaStart Winner B c by Buchanan Espanita Espanola Start fair Won pulled up Cyril is a shifty horse in the mud His race was a really good one He outclassed the field McFarlane ran to the mark Gratify closed a big gap and should be tabbed Mamie Mammies Scott does her best on fast going Reddington Redding was short and far from lucky Fulano Fulani seems to be of no accouut account accouutScratched Scratched Formella Formula 114 114Crjl Crjl Carl place 4 to 5 McFarlane place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Gratify show 6 to 1 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances 9753 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl L C 9020AILYAR 118 1 11 ° li5 1s I3 H Martin P Dunne 7107101 2 12 97153CASDALE 113 4 33 33 26 26 Bullman Pullman W M Murry Murray 3 3 3 3 9683ANCHORED 113 3 21 22 30 30 Rutter Ruttier T G Ferguson 3838 9699 DONT ONT TELL 105 5 55 420 430 WainwrightL Wainwright H Ezell Bezel tiO trio 60 50 50 BOZZARIS OZARKS 108 2 4io 410 425 5 5 J Ward WardTimejfeil Wartime B Schreiber 200 200 100 150 Timejfeil Time 501 1031117 Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Aileen Eileen Aroon Maroon AroonStart Rooster Start bad Won in a gallop The horses were strung out a sixteenth at the finish Ailyar Halyard beat the barrier and nothing ever got near him Casdale Cashable was almost left and closed a lot of ground Anchored is not a mudder muddier Dont Don't Tell got away worse than Casdalo Causal and had no chance chanceAilyar chance Ailyar Halyard place 1 to 4 Casdale Cashable place 1 to 2 Continued on 2nd page 9 7 54 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Parse 5400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 3t V2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners oTl hotel L C C9718ED 9718ED GARTLND GARLAND II 3 102 2 li H 12 H H M M9719VPAT 9719VPAT MORRISSEY 4 107 1 21 22 23 22 Thorpe McCarty McCarthy Co 2 5 cjr cir 9717 BENAMELA ENAMEL 5 107 4 6i 61 32 32 Rutter Ruttier S C Hildreth Children 10 r TO 1 97182TORIBIO in95732CHIHUAHUA 3 92 5 5 5J 4 48 Weber W L Stanfield Spaniel 12 1 in in 95732CHIHUAHUA 3 99 3 3i 3 51 56 Powell T Cook 5 6 I p 9590 LOS ETTE ETTA 3 99 8 8876 Bullman Pullman W Gardner Son 60 60 i 97003 HEIGH HIGH HO 3 99 7 7787 J Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 6 7 fi t 9701 SWEET WILLIAM 4 100 6 41 42 6 8 J Ward B tichreibor 12 12 10 Time 24 50 1 02J 1 15i lui Luis Winner Blk Balk g by Albert Piazza PiazzaStart Piazzas Start fair Won in a hard drive Gartland Garland II was best and lucky and is a rand lark The colt is game too Morrissey evidently favors soft going Benamela Enamel closed a lot of ground and ran his race So did Toribio Trilbies Chihuahua was most unlucky Heigh High Ho was away verv verve badtv adv Sweet William showed some speed Watch him among horses of Jess quality Scratched qualityScratched quality Lady Britannic 97 Mainstay 103 Whitcomb Witco 104 Kaiser Ludwig 110 Overweights Overweighs Benamela Enamel 4 pounds Ed Gartland Garland II place even show 1 to 2 Pat Morrissey place 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Beiiaaela show 3 to 1