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LEXINGTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc HdcpCynthia Cynthia D 102 9622 Junaetta Uneatable 102 640 8413 Aneroid 102 600 9523 Minnie Alpine 102 630 630Judith Judith May 102 GoldenAge Golden 102 9745 Candadas Canards 105 650 9671 Cigar Maker 105 640 9671 Prince of Orange 105 610 9281 Aconitine Conditioned 107 625 9114 Kittie Kitties French 107 635 635Sir Sir Philip Sidney 110 Lightning Express br c by byOrder bOrder Order Falsina Salina 110 Trice 110 Second Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 9315 BenOFalldn Enfold 3 97 650 65097253Nellorine 97253Nellorine 3 97 675 67596472Qreat 96472Qreat Bend 3 100 750 7509515The 9515The Devil 3 100 740 74096212KittieB 96212KittieB 5 107 725 725Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9668 Miss Patron 100 665 9748 Etta Stevens 100 600 9744 Lela Leila Murray 100 670 9520 Pretty Hosie Hose 103 660 66097113Prince 97113Prince Plausible 103 695 9646 Shinfane Shinbone 103 675 95983 Primavera Prima 103 680 9470 Al Sirat Spirant 103 650 9646 Clarence B 106 690 69096492Mayme 96492Mayme M M 106 685 68597452Eastabrooks 97452Eastabrooks 109 670 9646 Ernespie Heresies 09 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9620 Philip Byrnes Byres 3 100 650 9669 Annie Oldfield Goldfield 3 100 660 4847 Josie Leeds 3 100 625 9669 Lena Meyers Meyer 3 100 695 9620 Fair Deceiver 3 100 680 9667 Almante Palmate 3 100 670 9650 Hampden Hempen 3 103 9679 Fanfaronade Fanfare 3 103 96702BonJour 3 104 9365 Covington Coving Ky 4 105 8925 Frank Griffith 4 105 9522 Caius Carious 4 105 9548 High Noon 5 105 95973Primate 3 107 9424 Turtle Dove 4 107 97442HS Tobacco 4 112 9471 TheChemist Hellenist 4 118 Fifth Race 1 Mile All Ages Maidens Allowances 4998 Reflect 2 84 9381 Preliminary 2 84 9747 Jimp Imp 2 87 96712 Friesl Fries and 2 87 9580 Major Bell 2 87 9426 The Bondman 2 87 9425 Jessie 8 3 110 9659 BethlehemStar Bethlehem 3 110 9280 Miss Annie 3 110 8451 Ruiz Ritz 3 110 RuizDan Rican Dan Spray 3 113 96672Orme 3 113