Ormondes And St. Carlos., Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-27


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ORMONDES HORMONES AND ST CARLOS CARLOSOf Carlos Of the recent sale at San Francisco in which the first of the progeny of Ormonde Hormone ever offered at auction in this country were sold tha than Breeder and Sportsman says saysThree seashore Three St Carlo yearling fillies owned by Mr Macdonough Macedon and two yearling colts by the same sire and owned by Dr Posey Pose and P W Selby Shelby Esq respectively were sold first They aver ¬ aged 350 A filly by Morello Marcello brought but 150 Then the first of the Ormonde Hormone fillies was brought into the ring and thire hire was a craning of necks She was a grand looker and no mistake and was started at 500 There were a half dozen bidders at first but it finally settled down to a contest between W B Sink Jr and Ed Lanni Annie gan Egan Mr Sink finished stronger than his oppon opponent ¬ ent Kent and his bid of 2300 secured the handsome filly amid applause applauseThe applause The average forjthe forte five Ormondes Hormones sold was 1070 The grand total of the sale was 7250 and the average for all was 660 660The The following were the prices obtained for each St PrincessIdle Princess Felicity ch f by St Carlo Princess Idle by Prince of Norfolk E Lannigan400 St Elizabeth ch f by St Carlo Bessie W by Wby By Darebin Darwin Judge C Post 300 Artemis 300Artemis ch f by St Carlo Moonlight by byPrinceton Byrne Princeton Judge C Post 425 Morelia Morel 425Morelia byKosciusko b f by Morello Marcello Kosciulottie Osculation by Kosciusko James Neal 150 Orthia Portia 150Orthia ch f by Ormonde Hormone Muta Mute by Wild idle W B Sink Jr 2300 Oriva Corrival 2300Oriva FousoEd Focused b f by Ormonde Hormone Geneva by Fouso Focus Ed Blazer 700 Gold 700Gold Libbortiflibbet Flibbertigibbet Lace b f by Ormonde Hormone Libbortiflib Flibbertigibbet bet by Bullion F M Taylor 1100 Rose 1100Rose of Ormonde Hormone ch f by Ormonde Hormone Bud BudbyGlenmore byGlenmore by Ed Blazer 350 Oremus Orem 350Oremus byXX by b f by Ormonde Hormone Santa Cruz by XX Ed Blazer 900 Steel 900Steel CarrieM Carrie Diamond ch c by St Carlo Carrie M by Hyder Hyde Ali Daggie Aggie Smith 300 Almendral Amendable 300Almendral ch c by St Carlo Venetia by Tyrant byTyrant butyrate W B Sink Jr 325

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898112701/drf1898112701_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1898112701_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800