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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wat Walt Hdcj Dc 9818 Ben Walker 95 65 4524 ThurJes Threes 95 6 9670 Oxnard 97 65 9829 Sister Alice 98 6 988 Aunt Maggie 99 6 698222Muskadino 98222Muskadino 99 64 6497992Clay 97992Clay Poynter Ponte 99 6J 9799 Forbush Forbes 100 61 9799 George Lee 101 6i 5867 Charlotte M 101 9601 Colonel Frank Waters 102 6 9635 Barataria Barratries 103 6f 6f9799Deyo 9799Deyo 103 7 797993Joe 97993Joe Shelby 104 6 6Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses colori color sox Pedigree Wt Hdci Dc 9830 Fintan Fontana 96 64 649722Mouzeltoff 9722Mouzeltoff 96 61 619535Cousin 9535Cousin Lottie Loftier 96 64 6498193Pell 98193Pell Mell Nell IL 98 6i 9531 Blenheim Blenching 99 61 619830Sam 9830Sam Lazarus Eq 101 7C 998 SicOaBiiniri 103 6i 9830 Our Nellie 104 6f 6fMcCoy McCoy ch c by Macduff Mac RhodyGale Royal 104 9465Andes 105 7J 7JThird Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Aee Alee Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 9821 Necedah Necked 96423Terramie 9822 Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 9463 Virgie Virile Dixon 8993 Friskal Frisk 9624 Minnie Clyde Lye 8351 Sister Adele 6447 Henrica Hernia Fourth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling98203Locust 98203Locust Blossom 3 104 98183 Apple Jack 3 107 9648Mordecai 3 107 9820 Miss Lizzie Tizzies 3 108 9657 Vice Regal 5 109 95223Amber Glints 5 109 9822 Brighton 4 Ill 98332Garnot Ripple 4 Ill 9696 Damocles 5 113 97972Debride 4 117 96U8 Braw Lad 4 118 Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9092 Eight Bells 3 102 9536 Julia Hazel 3 H2 9831 Her Favor 3 104 9831 Flop 3 104 4661Partner 6 107 9833 Kalitan Kalian 4 107 98312Randazzo 3 107 7777 Disturbance III 7 110 7304 Travis 5 112