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St Louis Fair Association club department. ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING STAKES TO BE RUN AT SPRING, SUfliYiER AND FALL MEETINGS, I899 ..STAKES TO CLOSE JANUARY 14, 1599.. INAUGURAL A handicap for three-year- THE MEMORIAL A handicap for all ages, olds and upward. Nomination fee, . Cash value, ,500. One and One-eighth Miles, olds, and upward. Nomination fee, 0. Weights, Nomination fee, . Cash value, ,500. Five value, ,500 One Mile. THE GOLDEN ROD Selling For three-March 25. Cash value, ,000. One Mile. and a Half Furlongs. THE LAUREL A handicap for three-year- year-olds that have never won a stake of the THE DEBUTANTE For two-year-old fillies. CLUB MEMBERS HANDICAP A handi- olds and upward. Nomination fee, . Cash advertised value of ,500. Nomination fee, . Nomination fee. . Penalties and allowances, cap for throe-year-olds and upward. Weights, value. ,500. Six Furlongs. Cash value. ,600. Seven Furlongs. Cash value, ,500. Four and a Half Furlongs. May 15. Nomination fee, 0. Cash value, THE MISSOURI Selling, For two-year-olds. THE OZARK A handicap for two-year-olds. THE KINDERGARTEN For two-year-old ,500. One Mile and a Quarter. Nomination fee, . Cash value, ,500. Six Nomination fee, . Cash value ,500. Sir colts and geldings. Nomination fee, . Pen- THE BREWERS A handicap for two-year- Furlongs. Furlongs. alties and allowances. Cash value, ,500. Five olds. Nomination fee, . Cash value, ,500. THE INDEPENDENCE A handicap for THE CHRYSANTHEMUM A handicap for Furlongs. Six Furlongs. three-year-olds and upward. Nomination fee two-year-olds. Nomination fee, . Cash THE JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP For two- THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Selling, for . Cash value, ,500. One and Three-six- value. ,500 One Mile, year-olds. Nomination fee, 0 Penalties and thiee-year-olds and upward. Nomination fee, teenths Miles. THE AUTUMN SELLING STAKE For all allowances. Cash value, ,000. Five and a Cash value, ,500. One Mile. THE MOUND CITY Soiling For three-year- ages. Nomination fee, . Cash value, ,500. Half Furlongs. THE MERAMEC Selling, for three-year- olds and upward. Nomination fee, . Cash Six and One-half Furlongs. The Association pledges itself to add not less than ,000 to the Inaugural; ,200 to Club Aembers Handicap, and 00 to the other stakes. FIXED EVENT-ST. LOUIS DERBY FOR 1900. A sweepstakes for throe-year-olds foals of 18971; 5 each, or only 0 if declared by Janu- time, 7 lbs.; non-winners of four races in 19D0, 10 lbs. ; thre9 races, 12 lbs.; two races, 15 lbs.; one ary 1, 1900: 00 additional to start. The association to add ,000. of which ,000 to second, race, if beaten three or more times, 20 lbs. ; maidens, if beaten three or more times at any time, 03 to third, and the fourth to save bis stake. Winners of a stake of the total advertised value 25 lbs. Selling purse races not counted in fignring allowances. No horse that has incurred of ,000 in 1900, or one of the total advertised value of 0,000 in 1899, to carry 3 lbs. penalty; win- either of the Denalties shall be entitled to any of the allowances, and no horse which is not en- nors of a stake of the total advertised value of 0,000, or three of any value in 1900, to carry 5 lbs. titled to the first two allowances can claim any of the subsequent ones. Allowances and penal penalty. Allowances: Non-winners of two stakes of any value in 1900, 3 lbs.; of one stake at any ties not cumulative. One Mile and a Half. ST. LOUIS DERBY FOR 1902. ENTRIES TO THIS STAKE CLOSE FEBRUARY 1, 1899. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals of 1899. Entrance free for mares covered in 1898; 1902 to carry 5 lbs. penalty. Allowances: Non-winner3 of two stakes of any value in 1902, 3 lb3.: each for foals declared by January 1, 1900, the money to accompany the declaration; 310 each of a stake at any time, 7 lbs.; non-winners of four races in 1902, 10 lbs.; three races, 12 lbs.; two for foals declared by January 1, 1901, the money to accompany the declaration; 5 each for foals races, 15 lbs ; one race, if beaten three or more times, 20 lbs ; maidens. 25 lb3., if beaten three or remaining in after January 1, 1901. The stake to be re-opened May 1, 1901, and January 1, 1902, more times at any time. Sellinsr parse races not counted in figuring allowances. No horse that and entries accepted upon payment of 0 in cash. May 1, 1901, or 50 in cash, January 1. 1902. has incurred either of the penalties shall be entitled to any of the allowances, and no horse 00 to start, starters to be exempt from forfeit. The association to add ,CO0, of which ,000 to which is not entitled to the first two allowances can claim any of the subsequent ones. Allow-second, 00 to third and the fourth to save his stake. Winners of two stakes of ,000 in 1901, or ances and penalties not cumulative. One Mile and a Half, one of 0,000 in 1901 to carry 3 lbs. penalty ; winners of a stake of 0,000 or three of any value in Entry Blanks will be sent to anv address upon application to ROBERT AULL, President, Fair Grounds, St. Louis, Mo! Latonia Jockey Club RACING DEPARTMENT OF THE LATONIA AGRICULTURAL AND STOCK ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED. Stakes For Spring and Fall Heetings 1899 and Fixed Events For Spring Heeting 1900. ...STAKES TO CLOSE SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1899... SPRING MEETING 1899. STAKES TO CLOSE JANUARY 14, 1899. THE CLIPSETTA STAKES For fillies two years old. to accompany the nomination; 5 THE LATONIA SPRING PRIZE A handicap for three-year-old3. to accompany the additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to the second and 0 to the third. Winners of a nomination; 0 additional to start; ,200 added, of which 25 to the second and 5 to the sweepstake of the value of 00 to carry 3 lbs,; of two of any value, 5 lbs.; of three or more of any third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the race. Winners after publication of value, 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a sweepstake allowed 3 lbs,, and if such have not won three weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and an Eighth. races, o lbs.; two races, 8 lbs.; maidens, if never placed in a sweepstake, 12 lbs. Five Furlongs. THE TOBACCO STAKES A selling sweepstake for three-year-olds and upward. to THE HAROLD STAKES For colts two years old. to accompany the nomination; 5 accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to the second and additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to the second and 0 to the third. Winnersofa 0 to the third. Those entered for 000 to carry weight for age. Allowances: lib. for each 00 sweepstake of the value of 00 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two of any value, lbs. ; of three or more of to ,000; 1 lb. for each 00 to 00 ; 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. Starters to be named with selling any value, 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a sweepstake allowed 3 lbs., and if such have not won price tbrousrh the entry box the evening before the raca at the usual time of closing. One Mile, three races,5 lbs.; two races, 8 lbs. ; maidens, if never placed in a sweepstake, 13 lbs. Five Fnr- THE DECORATION HANDICAP For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the longs. nomination; 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the THE SENSATION STAKES For two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination; 0 third. Weights to appear three days prior to the race. Winners after the publication of weights additional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to the third. Winners of a to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and an Eighth. sweepstake of the value of 00 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two of any value or one of ,500, 5 lbs.; of THE CINCINNATI HOTEL HANDICAP For three-year-olds and upward. to accom- three or more of any value, 7 lbs. extra. Those not having won a sweepstake allowed 3 lbs., and pany the nomination; 0 additional to start; ,200 added, of which 25 to the second and 5 to if such have not won three races, 6 lbs. ; two races, 9 lbs.; maidens, if never placed in a sweep- the third. Weights to appear three days prior to the race. Winners after the publication of etake, 12 lbs. Six Furlongs. weights co carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. FALL MEETING 1899. STAKES TO CLOSE JANUARY 14, 1899. THE KIMBALLSTAKES For colts two years old. to accompany the nomination; 5 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a sweepstake allowed 5 lbs., and if such have not won four races, 8 additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to the second and 0 to the third. Winnersofa lbs.; maidens, if never placed in a sweepstake, 12 lbs. Six Furlongs. Bweepstako df the value of ,000 to carry 3 lb3.; of one of ,000 or two of any value, 5 lbs.; of THE KENTUCKY CENTRAL STAKES For two-year-olds. to accompany the nomina three of any value, 7 lbs. extra. Those not having won a sweepstake allowed 5 lbs., and if such tion; 5 additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to the second and 0 to the third. Win have not won throe races since July 1, 8 lbs. ; maidens that have not been placed in a sweepstake, ners of a sweepstake of the value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two of any value, 5 lbs.; of three of 12 lb3. Six Furlongs. any value, 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a sweepstake allowed 5 lbs., and if such have not won THE ZOO ZOO STAKES For fillies two years old. to accompany the nomination ; 5 three races since July 1, 8 lbs., maidens 10 lbs., and if beaten and not having been placed in a additional to start; 00 added, of which 00 to thesecond and 0 to the third. Winners of a sweepstake at the meeting, 15 lbs. One Mile, e weepstake of?the.value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two of any value, 5 lbs. : of three of any value, SPRING MEETING 1900. STAKES TO CLOSE JANUARY 14, 1899. THE LATONIA DERBY For throe-year-olds foals of 1S97, at 00 each, 0 forfeit, 5 if of any value or one of ,500, 5 lbs. extra. Those that have not won a sweepstake in 1900 allowed declared on or before August 1, 1899. 0 if declared on or before April 1, 1900 money to accom- 7 lbs., and if beaten and not having been placed in a sweepstake 10 lbs., maidens 15 lbs. pany declarations or they will not be accepted : ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and One Mile and an Eighth. 00 to the third. Winners of a sweepstake in 1900 of the value of ,500, 3 lbs. ; of two such or THE LATONIA OAKS For fillies three years old foals of 1897 at 00 each, 0 forfeit, 0 one of ,000, 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a sweepstake in 1903 allowed 5 lbs., and if not placed if declared on or before August 1st, 1899, 0 if declared on or before April 1st, 1900, declarations in a sweepstake, 8 lbs.; maidens, 12 pounds. One Mile and a Half, to be accompanied with the money or they will not be accepted. ,250 added, of which 50 to THE HIMYAR STAKES For three-year-olds foals of 1897 at 00 each, 0 forfeit, 0 if second and 00 to third. Winners of a sweepstake in 1900 of the value of ,000 and winners of declared on or before August 1st, 1899, 0 if declared on or before April 1st, 1900, money to two sweepstakes in that year of any value to carry 5 lbs. extra. Those not having won a sweep-accompany declarations or they will not be accepted. ,500 added, of which 00 to second stake in 1900 allowed 5 lbs., and if not placed in a sweepstake 8 lbs., maidens 12 lbs. One Mile and 00 to third. j.WinnerB of a sweepstake in 1900 of the value of ,500 to carry 3 lbs. ; of two and a Quarter. ADD RES S ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO E. C. HOPPER, SECRETARY, COVINGTON, KY.