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THE BIGGER THE PROMISE The better we keep it. Today we have THffFF SPECIAL TRICKS that will win positively and one will be as good as ten to c ne SATURDAY we have the WINNER of the Metropolitan Handicap. Special inside information. Mail orders telegraphed by 10 a, m .00 dairy, 00 weekly. Race Track Information Bureau, Suite 500, 263 Dearborn St.. Chicago, Ill„ WE TOLD THE WORLD SOI MANUEL, tbe winner of the Kentucky Uerby. is there anyone else in our line of business who even DARE to advertise the winner the day BEFORE the race is run the way we WnRTi. ¥otU aijd adrrise it to the WORLD? We do so end are PROUD of the fact. Wo also sent KENMORE OUhEN at 3 tn land IMPERATOR 5 to 1 yesterday You go and patronize the cheap information givers and you throw your money away. We are in a position to GET and GIVE good FmTtl°n- ° y?a want it? We have a bWiiiiT thin* for Saturday, which will be a long shot We NEVER fail to send two or more POSITIVE WINNERS every day. Terms 0.00 for six days selections consecu- «rl»A0vrvwisfi2- ,Sixty per cent wmneis »pv? f.or following weeks selections Utjt e. yut of towD telegrams sent before 11 a.m. Call or send for particulars. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite G05, 1G7 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. BOSTON OYSTER HJljTSJ? MADISON AND IIvUmJj clark man OXDRIANT IN FIIIINGS CUISINE DHEXCELLUb eSElsoN° .SERVICE THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE D BrwriTv r WCLTY- PRICES