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: 1 1 I 1 NEWPORT ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy ; track heavy. First Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling, lad. Horses Age, Wt. Hdcp. 11690 Clara Meader 105 .. 685 11667 B G. Fox 104 ..... 650 11547 Charlpy 0 104 680 11687 John F. Vogt ...104 ":.".675 11700 Lillian Reed 102 670 116873Monadonr 102 700 11597 Blenheim 101 ..... 665 11547 Great Pride 101 ...... 660 11686 Asman 101 .....] 640 9762 Shiufane 101 ,..... 690 11395 Scarlet and Green 96 ..".670 11272 Thanksgiving % ...... 685 Second Race— 4 1-3 Furlougs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 11645 ilndian 107 680 11643Jnue Jamison K4 .!.". 700 11643 Judge J. Riley 103 ...... 650 Banburg 103 116433Nina B. L .."lOO 675 My Butterfly, blk. f, by Pirate of Perzauce— Lady WillardlOO 11595-Cheesestrav/ 100 690 11643 My Chicken 100 .....810 11598 Belle Woodruff ico ..." 660 Postmaster Bailey 100 ....". 11645 Barneys Last lOO ....!.665 Third Race— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 11407 Banquo II 5....108 685 11578»Albert 8 6.. ..108 695 11698 Spriujftime 8 105 .. 640 1197-Jack Martin 6... 105 ..... 690 11, LO Joe oSot 7.. ..105 665 U5513Amb«f Glints 6.. ..103 680 o85i M.ggs 4.. ..101 .... 650 11549 Dr. OBrien 4.. ..101 660 11579 Howitzer 4.. ..101 675 11549 The Doctor 4.... 101 700 11700 Libation 4 101 ...... 670 Fourth Race— 7 1-2 Furlong?, 4-year-old8 and upward. Selling. Mildred 4 108 11702 Sue Kittie 7.. ..108 .....m 11578 Elsie Barnes 5 118 ... 655 11688 Brulare 4....108 655 11671 Infelice 5. ...108 665 11702Can Galop 5... .108 690 llo37 Farm Life 4.. ..108 670 11685 Lucy M 4.. ..108 700 llo94 Marietta II 4.. ..108 675 11579 Elsie Bramble 4.. ..108 685 Lachain 4 108 10173Trueligbt 5...:i08 ....".680 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, 11216 Shieldbearer 7 120 640 11685Uncle Simon 5 120 ......700 113652Meddler 8 117 ., 685 9859 Johnny Williams 4.1"ll7 !"" 680 11685 Hairpin 4... 117 660 11642 Carlotta C 5.. ..115 ..... 690 116713 The Geezer 3. 102 670 11576 Crinkle 3. ...100 "!665 Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 11635 Prosecutor 5.. no 680 11685 Tappan 5.. ..105 650 7,1?,£ris8JK,rl.n8:ie 4.. ..105 ..... 690 11644- Friendship 5. ...105 . 675 USalHelen H Gardner 6 107 . 685 11646Arcturus 4... jq4 700 116463Kathie May 5."! 103 670 11697Dr. Withrow 4.. ..101 ! 660 " 11550 Eleanor Holmes 4 99 pa*. il602l-W 5;;;:ig •;;;• g