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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE, KY„ May 12,-Eighth day. New Louisville Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather wet; track muddy. Presiding Judge, Charles F. Price. Starter, Morgan Chinn. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. H865 FIRST RACE-5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St jj H % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C~ si™ If] Ka»"""-ato" 1 Him a f s r«rpKse"n i a is 82043KALMIA A 5 5 IS 110 6 6 6 6 6 fi r*b * ?£ ?Dr8t 50 60 40 " Lfagggg***** 80 100 80 100 Wffn1e«~9 c ,by Prince Royal-May Kennedy. fnrlSng Custance tlr°ed oHheenH °D l™* The flr8t two fon»ht jt ont thron«h *■ la t scratched- 9429 Hindoonet, 112. Overweights- Custance, 2 pounds. Pinnate, place, out. Custance, place, 8 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Ostra, show, ont. 11866 8ECOND RACE-1"2 M»«- Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. ;iid H°Iggg. AWtSt g H ij StrFin Jockeys Owners Q H L C 1179620NOTA in? « S V V lHil1 Stover and Curry 15 20 15 15~ 11751 1NSTOHTr v %, i f !" 2" Be«nchampW H Laudeman 24 34 24 34 urn i1sabIindaLY SI % % 3 gTnlZ6rt lQi«*n ;„ " 5 8t 117073FA1RY DELL On?mW 2 M°?-re J5 % 15 " 107 1 514 44 5 U bormley w W H McCorkle u, 11770 ERYTHUM S k ol i 7 10 7 10 n75?LIZYMCUCARTHY g I f f f, gg? W M Haves6 ffff SALLIE MILLS 110 8 8 j field FXaa i Li foo , lime, 13, 2d*, 88, 514. it7- r. 1 r. Winner-Br. f, by Lissak-Annie Chinn. Scratched-118193Supreme. 110; 11796 Gold Pick, 107 Overweights— Unsightly, 3 pounds. MJHSgandttjj, S4btr5;2sh°ow, 2Qto°5ta PlaC6 6V6D8; *h°" l*°*- Unsightly, show, out. 11867 THIRD HACB-3-* M,le- P"se 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap". Ind Horses A Wt St H H % StrFin Jockeys - Owners O H L r JnsfRH1 Hnfl rr I* S CrowhurstLVarner 3 4f 3 4" b 10 6 8 , .Time, 13, 25*. 37*, 504, 1:04, 1:184. w,- Winner-Ch. nu u o L c, by Spendthrift-Apple Blossom. Fost 5 minutes. Start fair. Won in hard drive Th« ., a wniu-v.t r r, Rn.i t„u u - Tand finTsenedTSa°me5ye.r tW° ™ aPPar8Dt,y ~ SdatTht8 "g Scratched— 90162Azucena, 115. Overweights— Apple Jack, 34 pounds. Apple Jack, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Rush, place, out. Kentucky Colcnel, show, out. 11868 FOURTH RACE-1 MUe- P™e K . 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind Horses AWtBtH H StrFin X Jockevs Owners O H L U mm MONONGAH 3 894 8 24 24 4 5 ?i5 J pL„ W H May and Son 7-5 8-5 7-5 8-5 "" ESSES* fill !•«"«»• »»-«. ivlfe., iandiS, —asasau.jsj Li 1 1 r jssl, r/asr- Sits Tm V3 26 39 52i 1 :06 J =19* A =34. 1 :«■ Winn„r Winner— Ph Cb. „ c, K by a- Sir TV Dixon— Vassar race The others cut no figure. Bellamy ran much below his form. g00d bcratched— 11721 Tolstoi, 101. Iei*hits_Jce.C1-arkuipo,undA Monongah,34: Nellorine,2; Argavala, 2. ereus? * P 0, °W 2 * 2 J°9 C,8rk plac8 7 to 10; ahow l to 3. Monongah, show, 11869 FIFTH RACE-4 r"10. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Cnd Horses A Wt Bt g g | Str Fin JockeTs OwnUi O W L C 11722 LAMACHU? Vl°0 I ? S f lDhn 8KHW£co f f ? 11839 HiBR?HLUUCESCA 107 4 , % % BeauchampW H Laudeman 2 2 t 118372RUSSELL R. 110 1 £ ? J" ISL HJ Scog" I M I J 12i 24i 38" 51i Winner-Ch. c, by Ju«y-Tortosa.T,,Be• rnn?i„alStbreakto-abadlt,arcrWon easily; second and third driving Summer off a°«n JSf«, ?u.t!Vl ?hV6r ln.lroTnbler, Lnn Ferguson and Lamachus were off badly The laUer was was Jace P° LDQ FerKUson got the place in the last stride. Hansford ran" Tatr* showTvenT ttggjfegjjj g, f ZT PlaC6 tQ 10i Sh°W * to 3 "-*-■ 11870 8IXTH RACE_1 Mlle Fnrse «°°- 3-year.oldsand upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St H g j 8trFin Jockei Owners O H L C .ffoS-sffia., ts i s-i ands s I-S-IiS™ ■ ML EsKsss? ! sj and and r r r and■ wH- l •" V " t Tinpe, 13,26,394,52 1:05,1:19,1:33,1:47*. w Winner-Ch. Ph k n c, by Harry OFallon— Marchma. oil ftwi2. mlDMt6l Jtart KOodl Won ,n a hard dr,ve- Colonel Frank Wateis had clear sailing Scratched-11836Vice Regal, 105; 11822 Leo Lake, 100. Overweights— Duke uf Baden, 1 pound.