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|i,ooooo REWARD Will be paid to anv Jockey Club or Charitv organization for the benefit of disabled jockeys, if we CANNOT PROVE to the MANY DOUBTING persons who read this ,tad," that the following horses were i.ot sent out to our clients on St. Louis Racetrack, Friday, May 19th. OConnor, 8 to 5 wn. The Conqueror, 6 to 5 win. bun Metal. ■ 1-2 to 1 lore. *.va Rice, a place, ran second 9 to 5. Jackanapes. 8 to 5 win. Rebel oak. 30 to 1 win. If informal it, u iim- this is not worth 0.00 a week, it is worth nothing. To prove it more* conclusively to jour satisfaction we g ve the names and addresses of three crentlen.en who received this information, leaving our ofhee not latter than 12 m May 19 When writing to them kindly enclose self addressed stamped envelope for reply: A W. Search, 3835 Columbia Avenue, Cincinnati, O. J-rriesE Casey, 266 Porter Street., Detroit, Mich. H C Curly, 99 E. 2nd Street, Covington, Ky. W e charge 0 00 for six days selections and guarantee you 60 per cent, winners. A GOOD THING MONDAY. THE NATIONAL TURF INVESTMENT CO., 1 SUITE 605, 107 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL.