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SPECIAL! . For Today Only! We want you to aive us a trial todi y, not because we have a GOOD THING but because we have one SURE WINNER every day. Sometimes the odds are short and sometimes louw but that winner is there SURE. We cant convince you if you dont come and see for yourself. So we have decided to charge for this one day 00, which is contrary to our rules, 89 we accept nothing less than 0.00 for six days selections and we guarantee you 60 per cent winners Is not this a feir proposition . Telegrams and information ready by 11 a.m. National Jurf Investment Jo. SUITE 605, 167 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. LONG SHOTS Are all right when they win. To OBTAIN THEM turf speculators should call on us. as we are in a position to give that kind of information REMEMBER, no guessing, no odds-on favorites, but horses that have odds att»chf d to them. Saturday ONLY 00 for THREE reasonably SURE THINGS. Mail ordeis telegraphed by 11 a.m. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.. On the Ground at Harlem. Get our peerless system We issue a special handicap on Harlem. We GUARANTEE TWO WINNERS every day or refund the money. Be wise and get the best. No gue?9ing. For sale at our office or cigar stand Great Northern Hotel. Price 50 cents. Applies to Harlem and Hawthorne only 10 to 1 Saturday. Mailorders telegraphed by 10 a.m B-lmoiit Turf Advisory Bureau, Suite 503 Baltimore Meg, Juncy Mr#-et, up. Great ftorthern Boiel, Chicago, 111. HAWTHORNE Will be open Monday and we are onto two good things that will win sure, barring accidents. One will start on MONDAY and one Thursday. Both will be TEN TO ONE or better. This is a rare chance f .r all turf speculators. Mail orders wired early. 00 per week. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 600, 263 DttARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL.