Hawthorne Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-25

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. I] 1 CHUAliO, I I.I ., Juno 2 ».— Twelfth clay. Chicago Jockey Club. Sprinr Meeting. Ii Weather cloudy ; track fast IS 12 Presiding Judge, apt. J H. Rees. Starter, Richard Dwyer. 12 12 Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 12 -i 4 fW*/1 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mi . Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. 12 _|_ * O tfc 2-year-olds. Allowances H Ind HorBee ~ A Wt St g % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12741ISTRATHBROECK 107 3t 14 5* 5 1"" BnauchampJobn Bechlet M 8-5 6-5 7-5 125993NULLAH 104 2" tH V 1- 21 Vitatoe L D Frazee 5 8 5 8 M hi ITWTHf Ml 107 J" 3*" 31 3" W Ratter H T Pierce «fc Co 2 3 2 3 i, 12599UNLOOK 107 II II 2 24 44 Baesinger Powell and Estill 6 6 I 5 „ 12850 BOODS BRIGADE 112 4i V V 44 $»» Hsmilton Jsm»s Arthur 5 8 5 7 ,, 12935 BRASIG 107 6" V 6* 6» 6i W Narvaez M L Koch 10 100 10 100 ,. c BEIDENWEG 107 7 7 7 7 7 1 Powell TEBurett 31 100 30 100 u Time 12+, 244, 351. 49, 1 :01i. g, Winner— B c. by Strahmoie— Bth Bosck. Po*t 7 minutes. Start g od. It was very close between the first fuur All wrre driving to the limit Btrattbrceck won like a gi od colt. He CUM fr in bahiud in the stretch with a tremendous rafh and displayed gre it gameness. Beanchampr.de bim tkillfoly. Nullah is not j game. She teemed to have the race safely in hand a fixt-ienth out but weakened b idly wh°n pinched. She i» very fast but cannot go over four end one half furlongs. Talma outstayed In loik. Tie latter is fast and was us d much early trjing to outrace Nullah. Hcods Brigade, considering his heavy impo-t, ran a good race. He was nen9 too well ridden Beidenweg is a Ivg overgrow n jonngser and ba-d!y knew what to do Scratched— The UnknowD, 107; 12880 Aileen Wilson, 104 Strathbro ck. piece, 1 to 2; show, out. Nullah, place, 3tol; show, 3 to 2. Talma, show, 1 to 2. SECOND RACE-3-4 Mile. Parse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. C rLif*K il5»/DO 3-year-olds and upward, gelling. ~ Ind Horses AWt 8t M ft X. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12884 MAGGIE DAVIS 3 lOti 1«« V P 1* 14 Butter W M Sloan 6 6 6 6 V 12801 HE HOICS 3 109 7» 71 84 74 M Hamilton T Costello 6 10 6 8 128"3 O-iDIAL I 106 2" 9» 7h 6h 31 T Knight W M Hedges 20 20 12 15 12758 BROWN DICK 3 108 8»* 104 9« 3** 44 BeauchtmpJ K Redmon 15 15 15 15 12375 AMYNTAS I 107 44 2H 23 tH 51 J Hart MdltnandJugblthi 4 3 4 J2806 CORA HAVILLII.3 106 3« 11" 5»« 5« 62 Vitatoe G B Havill 4 5 4 5 12762 CLARENCE T. 3 111 5»« »■ 34 44 74 P lay Vater and Patterson5 10 5 10 12763 PAT CLEBURNE X 108 94 $•■ * 84 8« 1 Powell J Hsll 8 15 8 15 12758 RADAiKE 4 117 10" 81 11* 9« 91 W Narvaez L Jones 40 100 40 100 12X01 CUIRASSIER 12 6« 8»«124 11 10« W Dean Mer-eiPatterson ir H 8 12 , 12909 KAMS1N 0 121114 12* 101 10 112 Cover LHEzill 6 10 6 10 l 12482 BLARE FACE 3 108 13" 13«13i 131 121 Dupee B Vincent and Co 6 6 3 3 1 128M ALBERT M 3 108 12" 144 144 12 13i Brcschart James Arthur 40 100 40 100 1 12905 DAILY R. FORM 4 122 14" 44 44 141144 Brophy H Hate«ofca 20 30 20 30 1 12702 THANKSGIVING 3 106 15 15 15 IS 15 Nott James Weil and Co 20 30 20 30 1 Time, 124, 23!. 351, 48, 1 :0U. 1 :15. I Winner— B. f. by Sayre— Lizzie C 1 Off at the first br ak to a perfect start. Won driving and staggering: second, third and 1 fourth were doing heir best. Meggie Davis had the most sped and barely lasted long enough. Heroics was clositg ve; y fast end would have won in a few more strides. Bad racirg luck cost 1 him the race. Cordial Ii a good maiden. Mark her for a maiden race. Brown Dick looked 1 dangerous at the head of the stietcb. bat could not stand the pressure at the end. Amvntas 1 may liavfi been short. At any rate 3he quit badly when the pinch camp. Pat Cleburne was in a 1 pnebet all the way. Kamsin seems to be off. 1 Scratched— 12774 Calchas, 111. 1 Overweights— Amynta", 1 pound; Heroics, 1; Cuirassier, 1. 1 Masgie Davis, place, 2 to i; show, evens. Heroics, place, 3 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Cordial, show, 1 S to 1. Amyntae, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. 1 -i iyCkCii THIRD RACE-Shott Course. Purse00. 5 to first; 5 to second. j J.5/00 4-year-olds and upward. Steeplechase. I Ind Horses A Wt St 4 7 9 10 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L~"C~ 126892JACK HAYES 5 147 34 *«» t" 2* 21" W* 13 Johnson J R H-Miry 4 4 11-511-5 -!2S«9CEENIER 4 136 51 1» 1 D4 1" II 2* OBrien M T Miles 8-5 4 8-5 4 I 126 9SD. CORNDO 6 149 24 4-*" 3» 410032 3, 3iSDeSota W A Harper 5 8 5 8 1 1829-iC.W GaTMN7 1.77 4» 3 4» 34 «*• V—U—W Doane D A Honig 8-5 24 8-5 9-5 1 S286 MISS DCNN 9 155 14 54 5 5 5 5 5 J Boyd Fred Sellers 15 20 15 20 I S178 GYPCEIVER 4 139 6 6 Ran oat. Kidd T Carey 10 10 4 4 1 Time, 3:201. I Winner— Br. g, by Bum — Stella Hayes. I OS at first break to a g tod start Won cleverly after a very hard drive; second eased at the 1 end. It was an interesting race to look at. All the horses had been properly schooled and 1 no mistake: with the exception of Gypceiver miming out, were madp. Chenier was the best 1 fencer of the lot, but Jack Hayes could outrun him on the flat. The latter was bast ridden and came away easily at the end. Chenier was stopping badly. Del Coronado did fairly well. Colo 1 uel Weigttman w«» not rpady. One of Doanes stirrup leathers broke and he could cot help the i a . fcari|aUj_jrhe others will hardly do as jumpers. lad Horses A Wt St %. % H. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1 12884 PK TOLA 3 95 6« 51 5U 314 3» Hi 12* Dapee E R Bradley 2 34 2 34 128532K BERMUDA! 105 2" 7 7 7 7 21 2« Vitatce J R Hand 10 10 6 8 12773 BANQUO 11. $ 1M 3" 6"» 61 4« 4- 34 31 P Clay C De Witt 10 15 10 15 H2719PR. BL.AZES4 107 14 4*« 44 61 4 5** 5»« 44 J Hart SloinA Hurst 15 20 15 20 12907JDEEH1NG ;i 97 7 34 3 25 8" 41 51 Silvers R Tucker 7-101 7-101 12939 BEN A ME LA 6 110 5" 24 24 5" 61 7 6* Haha HolmanA Hollis 15 20 15 20 12885B. BONNER 5 110 4h |l U 124 114 62 7 Ratter C O Kelsey 4 5 4 4* Time, 24i, 491, 1:01 i, 1:151, l:40i, 1:53. Winner— Ch. I, by Fonso— Peony. OS at the first break to a good start. Won easily; second, third and fourth were driving to 3 the limit. Piccola ran a high class race. She wes andar a stoat palt to the stretch tarn and 1 then went to the front like a flash. The filly coull have ran mach faster if pressed. King Bermuda, . slow to Ingm. finished with a rush. Tbis was the same kini of a race the gelding ian 1 when McXickle rode him lant. Banquo II. ana Prince Blares both stood loDg drives. Deeriog j quit when tin pinch came He was carried too fast by Robert Bonner the first mile. The early-fast 1 pace stopped both of them. Overweights — Piccola. 3 pounds; Benamela, 1. Piccola, place, evens; show. 2 to 5. King Bermuda, place, 24 to 1; show, evens. Banque II., show, 24 to 1. Deering, place, 1 to 2. 1 4 WiJ FIFTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. i £A «_/ 1 J O 3-year-oldB and upward. SeUing. • . lad Horses ~ A Wt Bt j H H. StrFin Jockeyr Owners O H L C" " S510 VIE LAMONT 3 105 1»* 1»» 14 1H 1" Vitatoe Walter Gnm 6 6 3 4 12909 IDLE HOUR 5 124 4" 5« 41 31 2" P Clay C De Witt 20 20 15 15 12309 MISS ROSS 6 119 6" 4" 51 41 324 Hamilton W R Griffin I 10 8 10 12761 Ca.ARMANTE 3 107 2« 24 324 24 4»« J Hart SloanandHnrst 7 10 7 10 I12771JCOL. EADES 3 108 11" 91 9" ID 5M T Knight H Gwynn and Co 7 12 7 12 12881 ERNEST WILES 3 111 94 84 7« 84 62 R Narvaez H C McVey 10 10 10 10 12909 A L LONE 5 119 3« 3« 6« 64 7 W Narvaez John Dowd 8 8 4 6 12719-iRACIVAN 3 108 124 121 10 9" 84 J Carter P Corrigan 8-5 9-5 8-5 9-5 12721 M1DLO 6 121104 H 2" 5« 91 I Powell F Sutton 20 30 20 30 12148 JOHN F. VOGT 3 111 5" lil 114 101 104 W Dean Clawson and McCoylO 12 10 10 12711 JACK MARTIN 6 121 IS* 13* 121 124 11U A Wright St Elmo S Russ 50 100 50 106 8057 MISTRESS PEG 3 106 74 14 132 132 12U Hunter R H McPotter 40 108 40 100 [ 12763 NORA C. 3 106 8-« 71 14 14 132 McCann W H Fasaett 15 30 15 30 9540 JAY BIRD 4 117 14 101 8»« 71 14 Wilsoa W H Davis 30 100 30 100 , 12771 ELSIE M. 4 117 Left at the pott. Bisping A J Ogles 40 40 40 40 Time, 12, 244, 37, 494, 1 :01i, 1 :14i . Winner -Ch. f, by Ben Sirome— Briar. Post 10 minutes Start good The first three were driving to the limit. Vie Lamont won a a lrcky race She was away flying and always bad clear sailing. TLe filly was tiring fast at the e end and barely lasted long enough. Ide Hour ran a good race and would have won in a few * more stride.. Miss Boss, on the inside, fiuisheu very strong. She had a rough journey. Char-mante was right there all t tie way. Had Colonel Eades besn abe to get throagn in the stretch h he would have won. He ran the bast r»ce of the lot. Racivan got oS in a pocket and could d never get out of it. Throw his race out. Al Lone was jumped on and badly cat. Scratched— 12934 Anna Held, 106. Overweights — Ch6rmante. 1 pound. Vie Lamont, place, 8 to 5; show, evens. Idle Hour, place, 6 te 1; skow, 3 to 1. Miss Row, i, »how, 2 to 1. Racivan, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. I] 1 Ii IS 12 12 12 12 12 H M hi i, „ ,, ,. c u g, j OQlO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. to second ; 1 to third. JLjgCTvf j S-year-oias ana upward. Allowancst . Ind Horses A Wt St M ¥t U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12718 WHAT ER LOU 5 112 7»i 7*« 6« 6* 31 12 Ratter John McCaffery 8-5 9-5 6-5 9-5 12881*G*LATHEE 3 100 6" S» 31 214 14 2» BeauchampW M Hayes 4 4 8 34 12584«HUGH PENNY 9 109 1« 2U2" 31 44 3U Natt HBGdrichrecr 3 34 3 3 12905 DEL PASO II. 6 109 5»* 61 4« 51 5»« 41 Dapee F McCailough 100 100J100 100 128553GUESS ME 3 91 44 !»• 1« 13 2»« 54 J Carter J V Carter 4 4 4 4 127632MIZPAH 5 112 3»« 4»* 52 42 610 615 Vitatoe W J Roche 6 8 6 8 128852KINGS GUARD 4 105 2« 5» 7» 78 71 71* R Narvaez C B Campbell 100 150 100 150 12*53 BLACK FONSO 4 102 888888 G Green J Weil A Co 100 300 100 300 •Disqualified for foul. Time, 124, 231, 364, 491. 1:01, 1:13*. 1:264,1:391. Winner— B. h, by White— Aim * Lamar. Post 6 minutes. Stait good. Won cleverly at the end after a hard early drive; second, third 1 fourth were under keen pressure What er Lou was the beet and showed it. He was slow to beg n, but flnir bed fast He is good now and ca 1 prrbsbly t eat anything at either tr-ck at a mile or over. Galathee ran a greatly improved race. He had plenty of speed and bung on ganoly at the end. This was a great improvement over his two previous rac3s here Ths colt ow lei Hagh Penny in the last fifty yar Is, causng the Utter to pull up, cone equently the disqualification. Hugh Penny stopped, bat came aeaiu in thestietch. Del Paso II. ran a corking good race for hm Guess Me qoit badly She polled up lame Scratched— 12937 Uncle Abo, 109; 12486 Pitfall, 106; 129C9 Mary Kinsella, 100: 12803 Hobait, 100. Wbst er Lou, place, 7 to 10; fhow, 1 to 3. High Penny, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Del Paso II., show, 15 to 1. Galathee, place, 7 to 5 ; show. 3 to 5. Ques3 Me, placa, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899062501/drf1899062501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899062501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800