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A. SWORN STATEMENT. R. t i. Her: dou, being first duly sworn, deposes and siys that th fol ;winj statemant i true j md eorr ct, and that the followirg witibina sehcti n- were sent to the regular sabjcribjra to I the Tran?-ContineLtdl H6ndicai. during week emlin? Juno 24, 1899: Hi epefa mI Bay, Hawtliorne. St. Louis. Lat-mia. Hol-aud. 6 to 1 Chler. 10 to 1. Hiu loouet, 8 to 5. C1vst.1l.iae, 10 to 1. M-.y Hemp-t «4, 8 to S. Drnuld B nn, 4 to 1. Ladv Callahan, 10 to 1. School Girl, 5 to 1. I M ss Pation, 20 to 1. Rifle. 7 to 2. Go To Del, 20 to 1. Strathlight, 5 to 1. I B-ndorin. 6 to 1. Moroni, 4 to 5. Mr. Phinizy, 5 to 2. May Jane, 12 to 1. Thon a- t. 2 tol. Btney Boy. 5 to 2. Sir Rolla, 9 to 5. Batten. 8 to 5. B g Gun 8 t 5. Princess Thyra, 5 to 1. Red Pir.tte. 9 to 2. Finem Respice. o to 1. Peace, 7 10 1. Emer 5 to 1. Aunt Maty, I to 1. Anthracite, 5 to 2. tnir Deceiver. 10 to 1. Loving Cup, 6 to 5. Jessie Jarboe, 5 to 1. ♦Antiquaiy, 7 to 2 W. B. Gates. 9 to 2. Dutch Comedian.evens *Dii-qnaifif d lor foul. Barton, 30 to 1. ■ ecun 22j t i Ch i tet 38 of the Criminal Code says: Every person bating takea a lawful ntli 1 r iThi e affi m« ion in any judit ial pr ceedinfi. or in any other matter where by law aa I ath 1 r! is • equ red. w£o thai swear or sffiim willfully, corinptly and falsely, shall bed en a gi i tj of j e: ji ry . aad slit ll be imprisoned in the penitentuoy not less than one nor more ihau 1 urteen years, Bwota to before wetbiaMlh day of June. A. D., 1899. *eai. W. STEVENS LEWIS, Notary Public. Cook Co.. 111. If tl e . hove stae ment is not tine in all its details, we are gnilly of perjury, and subjest to tanpriM mi, njt. but ve will also fJDifef t ,000 to any one of our .sub?cribers who can prove that thehov sfhcii.Lt were 01 t .-8t.t ipM ty db dnriEK tli« past «eeK. No further comment is nej- easan. Wedtf., .1 ctmii etition, W e ara positively tbe leaders in this busiuess, and unequaled. Oi.r it . 11 s . r $.00 . e.r week, wi:ed or ready at office at 11 a.m. daily. THE IRANS-lOiNTIiNESTAL HAKDICAP, m4ViSEL£S?**9*m