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GOSSIP OF THE TURF. Cincinnati O.. June 20. Prince McCIurg, th wii n r of the St. Louis Derby, has not as ye be n retnraod to Latm a, although it was given out that he v a qaanored at tliat track. Toe ownership of th horse is now in controversy in the Knnton Circ it Court, the claim nts b iog Oolonl W. E. Apt legate ant Kid" Wcller. Jude Tarvin allowed the liorso to start in the r?t Louis Derby c n Color ol Apple-gits giving bond in the sum of 0,000 toremove tin snimHl f r m tie state. Deputy MHSter Cem Jiissioner George K6fer was pp iDted receiver aod paced in rhirge of ihe thorough-bicd, ai d r amod Mr. Hei ry Tarvin as his re-1 resent a ive to go to St Lonis with the horse. Since then the re has been some trouble in get-tiog the animal b ck to Kentucky, and Mr. Tarvin is now in St. Louis attemptiLg to locate tie animal. I The Cincirnati Ei quir r of Friday says: "There wi 1 not b more than twenty i ays rac-iug at Latonia this fall. The inanagemeit of the Km ton Coutty course ia determined to put the local rt cicg gan e on a high standaid of excellence, and for the goi d of the sprt the next meeiing at the Latoi ia t ack v ill b a much sbor cr one than tl at of the fall of 1893 The meeting will pre bably open on Monday, October 2. T n cr mores at es will be hung np far th horsemen, three of them, the Z o Zoo. the Kimball and Kentucky Central, having closed last fiutor. S cretniy Hopper will announce the additional eve nt sin the near future." Master Mitchell, v.ho rode Byron McClelland wbf n the hi rse was lilted at Coney Islmd Wednesday bad a marvellous escape. Tdo accident orcurrrd as the field was rounding tho turn ino tho backe-tretcb, where there vtas considerable crowding. This ferepd Byrrn McClelland to his knres and put Mitchell on his neck. The lattc straggled g mely to get back into tho.sadiilc but could not do bo and fell. He hpjd on to tl e reins, and for a sixteenth of a mile he was d-a ged aloDg, bnt finally tLo horse got away fn m him. As the boy did not move it was thought that he bed been killed, but when taken to thp jockeys room it was found that he only h"d b en shaken up. St. Louis, Mo, June 30. Southern Girls clever victory in the Missouri Stales at tho Fair Grounds yesterdsy d monstrated conclusively that George Tattle krow what he was sbont hen he ru-chased the filly 8nd her s table companion, B t of Faebion, e f Abo Cal n last week for Brims and Waterbouse. The pair of fillies cost Borne and Wsterhouse quite a fancy sumrbut they me well worth what Tattle paid for them The shrewd busin ss manaecr of the Burns and Waterbouse racing estbblish-ment is a close student of the racing game. He totk a fancy to Southern Gnl and Bit of Fashion n the str.netti of their early races at the Fair Grounds As soon as he heaid the pair was for sale. Tutile lost i o time in closing the deal for tl cm. Both fillies are mnpniBcntly bred, and will doubtless mate useful matrons in the Burns and Waterhou-e brediDg establishment is Caliifort ia after their racing days, are over. Bit of Fashion is considered the better of the pair. Charley Thorpe ban to take tl eight pounds to ride Southern Girl yeserdey He weighed 110 Wedmsd-y, and reduced down to 102 by hard work on the road. Ti orpe doesnt believe in reducing by the Turkish bath process. The "old mai" certainly did him-olf proud by bis ride on Southern Girl. Lew" Cahn, the owner of Thrivp, saidaitr the race that nothing but Thorpes supeib riding got the money. Accordirg to tho ifficial f gures, on Suburban daj there v. ere 29 S00 paid a- missions to Coney Islai d track. Counting 10,00 f these as field ar missions, at 50 cents earh; 15,000 as pr nd-. stand acm ssions, at S2 o ch; 4 9C0 as box and padlock fdmissions, at .50 eecb. the income fn m s dmissiorjs alone would 1 e S18 250. Add io th s the income fn m 100 b okmakrs at 5 each and 100 averaging 5 each, 1 COOmor, and sey 500 members at S5 f acb, 52,f0O morp, and tho tot.l iuc me would amount to 1,750 or thereabouts gio-s. Matt Fyrres has been selected to handle the horses that P Lorillard will rare in this country next season. Byrnes is one of ihe old-school trainers, still be ha pr ved a master ra-d at ti e work. Salvator, Fireczi, Tnmmany and mai y more of the mo6t f mous hr6es ia the country were prepared nr der bis diroction. Chery Loaf. Prnce Haiiy, Bicor. PanJotte, Son el Bose, Mr. Johnsm Tr mble, I ry-ial Dorr o and Au-tor, ruled oil wiih Tom Berrys stable at St. L cis some time auo, elor g with Clay P yntcr. woro all roiustat d. excopt the lattpr, by Jndgo Muiihy at St Louis Friday ff erhehad beard sworn statements that the hoises weio only tiained by Beny.