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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., July 1. Seventeenth day. Harlem Jockey Club. SpriDg Meeting. Weather clear; track good. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter. Bicbard Dwyer. HaciDg starts at 2 :30 p. m. Q f FIRST RACE 3-4 Mi e. Purse. 00. 75 to second; 5 to third. Q VjO Q 3-year-olds and upwards. Selling. Ind Hir?ea A Wt St M Y H. 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13010 KMIN 6 1 05 9 8U 62 41 11 Butter L H Ezll 3 3 2 2 12716 PAPA PARRY 4 103 1 41 4 Ah 22 Nntt H A Crtt-n 10 15 10 12 1292 GBEY JOPN 4 103 2" 1" 2U 21 3 H Wilson JKringstou 4 6 4 6 U0i2 INCIDVNTAL 4 H3 5h 32J 1k la 4H V J. n s W J Widener and Col2 12 6 10 135.! Na POGDE 4 106 111 51 51 52 51 J Daffy S Faucis 15 25 15 25 12193 DORETTE 6 105 6i 102 91 71 61 Westwo-d P II Ksegan 20 40 20 40 12MH COPHISE 6 109U2h 1U 101 91 71 Adams E H Felows 40 0 40 50 J21i22INVERAMY II. 4 107 71 72 8 102 81 B lmes L G Smith 5 8 5 7 129-8 JAY BIRD 4 101 35 6a 112 81 92 Wilson WHDavies 20 40 20 40 6368 LORIMKrf 5 105 131 131 13 121 10 AD rsey W Mnlveil 40 60 40 CO 13029 MARY PRATHER5 103 11" 14b 121 132 111 w Wilson JMMatbewson 30 40 30 40 1S029 MERHY GLEN 4 101 4 2" .1 W 122 Gray James HBryd 20 40 20 40 1290 PERSPECTIVE 4 106 10 92 72 6"13i Or ar Mrs W B CrawfordEO 60 50 60 1288 DUTY 3 92 8 121151143 141 Necom Mrs 8 M Sexton 4 6 4 5 12979 1N?PTB HUNT 4 10. 15a 151 141 16 15 W Narvaez C C Daly 5 8 5 8 12690 EST NE RtGINA 5 103 16 16 16 15a 10 H V ill amsP J Johnson 20 40 20 40 Time, 12, 21, 361. 49. 1 :02, 1 :15. Winner B g by Blazes Miss Hall. Post 17 minute. St-rtfBir Won cleverly ; next throo driviDg bard. KBmsin was the best. Be as slow go t ng into mo" ion aDd bad to pick his field up gradaally. But be was goin? away at tbo end ano far outclasses bis Held. Papa Hairy ran a g od race Be weaved his way through next to the rail n,h stretch turn and finished sternly. Grov John and Incidental b ith t rpd bidly. Tnoy wore bumping oich other all through the stretch. Maik Na Popm in the pubic compry Und r an ta-y noo he ran a eo"d race. Meriy Glen showed speed. Inspector Hunt acted baclr at the post and caused tht delay. Inverary II. bad a rough journey. Duty was neypr prominent. Oveiwe-gbts Dorette. 3 pounds: Cochisp, 41; Perspective, 3. Kninsin. phc, 4 tD 5; show, 1 to 2. Papa Harry, place, 6 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Grey John, show, 6 to 5 . 1"0 f Q SECOND RACE-1 MfieTPurse 00 5 to second; aloThirdL VQ O 4-e-ir-oldB and upward. Selling. I ii HiTEei- A Wt 8t H H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 130:62GRAZIELLA 4 107 12121 2U 22 1" P Cley F J Kely 3 4 3 4 13xi9 MOLO 4 112 3a 31 it 32 1st 22 Ovpron W H. ffman 6 10 6 6 lbOU K"RT. BONNER 5 105 2a 62 51 5 32 35 T Kn ght C O K lsey . 2 41 2 41 12854 e LOP 4 103 4t H 14 11 4 43 J MatnewB F A Poi e 6 8 6 8 13i273A m h LIA FONSO 6 lOi 7a 51 31 42 51 52 Butur W P M-grano 5 5 4 41 12928 PIGIT 3 8 8 8 7k 61 61 6 Riufom H J Scoggm 30 60 30 60 1296J2KING RERMUDA1 103 5 4 6U 710 710 75 Hoi en J R Hand 2 3 2 21 12938 cPRINGEK 3 90 6" 7n 8 8 8 8 McGovprn 8 Wagner B0 75 50 75 Tim-, 13, 25, 37, 49, 1:12, 1:15, 1:28, 1:40. Winrer Cb. m, by Aintre Qui-k. Pot 8 minute Start go d. Won in a long bard drive of two; third and fourth were also doing th ir bfS . Clay clear y on fi iitid Overt n. An eigt th ont M-1 had G aziola b aten. Overton bin w i nl to pi osxcnl rism. Clay riding his hardest, landed the rare. H wa on tl o irside and after a t rriflc drive, mauaged tn win It was a ptetty piece of jockeys-hip. Molo ip cherry ripe and slvuld tin trtck get mud y, will be a fwaet proposition Robert Bi nuer was slow 10 b-gin. bit finished strong. Amelia Fonso is a jade. KiDg Bermuda took the kng route and did not iu hs-ci. Flop sboAt-d sr me ppd. Tab him ScraUh-r 13008 Little Sineer. 103: 131-25 K nes Guard. 106; 130103Tdle Hou-, 108; 12907 J. J.T.,91: 13027 B.igs, 105; 12939 Uarda, 109; 13050 Necadah, 103; 13049 Finun, 90; 130082Red Gi.a 103 Gruzulla, pUc, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2 Molo. puce, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Robert Bonner, show, 7 to 10. King Bermuda, place, evens; show, lto 2. " f T 07TQf7 THIRD RACE 1-2 MnePurse 0075 to second; 5 to tbirdT JL OvJO I 2 year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St li K StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 13028NULLAH 100 2" 1211 121 Nutt LDFrsz e 12 18-5 13t6l INLOOK 103 3 23 22 25 Bassinger Dowell and Estill 3 7 3 7 12850 FIttsT PAST 103 4 42 3 32 Dupe WooddandAnder8D4 5 4 4 12959 NETTIE REGENT 95 7 61 f.2 41 H Wison Mrs K P Shipp 6 8 6 8 CHIEF FARRELL 98 11 51 42 5 N Hill Wagner and Web-r 10 12 10 10 13024 CI AKA WOULEY 100 81 36 6 61 Holden B-tt e and Co 10 20 10 15 BE-EDA 95 9 7 7 7 T Knight MidtotjandJgb!utb6 6 4 5 1S021 SATAN 9510 101 91 81 Gray Jampg Curl 30 50 30 50 BLE OFTHEGLEN95 11 12111 91 Flick LHEzol 10 30 10 30 12206 CBYS1 YNE 95 12 11h 12 102 Bansom E T G aves 30 60 30 60 12599 atONA MURPHY 99 5h 8 8 IU Shppard T E Barrett 15 40 15 40 12150 EVA MOE 95 13 13 13 12 A Booker C B Campbell 30 50 30 50 13018 IRENE HA YE 3 981 6" 91 10 13 Bropby J Hayes 30 80 20 30 Time, 12, 24, 35, 48. Winner B h, by Aintree Lady Augusta. Post 5 minntcB. Sta t fair. Won haudily. There was a lot of action behind the winner. Nullah is a setviceable tiliy. She has abundant speed and improves iu gameness Inlook seemed to have her beaten at the heid of the stretch, but be went to pieces in the final furlong. First Past was outrun early He whs hardly raady and bad an easy race. Nettie Begbnt did well. Mark lnr. Chief Forrell is a big, fine looking colt, Rumor has it that he haa worked very fast. Clara Wooley was poony ridden. Boeda. heavily played, raced like a badgo horse. Ovei weights Moua Murphy, 4 pounds; Irene flbyoj, 31. Nullah, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Inlook, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. First Past, show, 4 to 5. QAQQ FOU RTH liACE 1 1-16 Milei Purse 00. 5 to socond; 5 to third. fj f O 3-vnHrnlris nwi upward. HnpHicp Ind tioihes A -m j Yj S rfiu Jnctseya Qunrs U H U C 12e52AL.tHt.SuO . 4 106 3" 6 6 4 2 1 Suts T Licaizi 3 3 2 11-5 12vSU2rENBY 4 106 6 21 52 la 13 21 Aker 8 8 Bender 21 6 21 6 128 22JOLLY ROGER 3 91 11 52 31 2a 53 35 T Knight J A Vetter 3 5 3 5 130U92JOUN BAKER 5 11314 31 2" 3 3a 41 Blots J D McMillan 8 10 8 10 12939UARDA 4 90 2 l 11 5t 4 52 basincor J J Donovan 5 5 3 31 l290t?iiRANCH 4 N-Oi 5 41 4a 6 6 6 Bolden C E Mahone 31 6 3 5 Time, 12i. 25. 37t, 491, 1:021, 1:151, 1:28, 1:401, 1:47. Winner B h. by Eolus Glad.ota. Post 5 m. nates Start f?o d. on in a punishing drivo; second and third driving hard. Al Fretco jnst got up in the last stride. He was luctcy to win. Tenby was the bast and more judiciously banilei cuuld not hive ost. Aker made his run too soon and wobbled a 1 over tue horse when the pinch came. Had the boy watted to the Btretch for bis m vo Al Fresco never conld hao c iDglic him. Tenby is a horro of one buist of speed and bad that been nsed at the right timn ibe icsult woul 1 havb baen different. Jouy Roger was ru .ning last at the finish, fie wts bidly cut oil and obliged to pull up ou the far turn. With clear sailing he would have given the leaders a sto t argument. Weight and tveritbiu taken into consideration Jobn Baker raced well. When TJaroa quit she quit all over 1 he field was well bai.ched and it was a pretty race all the way. Al Fro-c ia perform tnce was an improvement over his last. Scratched 12978 Bonnnres, 97; 130533Egbart, 100. Ovetweiglns Brtnch. 2i pouudB; John Baker, 3i. Al Fresco, place. 4 to 5; show, out. Ttnby, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Jolly Roger, show, 4 to 5. U-irnx. ptwee, 6 to 5; slmw. 3 o 5. -I LJJ FIFTH KACE l 3-8 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. I O J O t 3-year-olds and upward, Allowances. Id Horses AWt8t St X H H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13051211. WAYMAN 4 107 4" 26 212 13 15 13 124 fintter W B Batterman 3-2 2 3-2 8-5 fl3053F THMPaN4 102 2 53 42 3 36 22 26 T Knight J B Kespass 6-5 6-5 1 11-10 1297830R0EUS 5 -99 14 3U 3 4 4 425 3 N Hill S C WaKLor 5 5 4 4 13U53 EIN -TKIN 4 lu4 51 1 la 2 2i 31 4 Bssmger Earnshaw Bros 8 15 8 15 13053 BARTON 5 99 3 4U 52 625 61 0031 514 H WilliamsRold and ahauer 30 40 30 40 13t073dUNrJLTKST 7 102 6a 65 620 50 5s 625 615 niram J E Cashing 30 30 30 30 13053 ODBJOHNNY5 104 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Hahu Holmanand Hollis 30 60 30 60 Time, 13, 25r. 37, 49i, 1:02, 1:14, 1:27, 1:40, 1:54, 2:061, 2:19. Winner B. h, by Major Richards Blue Bdil. Post 4 minutes. S ait good. Won handily; second driving hard. Monk Wayman hd the most 8peea and ran a cracking good raco H was fit and ready and Butter went out with him fiom tbe start. Ho hilj the btbtrs safe all the way. The etirly pace was fast. FrankTuomp-sou conld n-vor not within sttiking dlstat-ca. Knight was toj light to do bim justice. Croesus fluishedg mely. Fi .stein w a-, rated to pieces tLe tlst mile. Th tubers wi re beaten off Scthubeu 13053 Procecutoi, 102; 130532Banquo II., 107; 13063 Frtd Barr, 102; 13060 D. P. McCaitby, 90 Ovt rweights Our Johnny, 3 pounds. Monk Wayman, plaoe, 1 to 2; show, out. Frank Thompson, place, 2 to 5; enow, out. Croeeus, ihow, 7 to 10. 1 QfQf SIXTH RACE-3-4 Mile. PnrseS400. 5 to first; 5 to second. JL O O J 3-year-olds and npwaids. 8elling Ind Horses A Wt 8t !j H V. Str Fin Jockeya Ownera O H L C 130263PAUI INE J. 3 98 3 21 2 22 1 Nutt E C Brown and Co 3 6 3 5 130292 MOB ONI 4110 la a 6 5 2 Holden Jamep Arthur 6-511-56-52 130" 6 POPE LFO 4 108 2a IU 11 11 3" B WilJiamsJ W Wilscn 10 15 10 15 I29301D. COMEDIAN 4 110 7 61 51 31 4U T Knight Kehm Bros 3 4 3 4 12x79 SIM W. 6 111 81 7" 81 7 56 J Mathews W B Leonard 6 6 4 41 13029 TONY LICALZI 4 105 61 82 72 41 61 Bahn Holman and Hollis 10 12 10 12 13fl0 WaBREN PQ1NT6 105 9a 9 92 10 1 Grey J m. s Curl 10 30 10 30 2965MAGGIR DAVI8 3 92 5" 41 3" 62 81 J Waldo W M onn 10 15 10 15 6934 1 1NCRAFT 4 106 4a 3 41 81 91 Aker Gei.rro Mit.chfll 30 40 30 40 128 4 FREE LADY 4 105 101 118 101 9a 103 Butter WPMigrsne 6 7 6 7 129102 MARIETTA II 4 101 ll 10111111112 W Jones John Haunigan 10 10 10 50 SEN. THOMPSON3 101 12 12 "12 12 12 Harrii gonS Kiawl 80 60 SO 60 Time, 121, 24,371,49, 1:011, 1:14. Winner B f by Juliec Pauline. Post 10 minuses. S art tair Won in a haid drive of four. Pauline J. was lncy and woll ridden She bad clear sailiug and took the shortest route Moroni, as thi ran wae mti, was ths host. He was slow to cet going and naturally mot with much interferencp. Fr m the head of tbe sretch bomo Mon ni m ide up a woMd of gou d, and bad tbe ia:e been a lute forth r be w u d have won. P pe L o had no excuses. Hi- simtiy tired when the pinch ctmo Dutch Comedian was inteift red with often nd hud a rot gh journy So did Sim W. Both finished very s-tror g. MBgei Davis ttnd Tiocr t shot tber bolts e.rly. Hcrtcbci 94012Bofugee. 109; 129683 Miss Ross. 103. Paulinp J., p ace. 2 to 1; show, evens. M roni, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Pope Leo, show, 3 to 1. Dntcu Comedian, place 8 to 5; tho-v. 4 to 5.