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HARLEM FORM CHART. 2 CHICAGO. 111., July 35 Twenty-fifth day. Harlem Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Jutge. A W Hamilton Starter, Riclurd Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. in. : : 1 O ET r "fe FIRST HAC5E-4 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. S75 to second; 525 to third. j OQnH 2-vftar-nlds. Sllirg : trd HorsPB A Wt St M XA StrFin Jookoyq Owners O H L 0 13197 LO riOND 106 ia 6i 4s 42 li Beauct.ampW P Maaraue 4 5 4 4t 1340 13 DECOY 112 31 2J 2 2 21 J Mathews S K Hughe and Co 1 41 4 1 12177 JKE WEBER 103 1" li l3 li 3i N Hill Wagoer and Weber 15 15 2 2 13359 FRANGIBLE 106 7" 81 51 3 4H Flick W E Applogate 3 5 3 5 133553MAHARAJAH 110 5" 51 62 61 52 BI S3 H T Griffin 4 6 4 6 134 tl PMASTR BAILEY103 61 3i 82 51 6 W Narvaez G T Lach 10 20 10 20 13453 RAVESWOOD 105 8 91 91 81 7 W Mnoney G Adams and Co 15 40 15 40 12i403BANBURY 1C6 91 71 102 71 81 1 T Knight J B Respafs 10 12 10 10 12977 JEFb" 1C6 10" 4" 3i 91 92 Everett A Bprrv and Co 10 15 10 15 13478 PRAIRIE DOG 105 12h 12 lln 11 101 E Morris W W Clark 30 60 30 60 13117 ED GOLDEN 103 11" 132 121 101 Hi Basdnger John Dowell 15 60 15 60 13453 HUSTICUS 108 2" 101 J1J121 12H Aker Mrs K P Slrpp 10 30 10 30 ALBERT R 103 13" 111 131 131 132 J Carter John Rolsion 10 30 10 30 12535 SANTI AGUE 103 14 14 14 14 14 R Narvaez Hecker and Keating20 60 20 60 Time. Ill, 23i, 35i, 49, 551. Winner B. c, by Midlothian Talluda. Post 12 minntf. Start fair. The first fonr were nnder full sail. Lomond was well handled. He got away ia a good position end Beancbamp kppthim there all the way, coming with a well-time I ru at hp -nd. Decoy had no excuse-. He seemed to be winning a sixteenth out when he got to J.ske Weber, and quit bndiy at the end. Jake Weber wrs a hot thing, and came near delivering ihe cooas. He as off running," always had clear sailing, but qnit when the pinch came. Fringible was in a bad rocket all the way. 80 was Mahrajh, who never got through until the stretch was reached. The race was strictly between the first five. Bloss. on Maharajah, was hit in the eye by a stone. Jake Weber bore out at the hoad of the stretch, losing considerable ground. Scratched 12811 Scorpula, 106; 13117 Satan. 103; 12777 Summer, 106; Brampton, 103. Ov re:ghts Riven6wood. 2 pounds; Prairie Dog, 2. Lomond, place, 2 to 1; show, 9 to 10 Decoy, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Jake Weber, show, 3 tO 5; QKr77rvHECOND RACE l Alile. Purse 00." 5 to second; 5to third. 1 OO B J 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt Bt M, Vt Si StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 134813PRINCE BLAZE34 106 21 1" 5 5 32 1H W Jones Sloan and Hurst 6 8 6 8 13T25 DEERING 5 103 5" 2 31 3 2i 2" T Knight W Gum 1 1 9-109-10 132743MARCATO 4 102 1b 3 4 41 4 31 Nutt P Ryan 8-5 31 8-5 3i 12976 FONCLIF 5 110 3" 56 2i 121 1H 46 Bloas J E Cushing 10 20 10 15 13480 CROESUS 5 104 7 7 7 7 6H 5kk N Hill S C Waener 10 30 10 30 135522MALAISE 3 87 6"" 42 HI 2i 52 66 Dora C H Williams 6 9 6 9 543033IR DILKE 6 107 4" 6 63 62 7 7 Hamilton G Landry 10 50 10 50 Time, 12i, 25, 37i, 491, 1 :02i, 1 :14i, 1 :27i, 1 :4H. Wiener B. g, by Blazes Bettia Prince. Post 6 minutes. Start god. It was a driving finish. The first three fonght it out the entire length of the stretch. Jones rode a very rough race on Prince Blazes. He fouled everything in reach of him on the first turn and then again on the far turn. In fact he bumped his way through the lat three furlongs. The ride was a very bad one. Deering seemed too heavy beaded f r Knight to do him justice. The little fellow tried hard but could not make the horse extend hims If. Nutt rode a lazy race on Marcato. He would have been second with a more vigorous finish. Fooclif appeared to to have a royal chance to win on the stretch turn but his chances ware ruin"d by the bumping and jostling cauBed by Prince Blazes. Malaise stopped in a stride after going about five furlongs. Scratched 12958Daehaway, 102. Overweights Fonclif, 3 pounds. Prince Blaze, place, 21 to 1; show. 4 to 5. Peering, place, out. Macto. show. 2 to 5. 1QX71 THIRD RAGS 3-4 Mile.-Puree 00. ?75 to second; 525 to third. O O 8 -L 3-year-olda. Allowances. lnd Horeoe A Wt Bt H K K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L U 13210CANACE 110 3" 31132 1H 12 BaauchampN S Hall and Co 21 4 2 4 13250 GEORGIE 110 5" 22 22 32 22 Nutt D P Rodgers and C08 15 8 40 13321 APRILS LADY 110 8"" 72 51 4 3 J Mathews T H Stevens 6 10 6 10 1383 SILVER TONE 115 4 4" 41 52 4" Everett P Ryan 2 2 3-2 85 13522 LIME WATER 115 7" 81 96 61 52 Glover L G Smith 6 8 6 8 13293 BANLIGHT 110 2" 61 7" 72 6 Sheppard J J Donovan 20 60 20 60 134052LIT J. HORNER 1!2 1" li 11 2 71 W Dean Settie.and Co 10 30 10 30 12193LATCH KEY 115 11 9 11 11 S6 Flick A Simons 10 10 3 6 134093 MARTHA FOX 110 6" 101 10 10 92 Hamilton LewisandMcAllisterl2 30 12 30 13380 HEROICS 115 9" 11 82 8M0i Knapp T Costello 15 30 15 30 13354 KASTAINE 110 10 51 6 91011 Overton W F Schulte 6 15 6 12 Time, 121. 231, 351, 481, 1:001, 1 :14. Winner Cb. f, b7 Creighton Nellie Bell. Post 6 minutes. Start poor. Won easily; second handiy; third, fourth and fifth driving hard. Canece ren the best race and was best ridnen. She got away well on her stride, had cliar sailing and came away on call in the stretch. This is a good filly and at her best now. Gsorgie took the short route and had no ecnse3. Aprils Lady suffered from bad racing luck. She was off poorly and was bumped and interfered with on every turn. With clear sailing she would have been second and probably would hava given Canace an argument. Silver Tone ran a dull race. Lime Water, slow to gt on his ttrido, v as running great guns at the finish. Mark him at a mile or over. Little Jack Horner stopped to a walk in the stretch. Latch Key had no chance from where he got off. Scratched 13354 Marjland Reserve, 112; 13496 Princess Murphy, 110. OverweightB Heroics, 3 pounds. Canace, place, 7 to 5; Bhow, 4 to 5. Georgie, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Aprils Lady, show, 2 to 1. Silver Tone, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. 1 tJKfTil FOURTH HACK 1 Mile and 30 Yards. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 x O t J to third. 4-year-oldB and upward. Selling Iad -torses A Wt Bt M K Btr Fin Jockeys Owners PULP 133473LORD ZENI 5 114 21 31 321 22 2i li Knapp J Carroll 6-5 2 6-5 2 134and22THREE BARS 5 114 1k 22 H Ink 12 2i Everett W P Givens 3 12 3 12 13479 MY KINSELLA4 103 6 56 i 3H 310 32 Aker J J Ruddy 21 21 2 21 13501 LITTLE SINGER 5 107 31 4i 5 510 411 45 W Stewart R M H?nnessey 12 12 10 10 132713AMELIA rrONSO 4 105 5" 1" 2 4 52 51 BeaucbampW P Magran3 4 7 4 7, 131833UNCLE ABB 6 110 4" 6 6 6 6 6 R Narvaez E C Brown and Co 8 8 6 7 Time, 13, 25, 37, 49, l:01i, l:14i, 1:28, 1:11, 1:121. Winner B h, by Fonso Minnie Williams. Post 18 minutes. Start good. Won in a hard drive; second and third doing their best. Lord Zeni ran a cracking good race. He got into a jam on the first turn and was lucky not to be thrown over the fence. Knapp used judgment with the horse after that and placed him cleverly to the tbrea-fnrlong post, where he mti de his run. He went very wide on the stretch turn and carried Mary Kinsalla with him. There was no excuse for Lord Zeni going so wide, but Knapp made up for this by a strong finish. The horse was very tired and wanted to swerve below the sixteenth post. Three Bars ran a good race and hnng on gamely at the finish. Mary Kinsalla tried hard to make up the ground she lost by being carried widoon the stretch turn, bntcouldnot. The ride Little Singer got handicapped hor. Amelia Fonso seems to be of no account and Uncle 1 Abb less. Scratched 13406 Maceo, 122; 13193 Winslow, 107. Lord Zeni, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Three Bars, place, 4 to 1; show, evens. Mary Kinsella, show, out. IQKrO FIFTH RACE 5 1-3 Furlongs. Purse S400. 5 to" second; 5 to third.. O I O 2-yoar-oldB. Allowances. lnd HorgbB AVVtStM Yt M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O l 13521 LADY ELITE 108 4 3" 41 3 1 BoauchampW S Barnes 2 21 2 11-5 ; 134782MEH1TO 100 3" 4 3" 21 21 J Mathews ApgteandDnrham6 6 41 41 131972ULARA WOOLEY 104 l"t 22 li 11 3a Everett Settle and Co 12 15 12 15 13203 LOVABLE 1G0 8 71 71 51 4" Flick W E Applegate 6 6 11 1 135212 UN SIGHTLY 108 6" 6i 6i 41 5 Nntt E McGaigan 7-5 7-5 1 13-10 13322 DIXOLEITA 96 21 1" 2H 66 62 T Knight A Vogeler 12 20 12 20 13497 ANMS P:LMER" 100 5" 8 8 72 7 Sheppard JMaloneyandCo 15 40 15 40 13478 KITH E G 96 7" 51 5 8 8 W Jones James Owen 50 100 50 100 Coupled in the boUing. Timp, 12, 231, 351, 48, 1 :0U, 1 :08i. Winner B. f, by Order Bonita Bslle. Post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won in a torrific drive of two; third, fourth and fifth driving just as hard. It was a very close finish and only the judges could tell what won. Laay Elite ran a grand race. She was off in a pocket and for a long time could not get through. Beauchamp J took a dying chance with her coming up the stretch. Ho squeezed through a tight place and oy f riding a powerful finish got np just in time Merito ran a good, game race and was well ridden. Clara Wooley set a torritic pace in the first part of it and tired at the end. Sho would have been baat6nfor third place in another stride. Lovable, off badly, ran a splendid raco and finished with a rnsh. When the b trriar went up Unsightly was all tangled up and did uotsoem to possess s her usnal turn of speed. Nutt was o- liged to come wide on the etreich turn with the filly. Dixo-letta ehowod a smart turn of speed for about three furlongs. Kntie G. threw her rider while 3 going to tiio post and ran away. The filly was caught, ramonnted and started, Scratched 13322 Contessa,96; 13178 Aileeu Wilson, 96; 135512Mitten, 100. 2 : : Lady Elite, place, 1 to 5; show, out. Entry, place, 8 to 8; show, 3 to 5. Clara Wooley, show, to l.Unsightly, place, 2 to 5; show, out. 1Q K H A 8IXTHRACE-1 Mile and 30 Yardg. Purse 00. 5 to Becond; 5 to third O O i rJC l year-olds and upward. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt Bt V. Vx . StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 13479 MO ALBERT 4 105 m 71 91 71 31 H Ralph H Robinson 15 30 15 SO 18343 PAPA HARRY 4 105 3 5 5 52 51 2" E Morris H A Cotton 20 20 30 20 132 133 JENNIE F. 4 103 Ink 11 li 1" li 3 Nutt S 8 Bender 8 10 8 8 13085 MARY PEATHER5 105 9" 102 72 9 6i 41 W Wilson J M Mathewson 40 1C0 40 100 13498 VIN ETTA 4 103 4" 9" 6 4U 71 5i Tully E E Parks 10 30 10 30 13479 A3TOR 4 105 7h 2h 3-32 42 61 Fl ck Locbbart Bros 4 5 4 5 13343 YOURS TRULY 5 110 101 131 82 101 81 71 Wilson G Whitman 10 20 10 20 13357 RAY H 6 107 6 82112" 61 91 81 J Mathews A Vogeler 5 5 5 5 13407 OVER RLLA. 7 107 2" 6"1U 121 112 gj W Mooney H Smith 20 50 20 50 13219 SUNBURST 7 110 51 11. 101 131 101 10" Bloss J E Cushing 5 8 5 8 13479 BRIG GS 5 107 11h 3i 411821121112 L Jackson C V Faut 10 15 10 15 134983WOOLRANGER 4 105 14" 42 221 211 2U1211 Hamilton M Jordan 10 l2 8 10 1349S2ELIDAD 4 110 13" 121 134 112 131 132 Sheppard J Arthur and Co 4 41 4 41 13479 MERRY GLEN 4 103 15k161 14" 141 151 141 R Narvaez James H Boyd 20 40 20 40 13498 NECEDAH 7 1C5 12 15"15i 15 14" 152 Akrr D A Jones 15 20 15 20 13118 CARNIVAL 4 105 171 14 172 172 16 161 w Jones P H Keegan 20 50 20 50 13144 MOCH 4 108 18 17201620161 171 172 J Cart r J J Donovan 20 40 20 40 12400 ROYAL CHOICE 6 110 16" 18 18 18 18 18 Sutherland R Rome 40 50 40 50 Time, 12s, 24, 37, 49, 1:02, 1:151, 1:28, 1:42. 1:44. Wiuner Ch. g, by Albert Lorna Mac Post 8 minutes Start good Won driving; the next four were driving also. McAlbert ran the best race. He stood a drive for the last half mile. Papa Harry came strongly after ho got straightened away. Be only beat Jen .ie F. in the last stride. The latter got nway m front, alajs had c!e-ir Bailing acd had no excuses other than that she stopoed Mary Prather came with a rnt-h at the end So did Vine ta. Aator quit badly. Yours Truly pulled up lame. Overe la was worked out a mile an-t a half after the race. Correc ed we ightt Oveiella, 107. Scratched 13403 Whirmantiline, 103; 13193 Idle Hour. 110; 135243Clifton B , 108. McAlbert, place, 10 to 1: show, 4 to 1. Papi Harry, place, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Jennie F. show, 8 to 5