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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, IIiI., August 29. For tj -third day. Harlem Jockey Club. Summer Meeting, Weather clear; track fast. Presiding: Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Bi chard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 1 A QrQ FIRST BACK-4 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL rdbO Vy J 2-year-oIde Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St M H X Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H L O 141732WIG 1J8 3" " 3H 32 1 T Burns WCFessenden 8-5 8-5 7-5 7-5 14196 EMMA M. 107 7 21 11 2H Dominick H A Cotton 50 100 E0 100 14248 MYRTLE GEBAtJR 115 61 81151 3 Vrndusen FT Wood 6 7 6 7 14252 TAMER HO 2h 6i 411 411 N Hill James Cnrl 10 15 10 12 14286 CHIEF FABBELL 106 111 4h 71 1 51 WDean Wagner and Weber 10 15 10 12 13724 FLOBA LEE 107 9a 92 81 61 L Roee HJScogpan 20 30 15 15 CYBANO 110 10 71 62 7h Jenkins M Mnrpby 10 30 10 30 142523ADAIB II. 114 13 12 92 8? T Knight J B Bespass 10 20 10 20 14196 ORLETTA 107 l 14 2H 91 Sbeppard G W Headley 6 7 6 6 14235 OLEKMA 115 5 51 101 101 Frost J J Donovan 15 30 15 30 14252 KITTIE G. 107 8" 102 112 11 Boland James Owen 100 150 100 150 14055 SPEUNG 106 12h 132 131 121 Conley W F Schnlta 20 40 20 40 13876 SANTI AGUE 107 14 14 14 138 H WilBon Heckerand KeatinglOO 1C0 100 150 14196 ANTONIETTA 107 4h 111 12h 14 Glover WCDBLopezandColOO 100 100 100 Time, 11 23, 35, 481, .55. Winner Ch. c, by Donatello Greylock. Post 12 minutes. Start fair. The first two were driving to the limit; second and third were driving also. Wig won mainly through Burns powerful finish. Tha colt did not seem to have a chance of beating Emma M. at the sixteenth post, but Dominick on the latter got excited and threw the race away in his effort to ride a finish Had be sat still the filly woud have won. Myrtle Gpbaur had a rough journey but under strong handling finished very fat. Tamer ran a fair race but hung under the pressure at the end Flora Lee was sharply interfered with at the start. Orletta showed a lot of speed bat could not CRrry it far. Wig, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Emma M., place, 40 to 1; show, 20 to 1. Myrtle Gebaur, show, 6 to 5. -ti 1 ZnSECOlJDlBAljESMile. Purse 00. 5 to second5tottiird; JLJrO JL v 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses AWt St and K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L I 142853MOCOBITO 4 100 1 1" 1 12 1 T Burns O P Romigh 6-5 6-5 I 11-10 14234 VLET PAESONS5 98 3" 2i 3" 3" 23 Vititoe E F Voos 3 4 3 31 14253 MC ALBEBT 4 105 2" 31 2H 2U 31 Balph H Robinson 15 30 15 15 14250 THEBESA H. 5 101 71 4 421 41 4 Jenkins G B Havill 4 6 4 6 14287 KAMSIN 6 100 9 102 811 6" 51 H Brown LHEzcU 15 20 15 20 13978 INCIDENTAL 4 100 4h 51 7" fit 611 BalliDgar W J Widener and Co30 100 30 100 14085 HEBMOSO 4 163 10h 8" 51 74 71 L Boss A C Clark 20 30 20 30 14241 MINNIE B. 3 100 51 6" 6" 92 811 Beitz Desha and Co 20 60 20 30 13932 WAEBEN POINT 6 102 81 9 101 81 91 Beauchamplra Glafscock 10 12 10 10 13945 PELL MELL II. 3 991 6 72 and2 105 106 Frost Wallenstein and Co 15 30 15 30 14057 WARRIOR 3 106 11 11 11 11 11 Finley P H Heffron 60 100, 60 100 Time. 12, 241, 361, 49, 1 :01, 1 :141. WiDner Ch. m, by Amigo Santa Monica. Post 8 minutes, btartgood. Won handily. The next two were doing their best. Mocorito was never fully extended. She was in a soft spot and was well ridden, violet Parsons was unruly at the post but after getting away well ran a good race. McAlbert was a clear length in front just bf-foro the stretch was reached, bnt under pressure at the end, he tired badly. Theresa H. was staggering and all out. Kamsin finished strorg. Incidental was repeatedly interfered with. Mark him for a maiden race. The first three alwayb had the race to themselves. Scratched 14296 Intricuer, 100. Overweiarhts Warren Point, 2 pouda ; Minnie B.,3; Hermoso, 3; Pell Mell II., 2; Theresa H., 3; McAlbert, 5. Mocorito, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Violet Parsons, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. McAlbert, show. 3 to 1. 1 A Q1 1 THIRD RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 1 irO JL JL 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind HoraeB AWt St St. H V X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H L C 141983JLY BOGEB 3 101 2 32 32 12 l 13 12 BeaucbampJ A Vetter 6-5 6-5 1 1 14198 H. NUTTEB 3 103 3 410 420 2k 22 23 2 L Rose A C Clark 6-5 7-5 6-5 7-5 142893 PLANTAIN 4 109 1 22 1h 33 35 36 32 T Burns Mrs R Bradley 7 10 7 10 14290 P THE FDLB3 94 4 11 2 425 425 425 415 Dugan G Landry 30 50 30 50 142513CTESS IRMA 6 101 5555555 Boland A D Steele 15 20 15 20 Time, 121, 25, 491,1:02, 1:15, 1:411, 1:54, 2:06. Winner B. c, by Order Happy Sally II. Off at the first break to a good start. Won very easily; second driven out; third eased up. Jolly Roger turned the tables on Harry Nutter in a surprising way. The last time the two met Jolly Roger t as beaten off, but stiU Silvers with only the use of one arm was up that day, and again the horse is a sulknr. Harry Nutter ran bis race. He is an honest little horse and tried every inch of the road. The weight was too much for Plantain and he was aho outclassed by the first two. The other two were outclassed and were never contenders. Scratched 14294Jim McCleevy. 93. Overweights Harry Nutter, 2 pounds. Jolly Roger, place, out. Harry Nutter, place, 1 to 3. Plantain, place, 2 to 1; show. 3 to 5. 1 4 Q li FOUBTH BACK 3- Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5lothira jLTdbO JL Jmi 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind , Horsea A Wt St 34 H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 142852GEORG1E 3 101 51 li 11111 TBurns D P Rodgers andCo3 4 3 4 14285TENOLE 5 104 1h 2" 2" 2i 2 Vititoe James Curl 8 8 8 8 14285 HRY THOBURN5 102 31 5 6 4" 3" Bassinger Earnshaw Bros 15 25 15 25 14253 ABE FUBST 5 109 4" 61 5" 3 4 T Knight J B Bespass 3 4 3 4 14234 KENSINGTON 3 105 2 3 3 5 51 Jenkins M Murphy 2 2 8-5 8-5 142533MOBONI 4 109 7 7 7 61 61 Boland James Arthur 7 10 7 10 14253 AL LONE 5 102 6 4" 41 7 7 Nutt J Dowd 15 20 15 20 Time, 11. 24, 481, 1:00, 1:131. Winner Ch. f, by Bagnarok Georgia M. Post 6 minutes. Start good for all but Moroni. Won hand ridden, but out to the laBt ounce: second, third, fourth and fifth were driving to the limit. Georgie got a flying start, took the shortest route, and was generally well ridden. She was very tired at the end. though, and barely lasted long enough to win. Tenole finished resolutely under punishment. He has improved grettly in the last thirty days Had Harry Thoburn been able to get through at the head of the stretch he would have been hard to bsat. At it was be ran a smashing good race. Abe Furst has developed a vary ugly disposition. He refused to break once and sulked in the race. Kensington had no excnsei. Moroni bad no cbacce from where he got away. Scratched 14059 Midian. 103; 14021Pt Cleburne. 103; 14199 Miss Stanton, 101. Gf orgie, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Tenole. place, 3 to 1: thow, 8 to 5. Hairy Thoburn, show, 3 to 1. Abe Fnrst, place, 7 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Kensington, place, 3 to 5; Bhow, out. 1 f J 1 1 FIFTH U AUifi-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 1 4Jbf 1 O 2-ynar-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St M K StrFin Jockeys Owners O M L C 14230 LOVABLE 99 2 3" 4U 2H 1" Flick W E Applegate 4 6 4 5 142372YOLOCO 102 1" 1 1 13 22 Frost G W Scott 4 6 4 6 141773LOMOND 106 3 4 5 3 32 T Burns W P Magrane 21 13-52 2 142522DECOY 110 51 7 3 42 4U J Brown L H Ezell 3 3 3 31 13839 OCORNO 102 4 62 7" 61 51 Nutt J J Donovan 20 40 20 40 14231 BAIBD 102 71 2" 22 51 6 T Knight HecknerandKeating60 75 60 75 14283 TOMMY OBRIEN 102 11 11 101 81 7 L Rose T E Barrett 15 15 10 10 13979 ODTBUBST 102 8" 9h 8" 92 81- W Jones E T Graves 60 100 60 100 142313MAN OF HONOE 101 9h 5i 6" 71 92 V Trotter Gaoree Knoukor 30 30 30 30 13573 ANNIS PALMEB S9 6 102 11 104 102 Vititoe J Maloney and Co 20 20 15 15 14235 IBISH JEWEL 106 101 81 9a 11 11 W Dean S C Wagner 50 50 50 50 Time, Hi, 24, 36, 491, 1 :02, 1 :15. Winner Ch. f, by Fortissimo Lucasta. Post 8 minutes. Startgood. Won in the hardest kind of a drive; second, third and fourth! were driving also. Lovable displayed great gamoness. Flick was hard at work on her from the three-eighths post home. She only got up in the very last stride. Yoloco got away running and showed line speed. Ho hung, though, and hung badly in the last fifty yards. Lomond had no excuses. He was a false favorite. Decoy had a very rough journey, bnt at that ran below his notch. Baird showed speed. Tommy OBrien seems to be ot no present account. Ocornomade up ground in tho stretch. Scratched 14235 Mitten, 103; 13746 Tom English, 102; 14231 Cast, 106; 14237 Phallas, 102; 13006 Lydia 8., 99. Lovable, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Yolcco, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Lomond, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Decoy, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. SIXTH RACK 1 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. X tJtO JLtC 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind Horses A Wt St and y2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14249K.S mUH WAY 4 103 7 61 51 5 2 16 L Rose Mrs K Bradley 15 80 15 20 141782GBLAND BABE 6 105 3a 32 3U 31 32 2 J MathewB G Landry 2 4 2 4 142873ANDES 3 91 1 1 1" U 1" 3 T Knight James Arthur 7-5 7-5 11 13680 MARY KN8ELLA4 105 5 7 7. 43 4 42 TBurns W P Magrane 6 6 6 6 14290 EVEYLN BYBD 3 1C0 4" 21 2 2 5 55 Nutt F C Moshier 4 6 4 6 13995 EINSTEIN 4 105 2a 5 4" 68 6 6 Bassinger Earnshaw Brc3 10 10 10 10 13065 SEATTLE 3 94 6a 4" 6H 7 7 7 Silvers B Tucker 10 25 10 25- Tim e. 12, 25, 49, 1 :02, 1 :15, 1 :41. Winner B. g, by Meddler Little Lady II. Post 6 minutes. Startgood. Won easily; second and tbird were driving. Kings Highway over-reced himself. Be wpb almret thrown over the ffice in a jsm on the first turn but recovered and won runnir g a ey. Gailend Bair bad a rough joniney. He was cut off several timnsJiwhen be tried to get through in between Ames 8Dd EveJjn Byid, Andrs ran a bad race. He was favored at the start and had he been himself could not have loet. Both he and Evelyn Byrd quit badly in the stretch. Overweights Garlnnd Berr, 3 pounds; Kings Highway, 3. Kings Highway, place, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1. GatlEnd Bair, place, 6 to 5; show,2 to 5. Andes, place, 2 to 5,