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A LONG SHOT THURSDAY. Th s is RARE AND CHOICE aud we ku. w all hbout it The odd will ha 15 to 1 or . ore. TODAY our a"vertiea 10 to 1 sh t is ready and we have TWO nice uncials with it. Mail orders 10ographed by 10:10 a.m. Teim3 .00 per week; 00 per day. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn 8t., Chicago, ill. WIMING HORSES THIS DAI This is what our clients received jeaterday for tbo first day of II iWTHORNE. Mr. Jolms m. a plat e wou. Alic Turner, -t night, won. Glob Ii sr.. a Klit, wou, Georale, li a gtit, won. Tapiim, p ac. an fnil;. tieuiievillc, place, won-Our special in Windsor was Vohker who won. and Rexford at Oa land who also won. WE CAN liiVE YOU INFORMATION LIKE TbIS LVERY DAY IN THK Yfc.AH. Give na u mal aud be convinced. Messages nady by 11 aa. Xermo lu 00 for six de-ya selections. Send two-ciniaump for booklet "Guluen Gain." It is interesting. Tb.8 National Turf Investment Co., Snlte 605. 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.