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S iLTABLES SPE1. Up to tha present time Serrano Las held the reputation of being the baat horse in training on the local tracks, bnt after Pat Dunnes Salvable came cantering home a very easy winner in the last race at Hawthorne yesterday it was the universal opinion of all who saw the performance that he was a better horse than Serrano, and furthermore was the bast horse in training in the west. Salvable had Bonneville and Great Bend to beat, but he had the bast of the weights and Barns was np. This made him seem liko a certainty and 7 to 10 waB deemed a royal price. The Dunne horse was at his best and getting a fliog start, he set bis Own pace, and it was a fast one. Fighting for hia bead Salvable reeled off the first quarter in It and the half in 49 seconds. Benneville was right with him all the time and the pair together went to the three-quarters in 1:131. This was all Benneville wanted but Salvable was still full of ruaning and turned the first mile in l:39i. From the seventy-yard post home Burns eased the handsome son of Salvator Lydia and ha baat Benneville about two lengths. It was a grand race in every sanse of the word and a meeting between Salvable and Serrano would lie a swell drawing card. J. H. Smith displayed a sample of his business judgment after ha let his horce Tappan, who won the fifth race, go for 00. timiih bought Tappan for a mere nothiug at New Orleans last winter, and the horse has won abjut a dozan racsa and was second and third ae often. Tappan has very bad legs and Smith lias expected him to break down tlmost any time he went to the post recently, and when -Johnny Schorr bid him up 300 over his entered prica Smith aid, "take him," and then treated Schorr to a bottle of wine and perfectos. Smith is very shifty about the selling race game and consequently a tough customer for Johnny Schorr to rub up against. With Schorr it is "people who live in glass houses cannot afford to throw stonos." Streamer baat Ed Tipton and Boney Boy in a closely contested race in the third event, a mile dash. In doing so, however, ho had tj ba folly extended and did not display any great amount of quality. Hagetdon is in rare form at present and at a favorites price he spreadeagled his field in the fourth race. Kentucky Farmer, the unbeaten brother to Leo Planter, made his local debut in this event bat finished far back and greatly disappointed his backers. The first race was won cleverly by Van Hoore-beko, and Uncas, at the false price of 16 to 1, disposed of his field in the second. Hugh McCarren has arrive! at the track with a string of seven.