Hawthorne Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-07

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL.., October J. Fifty-fourth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, Harry Kuhl. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing startB at 2:00 p. m. 1 4 Ati FIRST RACE 6-8 Mile. Pnrso00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. L4fct w 2 year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Maidens. Allowances. " ind HorBBB A Wt Bt X, Vi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14S812VAN HOORh.BEKE107 2 li 11 12 111 iaiicbell John Huffman 3 3 2 2 14665 FAIR TEST 102 6" 5 42 3U 2" T Burns W H May and Bon 6 7 6 7 14786 1RIBH JKWFL 1071 51 2" 211 2 3" W Dean S C Wagner 8 12 8 12. THE. UNKNOWN 105 91 81 Si 81 4i Flick T P Bayea 6 6 21 5 14774 TAMER 105 7a 41 VI 9 5a Dm an James Curl 15 15 10 10 14569 TOM GILMORE 105 101 94 91 101 61 Tully J H Smith 30 40 30 40 147862CA8TINE 110 4 71 6" 71 71 Hamilton G C Bennett 10 10 10 10 14786 W1NNEBEJOUR 109 31 311 32 4" 8 H Shields J D Lucas 15 30 15 30 14470 MISSION 110 12h 10 5W ti 9U Ames J J E lsworth 6 8 6 8 14611 SPRUNG 107 1" 62 102 ii lo Conloy W F Schulte 20 40 20 40 DR. CAVE 105 81 11- 111 5"112 Busainger Keith and f atton 10 20 10 15 14881 DICK DWYER 105 13 131 121 121 121 I Powell H J Smith 20 30 20 30 1 14520 KARLER 105 11h 121 141 13M3 Reitz Mrs C Hnry 30 100 30 100 14223 TIM GAINEY 105 15 142 132 141 14 N Hill WdfrdandBuckner30 40 30 40 14173 RUSTICUS 105 14h 15 15 15 15 Stevens Mrs K P Shipp 30 50 20 50 Time. 121, 24, 361, 49, 1:0H. Winner Br. g, by Van Buren Etta Gilroj. Off at first break to a good start. Won in a hard drive ; second, third and fourth hard at it. Van Hoorebeke was lucky, bad the moat speed and broke out of the maiden class like a good youngster. Fair Test is game. He wbb bard ridden all through the stretch. Irish Jewel, long overdue, ran a fair race. The Unknowns race was just as good as that of the winner. He was off in a tangle ard did not get straightened out until the stretch was reached. Then he finished with a sharp rush. Mark bim for early action. He has ben highly tried. Tamer ran well. Stilt he was lucky and savrd much giound on every turn- This, prbab!y, accounts for his being so close up. Wionebejour had a lot of speed. He hucg when tbo pinch came, though. Scratched 145202Fair American, 110; 14881 Nachusa. 105; Anster, 102. Overweights Kahler, 3 pounds: Winnebejour, 2; BpruDg, 2; Irish Jewel, 2t. Van HnprPbcke, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Fair Test, place, 21 to I: show, 6 to 5. Irish Jewel, show, 21 to 1. 1 1Q O Q SECOND RACE -3-4 Mile. Purso00. S75 to second; 5 to third. JLbfcCfrfO 4-jear-olds and upward. 8olling. qd HorBes A Wt Bt hi H BtrFin JockeyB Ownara O K L 0 14698 UNCAS 6 105 7" 61 511 3 Hi Flick John Brenock 1 IFli 15 14558 DIGGS 7 105 3a 42 H 22 Dugau James Arthur 15 15 15 15 147483MONPGOMERY 6 111 2 21 1 2i 3 H Shields W P Migrane 11-511-59-5 9-5 14650 BITTER ROOT 4 108 7 6 7 4ilWDean JCCahu 20 20 20 20 14861 LOYALETTA 5 105 61 11 2 411 5h Winbfield LeonardandMorganG 12 6 12 14201 LUCKY MNDAY i 118 9 gtj gi gi 61 Wilson R Wester field 20 ICO 20 100 14604 BRIGHTIE S. 4 107 10 821 91 92 71 Conley W F Schulte 15 30 15 30 14558TENOLE 5 114 f- 51 72 6! 82 Vandueen James Curl 31 6 316 14731 TOM KINGSLEY4 105 I 41 31 5k 9 T Burns W H Williamson 5 5 4 41 .148152DOLORE 5 105 ll" 12 10 10" 10H N Hill HLJoopsandCo 6 15 6 15 148613HUSKIN 4 106 41 112 12 112 112 Ames Srdney Paget 10 16 10 16 14631 LA PKINCE3SA 5 105 12 101 1H 12 12 Ash W,M Hedges 50 100 50 100 Time, 12. 24 351, 491, 1 :02, 1 :14i. Wiener B. g. by Pontico Vernea. Post 8 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly at the end after au early drive on the turn. The Dext tix were close together and bard driven Uncas was the best and had good racing luck. Flick bad him next to the rail 11 the way end when the natural spread came at the head of the strotoh he shot through like a flash. He was good end going away at the finish. Diggs stopped at tbn end as if short. Montgomery is not in his bast form. Bitter Root finished strong. Loyal-etta is a cowar J. Tom Kingsley was beaten at tbo head of he Rtretch and Burns eased him up. Scratched 14791 McAlbort, 1C5; 14490 Chiffon, 105; 13882 Leanep, 109; 14844 Flummarion. 108: 14791 Treopia, 1C8; 14861 Tension. 105. Overweights RuskiD, 11 roande; Tenole, 3. Uncas, place, 6 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Diggs, place, 6 tD 1; show, 3 to 1. 3ontgomsry, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. 1 A Q fc I THIRD RACE-1 Me Purso 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. jLbfc!m: 3-year-olds. Allowances. Tnd Horsea A Wt St H K Str Fin Jockeya Ownera O H L C 13279STRRAMER 102 71 65 610 4 3 l T Barns J W Schorr and Sou 6-513-101 13-10 148423ED TIPTON 107 1" 21 H 25 12 Winkfield WHMayandSoa 4 6 4 6 14905 BONEY BOY 99 2 40 31 1 2! 31 Dugaa Mrs R Bradley 12 12 6 7 14602 TO BE PAINE 107 5" 51 5h 32 41 4 C01 ley T F Puckett 20 20 15 15 14570 DUTY 104 6 3 21 5 52 5" I Powell Mrs S M Sexton 50 50 40 40 13907 PSPIONAGE 107 8" 7" 73 7 61 61 N Hill L H Ezell 6 10 6 9 14356 EVELYN BY RD 99 3 1" 4" 6S 71 74 Bassirgir V C Mosbier 20 40 20 40 13909ILA JOSEPHINE 104 4 83 825 825 823 86 Mitchell JamesQriffinandCo 8 8 7 7 147S9 FANTASY 104 It 9 9 99 9 DomiuicV WdfdA;Everman40 50 40 50 Time, 121, 25, 371, 49, 1 :152, 1 :41. Winner Br. c, by Top Gallant Kittie Gunn. Off at first break to a good start. First thrre driving bard. Streamer won principally on account of Bores riding. He took matters easy early. Then he cami with a rush through the stretch. The same ride would have lend9d either Ed Tipton or Boney Boy. The latter ran a flee reco ana had Dugau not been in such a huny to mike bis run he might have won. As it whs Dugau made too much tbo of him and when the pinch came he naturally hung a bit. Wink-field rode a bad race i n Ed TiDton. Instead f coming oa e-bout bis business at the head of the stretch, he waa lookmg around laughing at Bunn. T bvPaina is said to have worked fast. He ran a fair race. Espionage was badly outrun 1 11 the way. Throw her rac8 out. Evelyn Byrd is not ready. Scratched 14882 Uhler, 104; 14883 Hittick. 114; 14350 Teutons, 107; U8502Defender II . 101 14883 Harry Nutter, 114. Streamer, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Ed Tipton, place, 2 to 1; Bhow, evens. Boney Boy show, ev-ns 1 4QO FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mile Purse 00. 5toaecond; 5 to third. JLtfctSO 2-year-olds. Allowances. Tnd Horses A Wt St H V StrFin Jockeya Owners O H L C 14881 H GERDON 107 4- 18 1101s is Di minick J E Herron and Co 8-5 8-5 6-5 6-5 " 14901 AVENSTOKE 110 6 4 42 3 21 T Burns WH MayandSou 21 3 2 3 14 23 LADY CUHZON 104 7 33 2 2 Si Duicau J 8 OBrien 20 40 20 40 14101 FELIX BARD 102 8 6U 51 42 42 Mitcholl S B Kinder 15 16 15 16 14005 KV FARMER 108 8 76 76 65 C Hamilton WdfordandBucknerS! 31 2 3t 14524 NULLAH 106 1 2 32 52 6 Netcom L D Frazee 3 12 8 12 147502KITTIE G. 102 5 8 8 71 7 Kitley James Owen 20 40 20 40 14697 GARTER 105 2 52 6 8 S I Powell G W Scott 60 100 60 100 Time, 121,24, 36, 481, 1:01. Winner B c, by Esher Lady Richmo d. Off at the firat break to a good stxrt. Wou eased up: 6econd handily; third and fourth driving hard. Hagerdon bad speed to give away. He bioke flying on the outside and always held the race safe This is a good colt. Avenstoke ran a better race than he did his last time out. Lacy Curzon showed a lot of speed. Mark Felix Bard. H ran a good race. Shortly after the aart Kentucky Farmer was jammed into the fence and badly interfered with. This ruined whatever chance he had of winning. Nullah had speed but not her U3ual amount. The others wero outclassen. Bcratchfd-14856 Syra, 102. Hagerdon, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Avenstoke.Iplace, evens; show, 1 to 2. Lady Curzoii, show, 5 to 1. Kentucky Fnrmer, place. 6 to 5; sbow 11 to 20. 1 A OOft FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Puree 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. A -j- j jjj J 4-year-olds and upward Sailing. - - Horses AWt Bt St H. Vi StrFin Jockeya Ownera O H L C 148822TAPPAN 5 107 6 6" 65 511 4" 42 1 W Dean J H Smith 2" 3 2 3 14857 PERIWIG 5 110 1 0" 3 31 31 31 25 Conley W F Schulte 4 51 4 5 14882 GOOSE LIVR5 104 3" 21 21 2 22 2 33 Mitchell E McCrd 8 12 6 12 149012 EI T B OLIN 4 110 2 3 Vi 4" 5 52 41 T Burns JD Doyle 3-5 8-5 6-5 6-5 14471 DOG TOWN 4 107 4 m VH 1 1" In 53 I Powell R Flynn 15 40 15 40 !4578?nROESUS 5 104 5" 4" 5" 6 7 6 6i Hamilton 8 C Wagner 7 11 6 7 148153INTRIGUER 5 104 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 Wilsoa J M Hathewaoa 15 16 15 16 Time, 12i, 25 371, 50. 1 :03, 1 :16, 1 :29. 1 :40l, 1 :53. Winner B. g, by Pi-whattan Finical. Off at first break to a good start. Won drivinc bard: second driving even harder. Tappan was a ood hors He ran far above Ihh mark. He haa been most consistent lately and appears to be a utoful selling plater. Dohu bad a rough journoy with him, bat the boy was in ao hurry to make his move, and this aided Tappan a lot. He needs good, strong handling. Poriwig was well ridden an" ran a surprisingly good rac. Goo3e Livr was used too much early and bore m under weak handling at the beaci of tbe stretch. Wheu ! 0 bore in he sharply interfered with Dog Town, almost throwing the latter over the fence. Eitbolin bad no speed aud ran a very dull race. Croesus was never dt-ngnroup. Tappan was run up to 00, which was 00 ovet his entered pric9, ana b iught by J. W Schorr and Son. Sctatched 14882OHtastrophe, 110; 14751 Mary Kinsella, 104. lappai , plco. 6 10 5; show, 1 to 2 Periwig, place, 2 to 1; show, even3. Goose Liver, show, 2 to 1. Eitholin, place. 1 to2; sbow. out 1 A47 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purso 00. .5 to second; 5 I. T of J third. 4-ypr-orls n d onward. Allowancs. Ind Horse A Wt at and and StrFin Jockwya Owners O H L C 148188 A LV ABLE 6 104 1 1 U It Hi H V Burns P Uanne 4-5 4-5 3-5 7-10 148833 B EN N EVI LLE 4 110 3 2U 2U 23 22 22 V Deau J H Smith 13-53 13-53 1482GREAT BEND 4 104 2" 3" 31 3S 31" 310 Hamilton B Vincent and Co S 31 3 31 14844 K.B BIGUWAY 4 107 5 5 5 5 4io 410 Ducan Mrs ft Bradley 15 20 15 20 14879 AN. OLD FIELD 4 101 41 ii 4 4 5 5 Mitchell L Marion 100 100 100 100 Time, 121. 241, 361, 49, 1:01, 1:131, 1:261, 1:391, 1:441. Winner B h, by Salvaior Lydia. f Off at first break to a fair s art. Won pulled up; Fecond easily. Salvnble ii in his bast form now and ra a grand race. He set hia own 1 ace, which was a very fast oue, andatood Bonneville ontish ad in tko first three-quarters. Sulvablo ia tbo best horse on local tracks now. Benne-vill-wai keyed up to cone rt pitch and ran a hi ?h class race. Great Bend found the pace too hot for him. The other two weie outclassed. Salvfble, place, out. Bonneville, place. 4 to 5; sbow, out. Groat Bend, place, 4 to 5; aliow, out.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899100701/drf1899100701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1899100701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800