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Goodwins iqTH I 53 I II OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR. MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE, 1 Form Table to Each Eveai which shows exact position of every horez which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at eacb quarter polo, also positions at start. Important notes added when required. Eventi reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued the 1st and 15th of evtrj month, PRICE 60 GTS EACH For sale at all principal hotels, newsstandt, racetracks and publishers office, GOODWIN BROS., 1,440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WESTERN TDRF ASSOCIATION FIRST WINTER SEASON WILL OPEN AT TANFORAN PARK, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN. MATEO CO., CALIFORNIA, BEGINNING NOVEMBER 4TH, 1899. List of Stakes to be run during Novembsr and December. Entries to which Close 0CT0BER25, 1899. The Situ Mateo Stakes. A sweepstakes for three-yoar-old3 foals of 1895. One Mile. The Association to guarantee the value of the stake ,200, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third horse. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Winners of two stakes of ,C00 or one of ,000 to carry 5 lbs.; of three or more of any value, or one of f4,000, 8 lbs. penalty. Other horses, non-winners of ,000, allowed 5 lbs.; of ,OC0, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 15 lbs. The Bay View Stakes. A soiling sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward. Mile and i. Quarter. The Association to guarantee the valuj of the stake il,200, of whicn 00 to the Becond and 00 to the third horss. E ltrance 0 each to accompany tUe nomination; 5 additional tostart. ,500, weigai for aga. Allowaaci: 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. Starters to be named and selling price statsd through the entry box, the day preceding the race. The Stanford Stakes. A sweepstakes for two-year-olds foals of 1897. Seven furlongs. The Association to guarantee the value of the stake ,203, of which 200 to the second and 00 to the third horse. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. A winner of a stake of the value of ,500, or two of any value, to carry 3 lbs.; of one of ,500, or thrte or nioie of any value, 5 lbs. penalty. Other horses, non-winners of 00, allowed 5 lbs.; maidens allowed 12 lbs. The Spring: Aralley Stakes. A handicap sweepstakes for threo-yoar-olds foals of 1896. Mile and a quaiter. The Association to guarantee the value of the stake ,500, of which 00 to the tecond and 00 to the third hors6. Entrance 0 each to accompany tho nomination: 0 additional to start. Weights to appsar four days before the race. Winners after publication of weights to carry 5 lbs. ponalty. Acceptance to be made through the entry box, at the usual hour of closing, the day preceding tho race. The Tanforan Stakes. A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds foaU of 1897. Ono Mile. Entrance 0 each 10 accompany tbo nomination; i additional to start. Tin Association to guarantee the value of the stake ,200, of which 00 to the second aad 00 to tha third horse. Weights to appear thrae days prior to the rice. Winners after publicatioa of weights to carry 5 Ibj. penalty. Acceptance to bo made through the entry box at tne usual hour of closing, the day preceding the race. The Holiday Handicap. A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds aud upward. Oae Milo aud a Quarter. The Association to the value of the stake ,500, of which 00 to tha second and 00 to the third horse. Entrance 0 eaca, to accompany tho nomination; 0 additional to start. Weights to appear four days before ihe race. Winners after publication of weights to carry 5 lbs. ponalty. Acceptance to be made through the entry box, at the usual time of closing, the day precoding the race. OTHER VALUABLE STAKES WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER W. J. MARTIN, F. H. GREEN, PRBSIDKST. SECRETARY AND CKAS. F. GARDNER, general manager. VXCE-JPR KSII ENT. ADDRESS Alili COMMUNICATIONS TO TflE SECRETARY, PARLOR "A," PALACE HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO,