Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-27

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL.., October 3G. Sixty-ninth day. Harlem Jockey Clnb. Autumn Mooting. Weather wet; track muddy. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. - q ET FIRST HACK 3-4 Mile. Parse S400. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL O O O 3-yaar-olds. Selling. lad Horae-n . A Wt St H S BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O t If 056 EVA WILSON If 8 3- 12 1 HI 11 Bloss F L Wileon 3 4 3 3 15282 FLIRTATION 97 4" 33 211 26 28 MrQnade W J Smiih 4 5 4 4 15263 MARTHA FOX 107 6 82 62 51133 R Smith Lewif-andMcCliate6 12 6 12 14878 CALCfTAP 102 51 46 4 42 iH Pheppard WilliamsandBarneg20 60 20 60 15259 BRIGHT NIGHT 108 11 9H 71 81 511 Vnlentine J H Smith 8 20 8 20 14769 NEUBERGKR H2 74 7h 51 6 6" J WinkfieldA Simons 20 30 20 30 14861 ROSA CLAY W 10a iji 102 71 72 A Booker C B Campbell 20 40 20 40 15CSlNRLf IE FONSO 110 2" 5U 81 92 8 Nicbolfon Sweet and Co 12 25 12 25 151E8 ANTIQUARY 110 1 23 310 3W 96 Mitchell James Cnrl 8-5 9-5 8-5 8-5 15220 A LICK B. 103 9 11 11 11 101 Wilson Jchn Breoock 10 15 10 15 15282 DUTY 110 8 6" 91 101 11 Hinkpy Mrs S M Sexton 6 10 6 10 Time, 121, 24, 511, 1:03, 1:17. Winner B. f, by Loyalist shadow. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily; lecond whipped ont; third eased up. Eva Wilson likpd the goir g. got a rnnning start and showed the most speed. She wanted to stop in the stretch, but Blots nursed her along Chrefnlly 10 the end. Flirtation was under keen pressure through the last three-eighths of a mile. At one time in the stretch she was lapped on Eva Wilson, but in the last fifty yards she hung. Mar-ha Fox ran a fair race and finished stoutly. Antiquary went lamo in bis preliminary and his owner tried to get him excused. The co t walked almost soundly in front of the judges Ftand and thry refused to excuse him. After getting away well on his stride, Antiquary showed. speed for abont three-eighths of a mil- end then retired. He pulled up quite lame and is on the verge of breaking down. At the finish the field was strung out for a pixteeptb of a mi e Scratched 15260 Mzie V., 102; 142723Lula W., 110; 14043 Colonel Eades, 107. Overweights Eva Wilson, 3 pounds; Celchas, 2. Eva Wilson, piece, 7 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Flirtation, place, 8 to 5; ebow, 4 to 5. Martha Fox, show, 2 to 1 Anti quary, plhca, 4 to 5: show. 1 to 2. - ?Qkl SECOND HACK 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to thira. JL 0040 4-year-oldB and upwara. 8elling. Ind Horses A Wt St X. Vt X StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L O 10.70 H.OF VSTMABE4 104 11 221 li 121 11 121 Mitchell J U Strode and Co 5 5 2 2 10649 DAVID 7 104 4" 1 5 28 25 26 Higby Benson and Jones 3-2 2 3-2 2 15131 SCANDLAND 6 107 9" 821 75 5 3U 3 J WinkfieldM C Mcore 15 30 15 20 152E0 DONNA BIT A 5 114 10" 1 6U 33 41 48 Conley T Licalzi 3 5 3 5 15176 T1NCRAFT 4 117 111 5 5" 721 61 52 R Smith Frat k Lewis 10 15 10 15 If 302 THE JEFFEESNB 107 5" 6101 101 7 6 Beaton Mrs K Bradley 15 30 15 30 14968 INVERaRY II. 4 114 7h 112 112 jji 81 71 Glover Mrs F Van Ness 30 30 20 20 15285 PITFALL 7 114 81 91 8" 6" 101 81 Trotter Geoiee Nehon 12 15 12 15 15176 ROGER B. 6 114 31 32 421 91 112 95 Bloss F C Mot hier 7 12 7 10 6290 RIG1CULM 4 107 12 12 12 12 12 1C Ralph ChaileB Wegmannl5 40 15 40 15131 BONNIE IONE 4 114 61 102 92 8 92 116 Ronllier F J 8tores 10 15 10 15 151772L1TTLE ALARM 4 114 2 Hi Si 4H 51 12 R Narvaez Weir and Bojle 8 10 8 10 Time, 25, 50, 1 :0Si, 1:18, 1 :33. Winner Br. g, by Fonso Reveal. Post 10 minutes. Start good. Won hand ridden; second eased at the end after an esrly drive Thirn rpsily. Prry f Trnstpmare was reacted for a "cod thing" nd proved to be one. Mitchell got him awaj filing end macio every toeta winnitg one. The horse fbltered for an instant at the head of the stretch but when the boy rallt d upon him hn csrro away hmdily Considering it was Davids first start in a loog while he rraio a creditable showing. Be had plenty of speed but topped in the stretch as thorgb a trifle short. This race will do the old borse good. Donna Rits actoa bsrly at the post but after getting away poorly showed quite a turn of speed. Bcandlaud ran a fair race Scratched 15177 Ora M.. 104; 15221 Ynba Dam, 114: 15176 Globe II., 104; 14968 FoEcuro. 104 Hemy of Trataaware, -place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. David, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Scand-land, show, 4 to J. K Q fc T THIRD HACK 3-4 Mile. Purse f400. 5 to second; 5 to thira. IuOJ I All Ages. Allowances. Ind Horaes A Wt St M M StrFin Jockeys Owners C If L T 152222HARRY DCKE 7 106 14 1 121 Hi 12 R Smith . L A Cella 1 7-5 1 7-5 142043BANISH 3 98 2" 333 52 221 Mitchell FM Arthur 6 8 6 8 15100 PEACE 3 98 6 221 22 2H 33 McQae.de Foster and Hackett 31 31 21 13-5 15262 IDA LEDFORD 2 91 3 4" 45 n 45 Pairetto Brennon and Moore4 6 4 6 15281 MOR. VOLMEK 2 86 41 611 53 52 56 Seaton Leigh and Jordan 15 40 15 40 15260 LOITRBER 4 106 7 7" 61 61 6 Flick John Powers 8 12 8 12 15260 SIM W. 6 103 51 511 7 71 73 Valnutine E McCord 10 20 10 15 15116TRICNE 3 98 8 8 8 8 8 WJores S White 20 50 20 50 Time, 12, 24. 50, 1 :03. 1:17 Winnpr B. g, by Dnke of Montrose Memorial. Post 6 minutes. Statt good. Won etsilv: second end third were doing their best. Harry Dul e bad 6 11 the best of the weights, got n flying start and won as he pleated. He was a good horee tor ay He pulled up bltedit g in front. In pne of bis luogeb at the pott he grabbed himself and inflicted an ugy-lcoking wound Bt-nieh ran a fine rece and finished gamely. Peace was off none tco well end a much used in the first part of the race. She then, naturolly, tird inthe stretch. Ida Lptffnrd e men sour and prrbars has staled. The eoing handicapped Sim W. Scratched 15282 Hilee. 110: 15263 Zacatosa, 98: 1528220Connell, 103. Overweights Harry DuWe, 3 pi unos. Harry Duke, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Banish, place, 3 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Peacp, show, 2 to 5. "I KQOQ FOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Mile. Purse 1500. 5 to Becond; 5 to third. JLOOO 3-year-olds and upward. Owners Handicap. Ind Horsp-B A Wt St Bt k Vi X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 1S2831BENNEVLE4 94 H 12113 l i 13 lio ycQuede J H Smith 3 4 3 4 15S383MORONI 4 75 2 21 23 22 23 22 22 J Waldo Jams Arthur 1 11-101 1 !5259DBLEDMY5 97 4 33 36 so 310 310 32 Mitchell FiisbieandCo 2 2i 2 21 15228 HY NUTTER 3 93 31 4 4 4 4 4 4 W Jones AC Clerk 10 10 10 10 Time, 26 52. 1:18, l:44i, 2:12. Winner B h, by Ben Strom e Prudenc. Off at the first break to a geed start. W op easir g up; the others were driving. Benneville, contrary to all reports, proved to be at bom in the goir g, He spread-eagled his field aiid made a ruDiy race of it. This is a, horse of fair cJssb and stems to be in rare lorm row. Moroni never could get within striking distance of him. In fsct 1 e hardly ran his race. Waldo pulled hiB whip on Moroni on the far turn and for en icslant the colt Bee med to gain on the leader, but when McQuaae let out a link the latter drew far away. Double Dummy ran his rece. Harry Nutter seems to b of no pre ent account. Overweight: Harry Nutter. 3 pounds: Benneville, 2 ; Double Dummy, 2. Benneville, place. 6 to 5 ; show. 2 to 5. Moroni, piece, 2 to 5; show, out. Double Dummy, place. 3 to 5: show, out. Harry Nutter, sbow. 4 to 5 j - 1 -I RQOQ FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. PurBe00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL O O jU tJ 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt hi X StrFin Jockeya OwcerB O B L C 152842LADY CURZON 106 1h 11 12 15 is Vitiioe J 8 OBrien 2 13-52 2i" 152022IZNIK 106 41 iU 32 3i-22 JWinkfieldHT Griffin 31 41 31 4 15262 1NLOOK 106 5b 23 23 2 3H Hamilton C Volini 10 12 10 10 15258 SATAN 106 61 92 81 5 4 Wilton James Curl 8 12 8 12 15258 ODKA 100 7h 71 61 61 51 W Lyons MoneandPatterson 12 40 12 40 151752MAYDINE 1C9 10" 3 41 42 6 ConJey W F Schnlte 6 8 6 7 15223 FLRNCE ANETIA1C6 21 111 11" 101 -,a Mitchell James 3 Gray 6 12 6 12 15202 TALMA 1C6 11 6" 5l 92 811 Sbeppard Kbodb and Ryan 15 40 15 40 15S03 KITTIE G. 109 91 82 92 8 92 Hinky James Owen 6 8 6 7 13730LAMPWICK 106 81 5 73 72 1G Rigby SMMrih 7 12 7 12 15095 OLIVE ORDER 100 12" 121 101 1U 112 Henton Mrs LD Gray 20 40 20 40 15284 IN DEBT 13 13 13 121 122 122 McQuade P OMalley 7 8 7 8 112623EMMA M. 109 3" 102 13 13 13 Bli ss H A Gotten 5 12 5 12 lime, 12, 25. 51, 1:04. Winner B. f, by Prime Minister Octa Reed. Post 7 minntes. Start fair. Won with the greatest of esse. There was a lot of action behind the winner. Lady Curzon got a bade tbo best cf the start and was ntver fully extended. She seemed to fairly revel in the going. Iznik had no excuses ana aid his best. Inlook is speedy bntcaLLOtgo over a half mile at speed. Satfn made up a lot of ground frrm the half mile post home. Florence Anetia was badly interfered with at the start ana Mitchell was c. m polled to pull her up to a standstill. This considertd, she ran a gcod race. In Debt had no chance frtm where he got awty. En ma M would 1 ot extend herself in the goiDg Scratched 13223 ClaraWoolej.106; 15175 Tildee. 1C9; 15027 Syra, 103: 15153 Irish Jewel, 109. Lady Cuizon. place, evens; tho, 1 to 2. Iznik, plate, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Inlook, show, 2 tbl. 1 rJQA SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to 1 ft J O t third. 3-vear-olds and upward Spllipg. Ind Horsea A Wt Bt M X X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 14952 CHANCERY 3 101 21 1 12i 12 12 16 Mitchell J C Cabn 6 8 6 7 15263 PAT GARRETT 3 104 71 6" 51 2H 21 2 Valentin? J H Snith 7 8 6 7 15239 SUNBURST 7 108 6h 4 3sk 4U 31 3H Ralph OHera and Deakin 15 25 15 25 15221 INTRIGUE R 5 109 8" 91 8 51 11 4 Hinkoy JMM-thnwson 6 6 6 6 lf.239 BERT DAVI3 3 99 11 10a 101 8 62 52 Vititce J H OBrien 5 12 5 12 15156 WORDSWORTH 5 103 9M2l lit 92 71 6 Ji Narvaez Mrs H Morgan 20 40 20 40 1.-026 LONG DANDY 3 94 11" 132113 112 81 71 J Waldo J Jones 30 30 15 15 15261 DOG TOWN 4 110 12 15 15 121 91 82 McQuhde R Flynn 4 8 4 7 152633ROS VVANNAH 3 96 101 16 14 132 102 91 W Jones H Htiosohn 6 8 6 8 1 52632 VOLANDIES 3 109 3 21 2 3 52 10" Bloss H Gwynn and Co 5 6 5 6 15285 ELID AD 4 106 13 17 16 14 132 112 Rigby Jam s Arthur 12 20 12 15 15263 P. THE FIDDLR3 102 15 18 18 16 14 122 Trotter G Lanory 7 12 7 12 14450 CAB RILLO 7 106 16 14"17 17 15 131 Wilson James Dunne 12 30 12 30 14773GEORGE LEE 4 11118 St 918 16 142 Glover A J Wallace 6 15 6 15 15259 DR. MARKS 4 107 5 32 41 62 121 15 Flkk J J Donovan 6 20 6 20 15263 UHLKK 310214 11" 6" 71 112 16 Sbeppard T Kiley 5 7 5 7 15199 NAILER 3 105 17 7h 7i 101 17 17 Conley W H Chambers 12 15 12 15 15199 LOST TIME 3 10314" 5H121 15 18 18 . JWintfMd C H Dieboll and Co 20 3J 20 30 Time. 251, 511, 1:05, 1:19. 1:45, 1:501. Winner Ch. c, by Chance Outcramble Off at first break to a good start. Won eased up; the next five were driving to the limit. Chancery v as fortuuate in getting off flying, had cl-ar sailing aii held the other safe all the way. Pat Garrett ran a good race. He had so m bad lask early but no: enough to hurt his chances to aoy great extent. Old Sunburnt surprised himself and veryone eUe by running so well. Intriguer had a very rough jou uey This is nil that kept him from bain iu the m niy. Bert Davis got into a bad jam on the first turn. Voandies had no excuses. BIopr got him throuvh a small hole on thn first turn. Wordsworth ran a go d rac It was an unwieldy big field of bad horses. The winner was run up 00 over his entered price by J. H. Smith, who got him for 00. Scratched 15197 F. Garner. 101; 15260 Inuendn. 103; 1S220 Owyboo, 97. Overweights Loot Time, 2 pourds; Pav the Fiddlsr, 2; Uhler, 2. Chancery, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Pat Gairett. placi, 21; show, evens. Suabnrst, Bhow, 4 to 1 ,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899102701/drf1899102701_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899102701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800