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LAKESIDE FORM CHART. ROBY, IND., November 10. Eleventh day. Lakeside Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather cloudy; track good on ontaide, deep next to rail. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. fi O T FIRST BACE-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5toBecond; 5 to third. t i 2-ynar-nlrtp. Allowances od Horses A Wt St ii Str Fin J6ckeys Owners O H L C 14922 THE UNKNOWN 104 3 11 li 13 16 Mitchell T P Hayes 6-5 6-5 1 1 15583 BEN CHANCE lui 101 71 52 42 2 Trotter W H Fredman 20 20 7 7 155553TERRALENE 101 21 2i 31 21 33 Vititoe J U Strode and Co 3 3t 3 3 15486 DAISY O. 101 71 32 23 3" 4h Beaton James Cnrl 12 12 12 12 15440 FAIR AMERICAN 110 9 126 112 E 51 Ralph W H Rainey and Col2 20 12 20 15488 DR. CAVE 104 12 4 411 7" 6" Henson Keith and Patton 40 40 20 20 15558 FAIR TEST 107 1 102 61 61 72 Freeman llrsGFMphyandCo II 15 10 15 15219 LYDIA S. 101 61 13 10ii 91 81 R Narvaez H A Cotton 25 50 25 60 15555 PINK JACKET 101 4h 114 12 8 92 W Jones J B Nichol 25 40 25 40 15583 OPHELIA 101 5a 5 7"11"102 McGovern T Licalzi 25 50 25 50 15555 FARRIE 107 13a 81113 102 112 Hinkey J M Mathewson 10 12 10 12 15607 ODEA 103 Ha 142 9122 121 Kitley MorseandPatterson 25 50 25 50 15558 BICOR 104 14 153 131 131 Mason Tomlinson and Co 7 7 7 7 15536 CRYSTYNE 103 8 91511142 142 Kerin S Schwartz 75 100 75 100 15555 8YRA 103 15 616 16 15 Valentine James Wils-n 13 20 12 20 15555 BAIRD 101 16 16 142 151 16 Sbeppard Heckerand Keating 25 50 25 50 Time, 121, 24, 501, 1:03, 1 :17. Winner BIk. c, by Pirate of Penzance Rom ana. Post 7 minutes. Strt excellent. Won easing up; second and third were driving to tha limit; so were fonrth, fifth and sixth horses. The Unknown waB backed for a "good thing" and proved to be one He is a colt with some pretentions to good class and was in a soft spot. Ben Chance ran a good game race. Trotter -was kicking and whipping him all the way. Terralene had no excuses She simply quit under pressuie at the end. Daisy O. showed a fine turn of speed She wants a fast track. Fair American got into a tangle at the start, was compelled to rnn all around his field, then finished with a tprrific rubh. This horse has all the symptoms of a snlker. Dr. Cave was in a bad pocket all the way. Lidia S. made up ground throughout. Ophelia ran far out in the two breakaways at the post. Overweights Syra, pounds; ODea, 2; Crystyne, 2. The Unknown, place. 1 to 2; show, out. Ben Chance, place, 2 to 1; show, evenB. Terralene, Bhow. 1 to 2. pT ClTO SECOND RACE 1 Mile. Puree 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. 1 J O i O 3-ywar-oIdg and upward. Belling Ind Horses A Wt St jj jj StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 15805 30SEPHINE B. 3 95 7 7" 63 2" 1H 18 Tally H J Smith 6 7 6 7 15605 FREE HAND 3 95 3" li H 12 22 21 W Jones S 3 Bender 5 5 5 5 15534 PAULINE J. 3 95 2a 31 3a 31 32 33 Flick E C Brown and Co 7 7 7 7 15588 INVERARY II. 4 104 9a 95 72 710 52 42 Henson MrsFVanNsBandCo25 50 25 50 15S88 CABRILLO 7 107 8" 4" 42 42 41 51 Mason James Dunne 5 5 5 5 15417 MAZIE V. 3 95 4 21 2i 5 6 6 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 25 40 25 40 15325 NEUBERGER 3 95 5"10iU0i 8 72 71 Vititoe A Simons 5 7 5 7 15487 BRIGHT NIGHT 3 101113 121 11" 91 92 8 Wilson J H Smith 25 40 25 40 18010 K C. 5 107 10 13 13 12 101 92 Ralph J D McMillan 12 12 12 12 15588 CHAUN. FISHER 4 107 121 1112 10" 8l105 Freeman W Mulvoil 7 10 7 10 15468 THE MINISTER 3 103 111 8" 93 13 121 115 Valentine G S Harris 25 40 25 50 15445 TITLE 4 107 6a 5 5" 62 112 1210 Hinkey F 5 7 5 7 14878ANIMUS 3 103 la 62 8 112 13 13 Mitchell WHChambareandCo3 3 3 3 Time, 25, 501, 1:031, 1:17, 1:131. Winner B. f, by Falsetto Patroness. Post 7 minutes. Start good. Won easily. Josephine B. won running away from her rider. Judging from this race the filly is in her best form. Free Ha ad showed plenty of speed but the route was too far for her. She and Pauline J. were staggering all over the track at the head of the stretch Between them they had a great bumping match with neither directly to blame. Inverary II. from a slow beginning maae up ground throngbout and ran a fine race for him. Cabrillo teems to be of no present account. Neuberger was badly interf ered with and whatever chance he bad of winning was ruined on the first turn. Animus pulled up quite lame and from all indications broken down. Overweights Bright Night, 8 pounds; The Minister, 5; Channcey Fisher, 3; Title, 3. Josephine B.. place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Free Hand, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Pauline J.t show, evens. Animus, place, 7 to 5; show. 1 to 2. jpr fiSCk .THIRD RACE 6 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to thlra. JL tJ vl w 3-year-olda and npward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt li X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 15585 GEORGIE 3 104 1" li 11 1 U Vititoe D P Rodgerj and Co 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 15445 ANDES 3 97 2" 3" 3 31 2i Mitchell James Arthur 5 6 5 6 153973BRNNEVILLE 4 117 61 41 2" 2i 35 Freeman J H Smith 3 3 2 3 15511 FREE LADY 4 99 3a 21 43 42 46 Tally T Kiley 40 50 40 50 15442 VLET PARSONS 5 99 4a 52 55 51 51 W J mes E K Voss 20 20 20 20 14968 QUEEN SAFIE 5 101 7" 6 9" 62 61 Hothorsoll M T Dauaher 100 300 100 300 15441 NICHOLAS 6 105 10 10 7a 81 72 Mason M J Malnney 20 25 20 25 15583 COL. EADE3 3 94 81 81 6" 72 8 H Brown HGwynnandCo 100 200 100 2C0 155U3LITTLE REGGIE 3 101 5 72 8 93 92 Wilson George dchultze 40 60 40 60 15327 TRIUNE 3 97 9a 910 10 10 Flick S White 50 100 50 100 Time. 12. 241. 491, 1 :02, 1 :151, 1 :23. Winner Ch. f, by Ragnarok Georgie M. Pest 6 minutes. Stare good. Won band ridden and ont to the last ounce; second and third were bard at it. Georgia is in rare form and won in a high class way. She ia a fitly with phenomenal speed and with each start seems to improve in staying power. Vititoe rides her best. He has a good pair of hands and does not punish her with thj whip. Andes was right there ana fighting Lard for the moDey all the way. Bennevilla had up quite a lot of weight and this told on him when the pinch came. Mark Frae Ltdy for early action in lower company. The same comment goes for Queen Sane over a distance of ground. Little Reggie did not rnn nearly as well as he did in bis last race. Scratched 15560Canace, 97; 15534 Sam Lazarus Esq., 100; 15532 Inuendo, 99; 15557 Lillian Reed, 100. Georgie, place, out; Andes, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Bennevilla, show, 1 to 3. 1 F". A Qn FOURTH HACE-1 Mile and 20 Ifards. Purse 4UU. 5 to aecouu; 5 to X. tJUOU ttiirQ. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind HorBes A Wt Bt K H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O U 1. y. 15l903DKEttlNU a 107 2- Bl 3 3 3 11 Kreemau W Uum zT3 15263 LATCH KEY 3 103 61 2 21 23 1 2if Mitcnell A Simons 21 2 2t 21 15560 BANISH 3 93 3" HI li 1 23 3" Vititoe F M Arthur 5 6 5 6 ContiLUnc on 3d page. LAKESIDE FORM CHART. Continued from 1st page. 15557ENNOMIA 4 108 4b 72 7 5 51 40 pjjDt PJGoebelandCo 5 5 41 41 156C6TILLIE W. 4 104 1 4H 42 414 41 Flick W Clancy 7 7 7 7 15537 JIMP 3 103 51 5 61 7 7 65 Ralph H Robinson 5 5 5 5 15S56FANTASY 3 98 8 8 8 8 8 73 W Jones WdfordandEvrmnl2 12 12 12 15513 MAIN GUY 3 95 7h 6U 5H 62 62 8 A Booker W "W Clark 150 1E0 150 150 Time, 241, 50, 1 :021, 1 :15i, 1 :42i, 1 :45. dinner Ch. c, by Sir Dixon Vassar. Off at the first break to a prod start. Won hepdily at the end after a hard early drive. Decline wf.b the best end best ridden. Freeman rated the horse cleverly all the way, picked the beet gcir g and ceme will a well-timed rush at Ihe end. Latch Key is cot a stayer. This is the only escuEe be bad for not winning. When Mitchell called upon the big horse in the stretch he swerved badly and darted to the inside, where tbe going was deep. Banish ran an improved race. He showed a lot of speed, but bung at tie 1 nd. Encomia did not get on ber stride nntil tbe Btretcti was reached. Then she made np a lot of ground. Tillie W. was right tbere and fighting for third place at the end. Jimp will do better with a Btronger rider np. Fantasy and Main Guy were outclassed. Scratched 156C82Morcni. 110; 15489Terrene. 95; 15158 Heroics, ICO; 15537 Wilson, 107. Deering,, evens; show, 1 to 2. Latch Key, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Banian, show, evens. - pr -I FIFTH RACK i Jtttle. furne 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLlUO JL 3-year-olda and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 14. K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 15588EEFDGEE 6 109 2" 1h 2i 3J1 1" 1 Kitley V il Le 5 6 4 6 HES4BERT DAVI8 3 103 9 8 8 8 32 221 Vititoe J S OBrien 4 4 31 31 15588 EVELYN BYRD 3 95 3 41 31 2 21 33 Flick F O Moshier 7 8 7 7 15177 LENNEP 4 104 5 61 5 41 41 45 Mason TP Hayes 7 8 6 6 155092DONNA RITA 5 104 1" 5h 6" 6 51 5 Mitchell T Licalzi 9-5 9-5 8-5 9-5 15560 MC ALBERT 4 104 4 3 4 51 76 61 Ralph H Robinson 12 12 12 12 14317 CHICOPEO 4 104 7 21 12 12 62 75 Sheppsrd Brown and Lynch 15 15 12 12 15330 INTRIGUER 5 107 81 71076 72 8 8 Hinkey J M Mathewson 10 10 8 8 15605 LADY OSBORNE 3 S5 61 Fell. Seaton Palmer and Benson 25 75 25 50 Time, 121, 251, 38, 511, 1:171, 1:311, 1:441. Winner B. g, by Exile Bracken. Post 6 minntes. Start good. Won in a long, hard drive of two; the nea:t two were driving also. Kitley was on a game horse and he rode him to perfection. In tbe lest sixteenth he clearly outttnished Vititoe. Had the latter boy not cone to bis whip on Bert Davis he wonld have won, as it was when tbis weapon was applied the colt swerved and interfered with Refugee a trifle. Evelyn Byrd showed plenty of speed and ran a fairly good race. LeDnep does not amount to much. Neither does Donna Rita these days. Chicopec showed a lot of speed early bat could not carry it far. Scratched 155333David, 103; 15605 Her Favor, 109. Overweights Intriguer, 3 pf unds. Refugee, place, 2 to I ; show, evens. Bart Davis, place, 6 to 5; bIiow, 3 to 5, Evelyn Byrd, show, 6 to 5. Donna Rita, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. pr Q fc SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 5400. 5 to second; 5 to third. ODO All ages. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St and y, 3A StrFin JockeyB Owners O H L C 15659 B. NUT I EE 3 ICS 6a 71 72 72 4k 22 1U Mitchell A-C Jlark 2 14-52 2 1555S2VOLAND1ES 3 1121 2" 6" 6 4 5 31 2 Mbbou H Gwjnn and Co 7 7 6 6 15584s V1NCENNES 3 95 4a 91 85 8" 8 4" 31 Flick John Brenock 5 5 5 5 155552DEL PASO II 6 107 71 1 1H 121 12 11 42 Kitley John Mackey 12 12 12 12 155?5YOLOCO 2 87 81 S 5" 3" 31 61 Li Telly J W Schorr and Bon 3J 41 31 41 15556 PROSPERO 3 95 1" 311 41 6" 7" 72 62 W JoEes R Ooi.gdon and Son 10 10 10 10 15584SOWYHEE 3 98 9" 411 21 211 2" 52 71 Benson GF Murphy 20 20 20 20 156C63JSTFADMAN7 112 lPf 102 ICS 102 910 8118 Ralrh RKMaddox 10 10 10 10 1E606 ELKIN 5 107 3" 2 31 51 6h 92 S5 Freeman J H Smith 20 20 20 20 15489 THE JEFSON4 107 5" 5 U 9 102 103 102 Seatou Mrs R Bradley 40 40 30 30 15556 LIBBIE 4 107 11 11 8"11 11 11 11 Bmkpy FosterandBrnmfleldl50 150 150 150 Tim, 121, 25, 371, 501, 1:031, 1:171, 1:441, 1:58. Winner Ch. c, by Harry OFallon Vena N. Off t the second break to a good start. Won cleverly after a little shaking up at tbohead of the btietch; tbe next four were criving to the limit. Barry Nutter ran onb of his good races and made his field look cheap Mitchell rrde the colt skilfully. Volandies is consistent and under h pood ride ran right to tbe notch. With a less timid rider up and favored more by racing luck, Vincemes wenld have given the winder a stour argument. Only bad-luck kept him from getting second piece. The route was too far for Del Paso II., who showed a lot of speed and is good. Yolo co suffered frcm bad handling. So did Prospero. Freeman, on Elkin, got tirod before the horse did end Elkin floundered all over the track. Scratched 15184 Nailer, 98; 15588 Fintan, 95. Overweights Volandies, 41 pounds; Libbi. 3. Harry Nutter, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Volandies, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Vincennes, Bhow. 4 to 5.