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A GREAT SALE. Tbe sale to bo conducted by Moears. Woodard and Shanklin, during the week of November 27, to December 2 at Lexington will likely prove one of the greatest tbr-y have ever held, judging from the quality of the consignments they announce. Although there are more than 5C0 bead to be Gold, it is not merely a ealo of a large number of thoroughbred horses, but in most caeeB horses of worth and such as will be oegerly bid upon by all who desire to strengthen their farmB or stables. The yearlings to be sold number in all 250 head, and they are tbe product of Eome of the most noted establishments In America. The list inclndes a number of brothers and sisters to tbe greatest of stake winners, and are represented to be an exceedingly valuable and choice lot. Certainly from Bncb a large number ve believe the most ever offered in any one sale in this country, one should have no difficulty in picking a Vood one." and doubtless many rare bargains will be secured. The liorres in training are about 1C0 head, including the wonderful trio, namely, Acne Bain, Unsightly and Merito, the "cracks" of 1899 two-year o?d fillies. Serrano, tbe beEt aged horse of the West during 1899. will 8lso be told, as well as a most valuable contingent from tbe success ful stable of Messrs. J. W. Schoir, including Algol a high-class horse, W. Overton stake winner, Strramer, Presbvterian stake wiener, The Bush, Wilson, Yoloco, Aberdale and others. Mr. Eugene Leigh will dispoFO of his Western Btablo, including High Degree a stake winner, Wiedemann. Mr. Brown, Zonne and othr winners. Mr. W. H. McCnikle peers hiB entiro string, Lightning Express, Fairy D.ll, etc. W. A. McGuigan senu in Fdoition Unsightly, aho the good horses, Edinborounh, Dick Fur-ber, Benaaier, Tnlane, Deanston, Surilla, Major Mansir and tbe great mare, Lady Inez. Apple-gate and Durham will tell their entire string, Merito, Eomanoff, Joe Grady, etc. Other consignments include Yohicer, Ptince Beal, Miss QoBsie, Caviar and numerous other valuable and useful horso3. I The 200 stallions, broodmares and weanlings to be sold are fully up to the high standard of other divisions of this great sale, and include both the pires and the dams of any number of the best of Americas "racehorses." It will bs a gale that no horseman can afford to miss, for no matter what his wants may be he can be supplied from the 500 head to be sold. Catalogues giving complete information will bo ready November 18, and will be mailed only npon application to Messrs. Woodard and Shank-lin. It will prove a usef al study to any who aro at all interested in the thoronghbred horse.