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1899 ANNUAL BACING FORM. The first volume of 1S99 Annual Racing Form, containing the charts from January 1 to July 1, 1899, in soft morocco covers, with a linen paper index lettered and reinforced for hard use, is ready for delivery. The Yearly coats 0. Volume 2 will be delivered to subscribers by January 5, 1900. The two volumes of the Annual will not be sold separately. There are a few special term books for sale on order, however PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colors, ruled and arranged for six generations of sires md dams of individuals and their ancestor. Ten cents each, .00 per dozen, .50 per hun-ired, No owner of a stallion should be without a supply. DAILY RACING FORM, 124-126 Fifth Avenne, Chioago, 111. Our Good Thing... AT TANFORAN TODAY AT 15 to 5. Get it and Be in On the Winning. Absolutely reliable information on these good things. Wired early. Ready at 10 a.m. .oo Daily. Six Days .00. Including handicap. Chicago Tarf Advisory Co., Room 707, 235 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. William Riley, Bookmaker. NEW ORLEANS RACES. Only the BEST of information DIRECT from track. Terms .00 For Six Days. Address WILLI An RILEY, Orunewald Hotel, - New Orleans, Ia. thb AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS The bast of reliable information by wire from onr agents at San Francisco and New Orleans. Our winners yesterday were Espionage, Sardine, Timemaker and Yellow Tail, We also gave White Fern, Owyhee and Southern Girl for place horses. We guarantee two winners or money refunded Price 50 cents. Remember no guess work. All horses figured by experts. For sale at office at 1 oclock. Selections tele-graDhed to any part of the United States or Canada daily. 00 for ten days. Address all communications to J. F. REYNOLDS, Room 78, 125 Clark St. ...20 TO 1--NEI ORLEANS... We will be in a position to give our many patrons another 20 to 1 chance in third race Wednesday. This good thinar shipped from the EAST to WIN this particular race, and we have no doubt about the result. Two Grand Special Today. Both about 5 to 1. Get them they are very-good ones. Oar handicap on all races run at New Orleans and Tanforan ready at 9 a.m. Telegraphed anywhere at 9 a.m. .00 Dally. .00 For Three Days. .00 For Six Days. Race Track Information Bureau, SUITS 500, 263 DEARBORN ST., Tel. Harrison 1580. CHICAGO, ILI. ALWAYS WINNER. Onr selections make money for our subscribers. If you wish to play long shots that figure to win or place get our selections at both tracks. Subscription during winter .00 Per Week. .00 Per Day. American Horsemens Ageacy, Smite 516, 167 Dearborn Street.