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BUNKING RECORDS. The table published below gives the running records as they stand today and as they will probably stand at the end of toe year. The New Orleans and Tanforan tracks are not fast enough to make records over for the country at large and Oakland has but a few days of what is left of this year in which to Betnew marks, so that the probabilities are altogether in favor of this table standing fcr the speedy ones of 1900 to strive againBt. The new records of the present year are thosn of Firearm over the Eclipse Course at Morris Park, Georgie at 6 1-2 furlongs at Hawthorne, DunoiB at 7 1-2 furlongs at Oakland, Carnero at 1 1-16 miles at Hawthorne, Eyrat at 1 2 1-2 miles at Newport, and The Bachelor at 4 miles in a race at Oakland. Besides these rec- , ords on the flat, Ben Eder haB set a new mark at a mile and thrae-quarters over hurdles. Here are the records complete and accurate: DISTANCE. TIME. 1-4 mile.... Bob Wade. 4, Butte. Mont., August 20, 1890 :2l 3 8 mile.... Red S., a. 122 lbs.. Butte, Mont , July 23, 1893 :34 1 o 5 Goraldine, 4, 122 lbs., Morris Park, N. Y., straight course, Angust30, 1889 :46 I- - mile., i April Fool 4 12, lba Bmtet Mont., July 31, 1891 :47 ,,. j Meadows, 6, 103 lb3., Alexander Island, Va.. March 28, 1895 :53 1 4 i. inr.. s Handpress, 2, 100 lbs., Morris Park, N. Y., straight course, May 26, 1897 :52 KO;i MaidM riaxii 4, 111 lbs. Morris Prk, N. Y, straight course, OctobBr 9 1894 :56i 1 D-smne.. Qeorg9 Fi Smith, 4. 100 lbs., Bay District, Cal., May 7, 1895 :59 S1,fn, Tormentor, 6, 121 lbs , Morris Park, N. Y , straight course, October 10, 1893... 1:03 a i-4 inr.. Howardi 4i 118 lDa f los Angeles, Cal , October 2d, 1895 1 :06 Futurity Couree 3-4 mile less 170 feet. Kingston, a, 139 lbs., Sbeepshead Bay, N. Y., June 22, 1891 1 :08 Mary Black, 3 104 lbs., Oakland. Cal., December 31, 1893 1 :09 f Firearm, 4. 120 lbs., Morris Park, N. Y , straight couree, October 3, 1899 1:083and J OConnell, 5, 121 lbs., Oakley. Ohio, July 18, 1895 a- mue..K Flora Louisa, 2, 88 lbs., Chicago, Harlem, September 30. 1897 1:12 54 LMary Black, 3. 93 lbs . Chicago, Washington Park, July 17.1898 1 61-4fnr....Hnny Burly, 3, 104 lbs , Chicago, Washington Park, Jnly 14, 1898 1:16 6 1-2 fur.... Georgie, 3, 102- lbs., Chicago, Hawthorne, September 16, 1899 1:1954 ,,mil. 5 Clifford, 4, 127 lbs., Sheopshexd Bay, N Y , August 29, 1894 1:25 mne.. Bella B 5 103 Jbs Monmouth Park, N. J., atraiht course, July 8, 1890 1:23 7 l-2fur....Dunois, 5, 105 lbs., Oakland, Cal., February 21, 1899 1:32and Balvator, 4, 110 lbs.. Monmouth Park,againsttimp, straight course, Aug 28.1890 1:35 1 mile...- Kildeer, 4. 91 lbs., Monmouth Park, N. J straight course, August 13, 1892.... 1:374 Libertine, 3, 90 lbs., Chicago, Harlm, October 21, 1894 l:38 1 9n i Mai1 Marian, 4, 106 lbs., Chicago, Washington Park. July 19, 1893 Inn 1 m. 2U y. Macyj 4 10? lbg Chicago. Washington Park, July 2, 1898 lm. 60y...Floron8o, 3, 931b3., Chicago, Washington Park, July 6, 1898 1:42 lm. 70 y. ..Lillian Lee, 3, 95 lbs., Chicago. Harlem, July 31, 1894 1:434 I I- 16 m.... Carnero, 5, 107 lbs., Chicago, Hawthorne, September 5, 1899 1:45 1 1-8 m TriBtan, 6, 114 lbs., Morris f ark, N. Y.. June 2. 1891 1:51 1 3-16 m.... Boanerges, 4, 110 Ins.. Chicago, Washington Park, July 7, 1898 1:?8M 111 DavidTenny, 4, 100 lbs., Chicago, Washington Park, Jnly 16, 1898 nn 1 1-4 m.. Algol? 4j 107 lbg ehicag0i Washington Prk, July 23, 1898 J 042 1 m. 500 y.. Ben dOr, 4, 115 lbs., Saratoga, N. Y , Jnly 25, 1882 2:10 1 516 m...Bir John. 4, 116 lbs., Morris Park, N.Y.June 9, 1891 2:144 1 3-8 m... .Sabine, 4, 109 lbs , Chicago, Washington Park, July 5, 1894 2:185 1 1-2 m.... Goodrich, 3, 102 lbs.. Chicago, Washington Park, July 16, 1898 2:30 1 5-8 m....Hindoocraft, 3, 75 lbs.. Morris Park, N. Y . August 27. 1889 2:48 1 3-4 m....Ben Holladay. 4, 118 lbs., Moriis Park, N. Y., October 23, 1897 2:E9J4 1 7-8 m.. ..Enigma, 4, 90 lbs., Sbeepshead Bay, N. Y., September 15. 1885 3:30 2 miles.. ..Judge Denny, 5, 105 lbs , Oakland. Cal., Febraaiy 5. 1898 3:26 2 1-8 m Joe Murphy. 4, 99 lbs. Chicago, Harlem, August 30, 1894 3:42 2 1-4 m Buckwa, 7, 104 lbs., Oakland, Cal., December 31. 1808 3:51 2 1-2 m Kyrat, 3, 88 lbs , Newport, Ky., November 18. 1899 4:24 2 5-8 m Teu Broeck, 4, 104 lbs., Lexington, Ky., September 16, 1876 4:58 2 3-4 m Hubbard, 4, 107 lbB., Saratcga, N. Y., August 9. 1873 4:585i 3 miles Drake Carter, 4. 115 lbs., Sheepsbead Bay, N. Y , September 6, 1884 5:24 Fellowcraf t, 4, 108 lbs., Saratoga, N. Y., AugUBt 20, 1874 7 :19 4 miles .. Lncretia Borgia, 4, 85 lbs., Oakland. Cal., agaiust time. May 28, 1897 7:11 The Bachelor, 6, 113 lbB.. Oakland. Cal.. Febru-ry, 22, 1899 7:16 DISTANCE. HEAT EACES TWO IN THREE . , TIME . 1-4 mile.. ..Sleopv Dick, a, Kiowa, Kas., November 24, 1888 :2i :22M 3-8 mile. ...Bob Wade, 4. Butte, Mont,, August 16, 1890 :36and :36 Eclipse Jr., 4. Dallas, Tex., November 1, 1890 :48 :48 :48 I- 2 mile.. - Bogus, a, 113 lbs., Helena. Mont, August 22, 1888 :48 :48 Bill Howard. 5, 122 lbs., Anaconda, Mont., August 17. 1895 :47 :i8 S8mi1 Kittle PeaBe. 4, 82 lbs., Dallas. Tex., November 2, 1S87 1:00 1:00 and-B mile.. FoXj 4j 113 Jbs Bay Diatrict, Cel., October 31, 1891 1:00 1:C0 i Lizzie S 5, 118 lbs., Louisville, Ky.. September 28, 1883 1 :13J4 1 :13k 3-4 mile.. Tom Hayes, 4. 107i lbs., Morris Park, N. Y., straight course, Juno 17. 1892 .. 1:10 1:123 1 mile Guido, 4, 117 lbs., Chicago, Washington Park, Jnly 11, 1891 1:41 1:41 I I- 16 mile.. Slipalong, 5, 115 lbs.. Chicago, Washington Park, 8ept 2, 1885 1:51 1:48 1 1-8 m Gabriel, 4, 112 lhs., Sheepshoaa Bay, N. Y.. September, 23. 1880 1:56 1:58 iiim i Glenmore, 5, 114 lbs , Sbeepshead Bey, N. Y., September 25, 1880 2:10 2:14 A1m" Mary Anderson. 3, 83 lbs, won first beat in 2:09 1 1-2 m Keno, 6, Toledo, Ohio. September 16, 1881 2:43 2:45 ii .. Bradamante,3,87 lbs., Jackson, Mies , Nov. 17.1877,time doubtful 3:32 3:29 iSmueB Miss Woodford, 4, 105 lbs.,8heepehead Bay, N. Y ,Bept. 30, 1884 3:33 3:31M 3 miles ....Norfolk, 4, 100 lbs., Sacramento, Cal., September 2, 1865 5:27 5:29 .. 5 Glenmore, 4, 108 lbs., Pimlicp, Md., October 25, 1879 7:304 7:31 4 mues wmi8 Dii4 105 Uja.on first heat in 7:29 HEAT RACES THREE IN FIVE. 1 9 . S Haddington, 6, 118 lbs., Petalnma, Cal.. AngnBt 28, 1883 :49 :50 :49J i-L mne. Annt Bbtsyi won firat heat in .49 3-4 mile... .Gleaner, 7, 112 lbs., Chicago, Washington Park, Jnly 5, 1886... 1:15 1:14 1:15 lmile LArgentine, 6, 115 lbs., St. Lonis, Mo June 14, 1879 1:43 1:44 1:47 Won first, third and fourth heats ; the second waB dead between King Faro and Shortiine in 1:43. DISTANCE. HURDLE RACES. TIME. 1 mile Bob Thomas, 5, 140 lbs., Chicago, West Side Park, August 10, 1890 1:49 1 1 16 m.... Artemns, 4, 132 lbs., Bay District, Cal., June 8, 1896 1:52 iim j Phil Becker, 5, 133 lbs., Ingalls Park, 111, Juno 5. 1897 ?., 11-om... Bob Thomagi6i 137 Jb3i Chicago, Hawthorne, August 5, 1891 S M" 1 3-16 m....Burmah, 4, 136 lbs., Ingleside. Cal., January 11, 1898 .. 2:11 1 1-4 m Bourke Oockian, 4, 147 lb? , Brighton B acn, N, Y November 9, 1882... 2:16 Guy, 8, 155 lbs., Latonia, Ky., October 2, 1885 13 8m... -Sylvester, 5, 130 lba., Butte, Mont., August 9, 1897 2:35 C J. O. C, 5, 145 lbs., Butte, Mont, August 21. 1897 1 1-2 m Montalvo, 5, 133 lbs., Bay District, Cal., Febiuary 20, 1896 2:43 1 5-8 m Turfman, 5, 140 lbs , Saratoga, N. Y.. August 7. 1882 3:16 1 3-4 m Ben Eder. 6, 148 lbs., Morris Park, N. Y , May 21, 1839 3:16 2 mileB ....Forget, 5, 158 lbs., Sbeepshead B,y, N. Y , Aunst, 31, 1898 3 4 2 1-4 m Baby Bill, 8, 150 lbs., Oakland, Cal , April 17, 1897 4:23 HURDLE RACES HEAT?. , TIME v in Will Davis, 9, 140 lbs., Chicago, Washington fark, July 3, 1886 1:49 1:51 imuo Tallyrand, 5, 130 lbs., Chicago Washington Park, July 2,1885 1:5QJ4 1:50