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DAILY R4C1N6 FORI AND the mmm xdrf cosgress mom. IB8UED ET2BY DAY. onnoiAL osauc or SHS AMERICAN TUBT OONBBE88, AILY RAGING FORM PUBLISHING CO. A daily reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Xditob and Fbopbietob, F. H. Beunell. Abbooiate Editok, Clinton G. Riley. Secretary, Mbb. F. E. Bednell. 184-126 FIFTH AYEHOE,- CHICAGO, ILL. COPYRIGHTED. Kb tared ncocrdJiig to act of Congress, in the year 1839, by Frank H. BruneUJln the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C., U. B. A. The chart numbers of Daily Raoikg Fosm mask not be used. They are copyrighted daily end vill be keenly protsoted. TSSMB: Per Month. $ 1.2S Half Year 7.50 One Year 14.00 Xka above rates are for tingle copies ai sealed letters first-class mail. Rally Racing Form Publishing Go. prefers o tend single copies as first-class mail ia all eases, lMal subscriptions outside the down sown district will be declined at other than first-class mall matter rates. BINGLK COPY 5 CENTS. BDBBOBIFTIOKB MCST BE FAID IK ADVANCE, ntered in the Post Ofiloa at Chicago as soo-oad class matter. Co be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Raging Form must be sent over the. foil name and with the address of the writer. Those names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory tost. CINCINNATI OFF1CE-408-410 Vine Street. J. B. Hawlby, Agent. On Bala at Noon. IT. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N. Broadway, Basement. M. Mubphy, Agt. On sale at 8:30 A. M. Daily Racing Fobh can be delivered to any address in St, Loiub. Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the Bt Louis office for telegraphic transmission, DXTROIT OFFICE 34 LaFayette Avenue, Heath and Roney, Agents. On Sale at 9 :00 A.M. . AT DENVER, COL.: Hamilton and Eendrick, 906-912 fi7th Street. AT KANSAS CITY, MO.: Bioksecker Cigar and Nows Co., 8th asd Walnut Streets. AT NEW ORLEANS, LA.: H. J. Holle, 641 Commercial Place. AT BAN FBANCISCO: Foster and Orear, Market Street, Ferry News Btand. AT HOT SPRINGS, ARE. : F. 0. Boving, 418 Central Avenue, AT BUTTE, MONT.: Keefe Bros., Post Office News Btani, AT MEMPHI8, TENN, : B. M. Mansford Go, Clark and Bros. AT MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Plankinton Hotel News Standi Pfister Hotel News Stand. Archie Hoffman, 263 Milwaukee Street. AT NABHVILLE, TENN.: Duncan Hotel. AT TOBONTO, ONT.: J. D. McSweeney, Palmer House, AT BUFFALO, N. Y.: New Tifft House. AT INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: J. Douglass, 17 Illinois Street, CHICAGO, ILL., DECEMBER 21, 1899.