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NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB.... ....STAKES FOR SPRING MEETING, 1900. ENTRIES TO CLOSE JANUARY 1, 1900 rieeting Opens Thursday, April 5, 1900, and Continues 20 Days, Closing Friday, April 27, 1900 GASTON HOTEL BTAKE9; Subscribed to liable for starting fee. Four and one-half Fur- Beaten non-winners unplacoi in 1900. 1U 111 109 dicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- it fiastnna Hotel. A eweapatakeB for two- longs. Non-winners rf a two or throe-year- w-rd. 0 each, half forfeit, or 0 if declared. year-olds coltB and geldings. 0 to accompany THE TURF CONGRESS BWEEPSTAKES. old stake selling excepted 115 112 110 ,000 added, of which 50 to second, arid 0O nomination ana 0 additional to start. ,000 1900 A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals Non-winners of a race of the value of to third, the fourth to save stake. Weights to added of which 00 to second, end 00to third, of 1897. 0 to nccompany nomination, 0 ad- 00 selling excepted 110 107 101 be announced before 9 a m. February 15th, and fnnrth to nave startinir money. Four Furlongs, ditional to start. The Club to add ,000, of Beaten Maidens 102 99 97 declarations to be made on or before March THE ARDELLE STAKES A sweepBtakes which 00 to second, and 50 to third, fourth TENNES8EE BREWING COMPANY 1, 1900. All declarations void unless accom- for two-year-old fillies. 0 to accompany to save starting money. A winnor of a three- STAKES; Subscribed to by The Tennessee panied by the money. The winner of a race, nomination and 0 additional to start. ,000 year-old stake race, when carrying its weight Brewing Company. A selling sweepstakes for after the weights are announced, of the value added of which 00 to secondhand 00 to third, colts 122; geldings, 119; fillies. 117, 3 lbs. pen- three-year-olds and UDward 0 to accompany of 00 to the winner, or two races of any value fourth to save starting money. Four Furlongs, alty; of two or more, 5 lbs. Beaten ton-win- nomination, and 0 additional to start ,000 selling purse races excepted 5 lbs. penalty; THE MEMPHIS STAKES A sweepstakes for ners in 1900 allowed 5 lbs.; if unplaced, 8 lbs.; added, of which 00 to second, and 00 to such penalty not to exceed scale weight if han- two-j ear-olds. 0 to accompany nomination, others never having won a two or three year- third, fourth to save starting money. The win- rticapped at less; those weighted at scale or and 0 additional to start. ,000 added, of old stake race selling stakes excepted allowed ner to be sold at auction for ,500; if for less, more than scale weight by the handicapper will which 8200 to second, and 00 to third, fourth 7 lbs. r if Buch have never won a iace of the 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,100; then 1 lb. not besnbjpct to a penalty. The scale to be to save starting money. Penalty A winner of a value of 00 to the winner selling stakes and for each 00 less to 00. Starters and soiling American Turf Congress scale for April. This stake race at this meeting selling stake ex- purse rases excepted, allowed 12 lbs.; beaten price to be named through the entry-box by the race to ba run the opening day. One and one- fantadl to carry 3 lbs extra. Allowances Non- maidsns, 20 lbs. Allowances not cumulative, usual time of closing for this days racing, and sixteenth miles. doners of a sweepstakes.if beaten non-winners In addition to the above the American Turf those so named are liable for starting fee. THE COTTON STEEPLECHASE STAKES. tMa mpntinir allowed 3 lbs.: maidens beaten Congress adds ,000, to be divided as follows: Sevan Furlongs, A steeplechase handicap sweepstakes for four-it this mVetingallowed 8 lbs. Five Furlongs. 00 to the winner, and 1500 to be paid to the THE PEABODY HOTEL HANDICAP; Sub- year-olds and upward. 0 eacb, half forfeit, or THE LUMBERMANS STAKES; Subscribed trainers and jockeys of the three placed horses, scribed to by the Peabody Hotel. A handicap if declared on or before April 5th, 0 the day to bv the Lumbermans Club A selling sweep- as follows: Forty per cent, 20 per cent, ana 10 sweepstakes for three-year-olds and upward, the weights appear. All declarations oid stakes for two-year-olds. 0 to accompany per cent, to the trainers of the first, second and 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 addi- unless accompanied by the money. 00 added, the nomination, and 150 additional to start, third horses respectively, and 15 per cent., 10 tional to start. The Club to add ,C0O, of of which 00 to second, and 00 to third, the The Club to add 00, of which 00 to second, per cent, and 5 per cent, respectively to the which 50 to aecona, and 50 to third, fourth fourth to Bave stake. Weights to be announced and S100 to third fourth to save starting mnney. jockeys riding them. One Mile. to save starting money. Weights to bi an- and declarations to be made three days before Those entered not to be sol to carry 5 lbs. scale of this bace. o g f nonDced two days before the race. Winners of hj race. Penalty Winner of a steeplechase, extra if to ba sold for ,000 to carry their Those entitled to no allowance 122 119 117 a race after the announcement of weights, to after weights are announced. 5 lbp. extra. Four weieht 3 lb. allowed for each 00 lees to Winner with weight up of one three- carry 51bs extra stlling race excepted. Accep- or more horses of entirely different interests to SI 5C0" 1 lb for" each 00 lees to 00. Starters year-old stake 125 122 120 tances to be made through the entry-box usual start or the race may be declared off. Starters ana Belling price to be named through the Winner with weight up of two three- timo of closing the day before the race. One to be named through the entry-box at usual nntrv.hnx f usual time of closing of entries for year-old stakes 127 124 122 Mile and Oae-eigbth. time of closing the day before the race. About toirdayVracingjrand horses so named are Beaten non-winners placed in 1900.... 117 114 112 THE MONTGOMERY HANDICAP. A han- Two Miles. STAKES TO BE HTHST A.T SEHSTG MEETING, 1901. TO CLOSE JANUARY i, 1900. TFTF TENNESSEE DEBBY FOR 1S01: subscribed to by G. C. Bennett. A sweepstakes for THE TENNESSEE OAKS FOR 1901. A sweepstakes for fillies, three years old foals of tbreVyeEr oldB foals of 1898. 50 eech, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or before May 1, 1900; 1898. 00 each, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or before My 1, 1900; 0 if declared on or 5 if declared on or before January 1, 1901. All declarations void unlees accompanied by the before January 1, 1901. All declarations void unless accompanies by the money. ,500 added, money S3 0C0 added of which 00 to second, 00 to third, fourth to save stake. Weights of which 00 to second, 00 to third, and fourth to save stake. WeightB, 117 lbs. One Mile. Colts, 122 lbs. ; geldings, 119 lbs. ; fillies, 117 lbs. One Mile and One-eighth. OTiPfiTIT UAWTPU No entry will be received for eny of these stakes except upon this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racing,or withfrespect to the JjiuulaL AUlluiji interpretation of the conditions of any stake, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those whom they may appoint, and their decisions upon all pointB shall be final. S. R. SOTGOMERY, PRESIDENT. M. N. MACFARLAN SECRETARY. -.... . . Room 2, Cotton Cxchanqe Building, Memphis, Tenru THE WESTERN TURF ASSN. TANFORAN PARK, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN HATEO CO., CAL. MEHBER.OF THE AMERICAN TURF CONGRESS. THE FOLLOWING STAKES WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT OF DECEMBER 30, 1899, The Western Stakes for foals of 1898 ,500 added. ....The Western Produce Stakes.. TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING, 1900. FOB FOALS OF 1900. tttf WESTERN STAKE8 A sweepstakes for two-year-olds foals of 1898. Entrance 0 ,000 ADDED ,450 TO THE BREEDERS. S,SJMT and!ff TO BE BUN AT TBE SPBING MEETING, M, " timea allowed aiioweo. 7 lbs, Five furlongs. THE WESTEEN pR0DUCE STAKES For two-year-olds foals of 1900. A BweepstakeB of w t f i f Vn iio C f r. A A A 55 each to accompany the nomination, for meres covered in 1899; 5 each for the produce of Tlia Wpcf frtl HOa! vc 4- 5 takes t lor - lOalS OI 593,UlJU 21! Ut U. such mares unless declared out by January 1, 1901, or 5 unless declared out by January 1, 1902. M 1 11C vv CSltl v j Starters to pay 25 additional. The Western Turf Ass. ciation to add ,000, of which ,5C0 to TO RF RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING, 1901. the second and 50 to the third borsp. The breeder of the winner namely, the owner of the mars D at time of entry to receive 50; of the sr cond, C0; of the thirr00 of the added money. Colts, mux? wvRTirnN FOAL. STAKES A sweepstakes for two-jear-olds foals of 1899. En- 118 lbs ; Allies and geldings. 115 lbs. Winners of three races of 00 each, or one of ,000, to carry T fin the nomination : 0 additional for horses not declared by De- 5 lbs. penalty; c f two o l.COO, or one of 1,5C0, 8 lbs. penalty. Maidens beaten two or more timee tiaDie icfn- i aMomcaEi ddiSoDBi for stertere. The Western Tuif Association to add ,0C0, of which allowed 7 lbs. The produce of mares or stallions that have not produced a winner prior to SfS6 AVnnH i P to third boise. Colts, 118 lbB., fillies and geldings. 115 lbs. Winners of January 1. 1900, allowed 3 lbs. ; of both man s and stallions. 5 lbs., allowance to be claimed at 600toeeconaanauuiu"i" -ndOO roe of I6C0 each, or one of ,00, to carry 5 lbs. penalty ; of two of time of entry. Byfllicgwitb the Association an accepted transfer of the foals entry the original S.?oae. S si RM 8 lbs nenalty. Maidens beaten two or more times allowed 7 lbs. Five nominator shall be released from further liability. The entry of a mare having a dead or more ,C0O, or one oi i,ouv, o iuo. yo j. than one foal, or barren, shall be void, and entrance money refunded. Five furlongs, furlongs, Entry blanks can be obtained al following offices: Spirit of the Times, Turf, Field and Farm, Morning Telegraph and Goodwin Bros.Jin New "York; Daily Kacing Form in Chicago; Thoroughbred Record in Lexington, and Enquirer in Cincinnati. Entries and communications to be addressed to F. H. GREEN, Secretary, Parlor A, Paace Hotel, San Francisco.