untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-12-27


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Coney Island Jockey Club RACE COURSE, SHEEPSHE7XD BAY, NEW YORK. OrriCE, PIETH AVE., COR. 22nd ST., NEW YORK. Events to Close Wednesday, January 3, 1900. FOB IHE JUNE MEETING, 1980. About Six Furlongs. THE SUBUBBAN. For three-year-olas and THE DOUBLE EVENT. For two-year-olds, upward. cah value 0,000; handicap. One csh value 0,000. viz: FIR9T EVENT, S5.000, Mile and a Quarter. Five and a Half Furlong3; SECOND EVENT, THE JUNE HANDICAPS. For three-year- ,000, about Six Furlongs. ,000 additional olds and upward, ctsh value 6,500, viz: The shonld the two events be won by the same Coney Island, ,000, Six Fnrlongj; The hore. Shnepihead Bay, ,000, One Mile;- and the FOB THE AUTUHN MEETING, 1900, Long Island. ,500. One Mile and a Furlonsr. THE FLIGHT. For two-year-olds and up- THE ADVANCE. For thres-year-olds and ward, ,500 added, estimated value ,000; spe- up ward, ,000 added, estimated valne ,0G0; cial weights Seven Furlongs, special weights. One Mile and Three-quarters. . THE SEPTEMBER. For three-year-olds. THE 8WIFT. For three-year-olds, ,500 ,500 added, estimated value ,000; penalties added, estimated value ,000; penalties and and allowances. One Mile and Three-eighths, allowance. Sven Furlongs. THE AUTUMN. For two yer-olds, cash THE SPINDRIFT. For three-year-olds, 1,500 value 000; spscial weiehts. Six Furlongs, added, estimated value ,000; handicap. One THE FLATBU3H. For two-year-olds, cash Mi?.?.ndSIJonT. . value ,000; special weights. Seven Farlongs. TBE GREAT TRIAL. T For two-year-olds, THE GREAT EASTERN. For Wo-year-olds, cash valne 0,000; penalties and allowances, casb value ,500; handicap. Six Furlongs. FOR THE AUTUMN MEETING, 1902. THE FUTURU Y--,ooo ADDED, By subscription of 0 each, or only 0 if the prior to January 1, 1900, the produce will b money be sent with entry. For mares covered allowed 3 lbs. for either or 5 lb. for both, said in 1889, and a further subscription of 0 each allowance to be claimed at time of entry. fT the produoe of such mares unless struck out Maidens allowed 5 lbs., which allowance shall by Novemb rl, 1901; or 00 unless struck out by not be cumulative. Mares maybe nominated by JWy 15, 1902. Eah starter to pay 50 addi- persons not their owners, the owner having the tional, all of which shall go to the second prior right. If a mare in this stake drops her and third horses as further provided, foal before the 1st of January, 1900, or if The Coney Island Joekey Club to add TEN she has a dead or more than one foal, or is bar- THOUSAND DOLLARS 0, 03; the second ren, the entry of such mare is void and the to receive ,2 0 of the added money and subscription if paid will be returned. By filing two-thirds of the starting fees; the third prior to November 1, 1901, with the Coney Island 50 of the added money and one-third of Jockey Club an accepted transfer of the pro- the starting fees. The nommator of the duce with its engagement in this Stake, ac- winner, of the second horse and of the third companiod with all forfeits to date the original horse, namely the nomin-tor of the mare, subscriber will be released from any liability to receive ,000, ,250 and 00 of the added as to the engagement of the produce. Should money respectively, whether they are the a subscriber or transferee die before the race owners of the horse when the race takes the entry shall not be void provided it be as- place or not. Colts, 122 lbs.; fillies and geld- snmed by the then owner of the horse; notice ings, 119 lbs. Winners of two races of S3.0CO, or in writing to that effect, accompanied by the one of .C00, 4 lbs. extra; of hree of 0,CO0, payment of all accrued liabilities, being given two of ,000, or one of 0,000, 8 lbs. extra, within three months after such demise. Six If mare or stallion has not produced a winner Farlongs. Other Stakes will be duly announced to close at a future date. The Rules of Racing, and subsequent amendments thereto adopted by The Jockey Club, govern all races and racing of the Coney Island Jr ckey Club. Entries to be addressed to the Glerk of the Course, Goney Island Jockey Club, Fifth Avenue, cor. 22nd Street, New York. Entry blanks and complete conditions can be obtained at office of the Daily Racing Form. 15 FHOM ST LOUIS QH THE WABandSff The Choicest of Australian Blood. Foul Shot, BY MUSKET SLANDER. . Ithuriel Touchstone, by Camel. r o J fLongbow...... . i Verbena, by Velociped. jj J sire of Feu do Jois. Miss Bowe Catton, by Golumpus. ."Sol . , Tranbys dam, by Orville, S3 r? S t a ,r -.. , , Pantaloon j Castrel. by Buzzard. 2 5 I Legerdemain, Czarwitch. 1 1dalia, by Peruvian. Z o Decoy Filho-da-Puta.byHphzard 5rg"-Sa a ,,r,L Finesse, by Peruvian. P fS Si f West Australian Iboume cteUrXhtmarek0rbyCma j " Derby and St. Leger .. Mowerina Touchstone, by Camel. -1 I Emma, by Whisker. O 3 Camel Whalebone, by Waxy. h 3 5 a-L Brown Boss , 1 ?Selimmare. w Daughter of Brutandorf, by Blacklock. WJ 0 Hlra.Crickshnks.byWlbck 1 rn , , ,T . Canteen t C Waxy Pope, by Waxy. fCalendar 1 Imported Castania, by Gohanna. . g Hambletonia 5 Stamford,byPleniptentiary Eh , . Harmonica. byHmbletniau r-a - O a , Tros n, Imported 5 Priam, by Emilius. W I Cassandra i 7 Ally, by Partisan. M g u Alice Grey j RousEmigrant, by Pioneer 3 -a I Gulnare, by YoungGohanna BlS The Colonel Whisker, by Waxf. rn tT tJ, -a Cap-a-pie 1 Imported p ? Delpini mare. m g Sister to Cactus j Sultan, by Selim. l-o J , Duchess of York, by Waxy, Dover Touchstone.1- IBell w Brand r, A i j Vorbosa. d Sophie Skilhinda. Imported. SaUie Brass. BARNEY SCHREIBER, BRIDQETON, MO,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899122701/drf1899122701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1899122701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800