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DULY RACING FORI AND jlHE AMBRiCandH TORF C0S68ESS EEGOEO. IBBUED EVBBY DAY. omenx osoak or TWM AMHEIOAN TCEff OOMQSB88. 9 AIL? RACING FOBM PUBLISHING CO. A dally reflection of the American Turf t7 Zalagraph. Xditob and Pbopkietob, F. H. Bkunbll. Associate; Editor, Clinton C. Biley. Bbobbtabt, Mbs. F. E. BbUNELIi. 18H28 FIFTH AYENUE, CHtCAQO, ILL. COPYRIGHTED, stared according to act of Oocsfrees, In tba rear UB9, by Franks. BrncelLin theoAee of the Librarian of Congress at Wa:hinrtea, D. C, U. B. A. The ekart numbers of Dailt Baoikr Fesx mask not b used. They aro copyrighted daily and Trill be keealff protected, TERM8: Per Month $ 1.36 Half Year 7.5 One Year 14.68 Iks above ratea are for single copies aa sealed letters flrst-alaaa mall. ally Baoing Form Publishing Co. prafera to end single eopiea as nrat-elaaa mail ia all eases. local subsoripttena outside the dwn towa dia-rrfot will be declined at other than first-alass mail matter rates. SINGLE COPY 5 GENTS. Bobsobiftions Most bb Pais in Adyancb. stared in the Post OiBoe at Chicago as sec-OEd class matter. Co be considered and answered, all Queries to Daily Baoing Form muBt be sent over the fall name and with the address of the writer. Those names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. DINOINNATI OFFICE 40B-410 Vine Street. J. B. Hawlbt, Agent. On Bale at Noon. . LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N. Broadway, Basement, M. Mubphv, Agt. On sale at 8:30 A. M. Dailt Racing Fosu can ba delivered to any address in St. Louie. Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the Bt Lonis office for telegraphic transmission. DBTBOIT OFFICE 34 LaFayette Avenue, Heath and Boney, Agents. On Sale at 9 :00 A.M. AT DBNVEB, COL.: Hamilton and Eendrick, 90and-912 17th Street, AT KANSAS CITY, MO.: Bioksecker Cigar and News Co.i 8th asd Walnut Streets. - AT NEW OBLEAN8, LA.: H. J. Holla, 641 Commercial Place, AT BAN FBANCISCO: Foster and Orear, Market Street Firry Nam Btand. AT HOT SPBINGB, ABE. : F. O. Boving, 418 Central Avenue, AT BUTTE, MONT.: Keefe Bros., Post Office Newt Btani. AT MEMPHIS, TENN.: B. M. Manaford Co, Clark St Bros. AT MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Plankinton Hotel News Stand, PfiBter Hotel News Stand. Archie Hoffman, 263 Milwaukee Street, AT NASHVILLE, TENN.: Duncan Hotel, AT TOBONTO, ONT. : J. D. McSweeney, Palmer Houie, AT BUFFALO, N. Y.: New Tiff t House. AT INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: J. Douglass, 17 Illinois Street. CHICAGO, ILL., DECEMBER 29, 1899.