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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. IS CHICAGO, ILL., June 5.— Eighth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. 16* Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge. Harry Kulil. Starter, J.J. Holtman. Racing starts at tM p. m. , the Eva 1 OOWW FIRST RACK 5-8 Mile. Puree 00 5 to second ; 5 to third. nc JL OOO 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. _ L Ind Hones A W% St 4 V4 % StrFiu Jockeys Owner 0 H L fi~ ra 182S3 TENNY BELLE 115 1" l4 Is 1* Is Caywood W H Jackson J r 24 4 3 4 „ H., 17979 MAUGA 115 4" 2; M 3* 2- C Wilson W L Oliver 4 4 4 4 ■ 1M40 IN SHOT 115 7» 312" P P Ruiz B Schreiber 10 10 8 8 18024 SCORPOLETTE 111 5" 6 - 61 5* U Sweeney S T Gaines and Bro 20 25 20 20 , 18053 THE BR. DEMON 111 6i 7» 7- 6* 5h J Miller J H Smith 8 8 8 8 5fJ 18 03-!U RACE CUP 115 9" 94 45 P 6* Devin G W Scott 2 14-52 24 COR V SCHACER 115 11 10 92 72 7* Grand Rold and Schauer 30 30 20 20 NIBBLER 115 8" MM* 1* 83 L Rose T J OHearn 12 20 12 20 - ST. L. WENTWORTH 115 2 V 8 93 92 C Moore L Winder and Co 25 60 25 60 FORNAR1NV 115 34 U n«« 81 10 " H Clark C Volini 25 60 25 60 IS081 H ATTIE JUNE 115 101 11 11 11 11 Silvers M T Miles 25 25 20 20 Time, 121, 241. 494,1 :024. Winner B f, by Tenny— Ma Belle. Went to post at 2:25. At post 15 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second and third were lining their bet. Tenny Belle showed the most peed and was well handled. Heretofore the filly J has alwa s -how n a lot of speed but she has the habit of running out and Caywood is the first jockey so far that has ridden her who was able to keep her in. He took her back on the turn and r, the filly skinned the rails and never once tried to bolt. Mauga ran a good race and should win soon. In Shot broke from the rear of the bunch full on her stride and showed a lot of speed but •, tired to some extent in the stretch. Grace Cup was away in the roar division and was never dan- , gerous. v Scratched- Glove, 115; Lady Fortune Teller, 115. ., Tenny Belle, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Mauga, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. In Shot, show, , I to 2. Grace Cup, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. 1 L»Ui SECOND RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. ~5 to ~se~condT5 to third. J £5 .•— O *./ 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. ind HorVes AWt St H. Vt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C y 1S0M-DR. VVALMSLEY 6 113 1h 3+" 3 P« t" P E Ross H Robinson 2 21 2 21 p 18080 SAN MATEO 6 106 21 1» 2H 14 VI 2* Buchanan G W Scott 10 20 10 20 f 17955 EMIGRE 4 105 9 P 7" 51 34 3" C Wilson W L Oliver 15 20 15 20 18176 THE ELECTOR 6 109 M Pi 414 4»* 41 44 Wilson W E Vater 10 12 10 12 18174 MALAISE 4 98 4" 4n» 14 P 6" P McKeaud C H Williams 15 15 12 12 USTOIRACIVAN 4 105 11 10 10 84 10- 65 J Walsh P Corrigan 4 5 4 5 z 15337 GEORGE K RATS 5 102 7" 64 8U 9- 8-! 7** Silvers Robinson and Moored 30 15 15 I 17971 PAL LINE J. 4 99 879-10 P 8- Flick E C Brown and Co 20 20 20 20 i 17663 1 E BLAISE 4 108 64 P« 64 7- 5H 9S L Rose J S Rothert 12 20 12 20 i 18081iLDYMEDSOME4 103 5" 4» 5» P4 P IP Devin A G Blakely 3 4 3 4 i 18112 SIR KENNETH 4 100 10 11 11 11 11 11 Tully C D McCoy and Co 100 100 25 25 Time, 12i, 241, 494, 1:15, l:27i. 1 Winner-B. h, by Prince Royal— Penelope. 1 Went to post at 3:00. At post 4 minutes. Start fair. Won in a long hard drive of two; third 1 i and fourth were also under keen pressure. Dr. Walmsley ran a good, game race and was ridden » to perfection. Ross clearly outfinished Buchanan An San Mateo, and had the riders been reversed the latter could not have lost. Dr. Walmsley was lucky in not being shut off on the first i turn, was taken the shortest route and saved every bit of ground possible. San Mateo was at his I best and showed a fine turn of speed. Emigre, from a poor beginning, made up grouud through- • , out and can l e marked for early action. The Elector was badly pocketed in the stretch, other- , wise he would have been third. Malaise showed her usual amount of speed, but lost much ground 1 v by making a wide stretch turn. Racivan had no chance from where he got away. Lady Meddlesome ran a bad race. | Scratched— 18265 Miss Ross, 100. Overweights— Pauline J, 1 pound. Dr. Walmsley, place, even6 ; show, 1 to 2, San Mateo, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. Emigre, , show, 3 to 1. Lady Meddlesome, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. I : ~?WTW T HI RTTrXCE— I 1-4 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. Jl 3 tt-fyJ 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses AWt St~St7~H % X StrFin" Jockeys Owners O H L C - " il8"37H.EXCNCY 3 90 P 4»4 Pi Pi U* V H4 J Walsh C H Smith 1-3 1-4 1-3 1-4 J 18176 DOMSIE 5 106 U 124 L 14 221 • ** 2 W Kiley WT M Clark 40 60 40 50 1 18144 JUL.CAES.AR 5 109 3h 7 6« 4-* 4* 41 324 Bergen Mrs M Abadie 20 50 20 50 1 18171 DONNA RITA 6 104 44 21 2« 34 3"k 3» 42 Bradford T Licalzi 10 13 10 13 1M761ROLLINS 6 106 7 3, 4* 5" 5H 55 5» W Waldo MrsFZuehlkeandCo 12 12 5 5 18201 MAJ.M AN SIR3 87 5" 6" 7 7 6* 6- P Weir W B Smith 12 12 10 10 18174 ORLANDINE 3 92 6» P« P« 64 5 7 7 Seaton Otto Hess 60 100 60 100 i Time, 12i, 25, 50., 1 :15s, 1 -42, 1:54!, 2:075. Winner— Ch. c, by Esher-Excellenza. Went to post at 3:30. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly ; second and third driving. I His Excellency far out-classed his field and was in a soft spot. All Walsh had to do was to sit t still and hold the colts head up and he won with great ease. Domsie got the place principally I through good riding on Kileys part. The boy hugged the rail all the way and gained many 5 lengths on the last turn over Julius Caesar and Donna Rita, who swung very wide. Julius s Caesar ran a fair race, so did Donna Rita, who seemed to sulk in the last quarter. The track was too hard to suit Rollins, who is a bad hor6e at his best. Neither Major Mansir nor Orlandine e could get out of their own way. His Excellency pulled up a trifle lame. His Excellency, place, out. Domsie, place, 6 to 1 : show, 2 to 1. Julius Caesar, show, 3 to 1. 1. Rollins, place, 6 to 5 ; show. 3 to 10. - 1 U Of 1 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. ■ _£_ £ j X 2-year-olds. Allowances. - Ind Horses AWt St ij H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L T~ 18207~K1D COX 102 34 1™ 1*« 14 li J Miller J H Smith 3 7 3 7 il8- 33 FANCY WOOD 107 P» 4" |n2 t] Dupee W S Barnes 2 2 1 13-10 10 18"07 1NYICTUS 105 pi 214 224 31 3* E Ross W H Jackson Jr 20 40 20 30 18175 ODNOR 115 5k 3 4 4- 4* Crowhurst H J Grothe 21 4 24 4 18028BEN. CALDWELL 115 2» 6 6 6 5* Caywood E Brown and Co 3 5 3 5 SEARCHER 105 6 P" 5 5* 6 Devin P Dunne 6 15 6 15 Time, Hi, 23i, 48i, 1 :01i, 1 :084. Winner— B. g. by Reputation— Silhouette. Went to post at 4 :05. At post 5 minutes. Start good. The entire field was driving hard. Kid d Cox is a good colt, had the best of the weights and ran a smashing race. He and lnvictus went it at a terrific pace for the first half mile, and for an instant in the stretch both seemed to want to ,0 stop, but the others behind the pair seemed as tired as they, and were unable to make up much Jj ground. Millers finish on the colt was weak, and Kid Cox won strictly on his own gameness. fanc.v Wood hung a trifle in the last fifty yards, lnvictus race was agood one. Odnor appeared dangerous at one time in the stretch. Searcher ran a much better race than the figures show. Kid Cox, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Fancy Wood, place, 1 to 2; show, out. lnvictus, show, v, 3 to 1. Odnor, place, 8 to 5; show, 7 to 10 - -| nku FIFTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Purse00. 5 tosecond ; 5 to third. 10» 5-year-olds. Selling. Ind Hoists A Wt St 4 Vi % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18145- MISS SHAN LE 105 2» H 2 1* Vi Darin A Willis 24 24 2 2 18113 GOLDEN ; RATTLE 105 0" 94 10 8- 2" C Wilson J R Hand 24 9 2* 9 17XU BR VNDERSON 109 7" 8 6; 41 3-* Crowhurst T E Barrett 6 6 6 6 18173 INNOVATOR 103 4" 3U3-4 2- 4 Bergen L H Ezell 6 15 6 15 17236 TROlBA LINE 105 51 44, 6- .V E Ross W H Raiuey 10 10 4 4 18-,38-BHNEY F. 10». 10 10 V .V- 6: J Miller . H Smith 7 25 7 25 17339 USTEK 103 3 1 1 k SH J"« W Kiley Tomlinsou A Co 30 30 30 Mi 18172 MITTEN 107 Vt" 7l 8 7i8J W Lyons MorseandPatterson 6 15 6 15 18085iBRMLl A PR1NCE112 1" U P 9 9 Tully C 1 McCoy and Co 10 25 10 25 18113 1SAB1NDA 102 8- 6i 54 10 10 Silvers Robinson and Mooral 6 6 6 Time, 1 aft*. 1rivate time, 12, 234, 364, 48i, 1 :01i, 1 :15. liner B. f. b] Terra Cotta or Florist— Ettie C. Went to po-t at 1:35. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won hand ridden: second, third and ,j fourth were under keen pressure. Mis Shauley showed the most ~peed, was cleverly ridden and id ran a good race. She and A nster set a hot pace for the first half. The latter is very fast, but ut dislikes a route. Mark him. however, for early action in ordinary company. Golden Rattle was, is, perhaps, the boot, a- the race was ran. She had all kinds of bad luck and came from a long way ay back in the stretch. Brownie Anderson, off poorly, ran a good race also. Innovator was always ys nrominent, but tired in the -t retch. Scratched-18238-;Satan, 103; 18173 Tayon, 108. Overweight-- l abiuda, 1 pound. Mis6 Shanley, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Golden Rattle, place, 34 to 1 ; show, 7 to 5 ; Brownie ue • Ander-ou, .-how, evens; Troubaline, place. 8 to 5; -how, 4 to 5. -• L% 4"1* SIXTH RACE-1 Mile. Purse 00. ~5 to second ; sTto thirds - J £i%J O 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. - fud Horses A Wt St 34 % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C !_ 1823i-EVA RICE 5 109 7h 1h 124 14 l U Devin C K Burdeau 6"~ 6 I li 16558 MINT SAUCE 4 103 8 V 2-" 2» 2H 2 Tully A R Cowser 3 16-53 16-5 l-Q 12084 COGMOOSEY 6 107 2" 3i 31133 34 E Ross Wattere k Hodges20 50 20 50 17342 CHERRY LEAF 6 110 1" 5" 4« 5» 5-1-* 4* Dupee Tomlingon and Co 24 24 2 2 18174 HARD KNOT 4 110 4* 6U 5 4 44 44 5» Buchanan F W Miner 6 12 6 12 - IS 16* , the Eva nc L ra „ H., ■ , 5fJ 113378SAM MKEEVER4 106 P« 8 8 7* 6* 64 Silvers F Foster 6 8 6 8 1V234-:P THEFIDDLER4 104 3h 2h 6» 614 7* 7 L Rose G Landry 15 15 10 10 16957SEA KNIGHT 5 111 6*« 74 71 8 8 8 Bradford T Licalzi 30 60 30 60 Time, 121, 251, 371, 49j, 1 :02J, 1 :15i, 1 :28, 1 :41. Winner- Ch. m, by Masetto— Miss Rye. Went to post at 5:15. Off at the first break to a good start. Tno first four were hard pressed. Rice showed the most speed and overraced herself. She is in her very best form and stood closing drive through the stretch gamely. Mint Sauce is a grand looker and a "hot hoss" now. Cogmoosey lookod high in flesh but was right thereall the way and rana fine race. Cherry Leaf was poorlv ridden. Like Cogmoosey, he looked high and both will be improved by this race Hard Knot had a rough journey. Sam McKeever seemed to sulk. Scratched— 17711 Inverary 11., 107; 1S054 Rosavannah, 101; 15260 Defender II.. 103; 18054 Ray 107 ; 15260 Bitter Root, 110. Overweights— Pay the Fiddler, 1 pound. Eva Rice, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Mint Sauce, place, 1 to 5 ; show, 7 to 10. Cogmoosey, show, 6 to 1. Cherry Leaf, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5.