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1899 ANNUAL RACING FORM. A few left. Price 0— two volumes. GOODWINS FOR... OFFICIAL 19TH "» TURF GUIDE. YRAR IN 2 VOLUMES. A "Form Table" to all Principal Meetings A work of about 2,000 pages, replete with matter iudispensible to all, including among the NEW FEATURES a treatise on "Handicapping, and How to Handicap Horses" and "Betting, and How to Bet. PBICES FOB BOTH VOLUMES. In Cloth substantially bound .20 In Half Morocco library form 7.20 In English Half Calf 9.20 PRICES FOR SEPARATE VOLUMES. Vol. 1. Jan. to June. Vol. II. July to Dec. Cloth .10 Cloth .10 Half Morocco 3.10 Half Morocco ... . 5.10 Half Calf 4.10 Half Calf 6.10 GOODWIN BROS., t"Hg%J3£** Woodlands SttH 15 MILES FROM SI. LODIS ON THE WABASH. HH BARNEY SCHREIBERS MODEL FARM. KB8 THE CHOICEST OF ADSTRALIAN BlH Foul Shot, ■ By Musket-Slander. M $ Ithuriel Touchstone, by CaH o 3 [Longbow _ Verbena, by YelociM S, ja sire of Feu de Jois. Miss Bowe Catton, by GolnmiH •o f a, I Tranbys dam, by Cl as 2 Pantaloon Castrel. by BnzzarcM ?; O o [ Legerdemain, Cearwitch . _ I Idalia, by PeruviaB $ "3 H Decoy Filho-da-Puta,by HH p ■ S 8 Finesse, by PeruviB 2 f— t-« Melbourne i Humphrey Clinker,M j« j -o r West Australian Cervantes mare. O — ":? I Derby and St. Leger .. Mowerina Touchstone, by CaiH * __ [oo e v ; Emma, by WhiskerM d 2 S£ I Camel ; Whalebone, by WajMBH O £ * £ A I Brown Bess _ Selim mare. HM ■a, «e Daughter of Brutandorf by BlacMM O I Mrs.Crickshnks,byB ffl Canteen 1 Waxy Pope, by Wafl - f Calendar Imported Castania, by UolianM 5 a Hambletonia Stamford, byPlenipB *j I Harmonica, bjHmbB E-T fa Tros Imported Priam, by Emilias. I 0 5 .Cassandra i I Ally, by Partisan. H 1 u £ AliceGrey •RouBEmigrant, bj ■■ 03 c / *Gnlnare. byYonEG __■ _; ["%• The Colonel J Whisker, by Waxy. I p * •- [Cap-a-pie Imported i Delpini mare. HH O B o Sister to Cactus. ....... i Sultan, by Selim, HjH fc * ] Duchess of York, by ■ l*J Dover ] Touchstone. BaBSl ■3 I Bell Brand _ 1 Verbosa. 1|*b1 g Sophie Skllhinda. HB 4 i Bailie Bras*. VBfffl ♦Imported. HUH Barneu SrtireiBerrl ALL THE TURF NEWS H PERFECTLY EDITED.. 9 Daily Racing Fornl FORM SHEETS AND ENTRIES EXPERTLY INDEXED. H TELEGRAPHIC, CORRECT, CONCISE, COMELY. H TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY. B ALL TRACKS ARE FULLY REPORTEll Off Our Own Presses Before the B Chicago Dailies. * io yt J Official Organ of the American Turf Congress SUBSCRIPTION PRICKS : 1 One Month - - .25 1 Six Months - - .5 One Year - ■ 4.00 SENT AS TIRST-CLASS HAIL-A LCTTCR— IN PLAIN ENVELOPES. 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, III.