Coney Island Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1900-06-17


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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SHEEP8HEAI BAY, L. I., June 16.— First day. Coney Island Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. ■JQQQ FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Over Futurity Course. 3700 added. A. O *J OU 2-vear-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Wk Horses A Wt St M, K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ELIZABETH M. 115 6 512 5+ 41 U Shaw F M Milden Jr 3 5 3 4 DUBLIN 118 5 10 4i 6i 2* McCue Goughacres Stbl 15 30 15 25 14503-THE RHYMER 118 1 4h 14 V 3J Turner W C Whitney 2* 3 24 13-5 17905 TELAMON 118 11 3" 3" 3" 4« Rutter W Showalter 12 25 12 25 l$,03 DR. BARLOW 118 4 7 7 7 5- Sims W I Kilpatrick 20 30 20 30 GANYMEDE 115 2 2« 61 5! 6" Maher P Lorillard *8 15 8 15 18354 SCHOOLMASTER 118 14 11 8 8 7- Bullman G B Morris 12 15 10 15 18449 COMPETITOR 118 3 1« 2i 2« 8i Mitchell D Gideon 8 10 8 8 GREAT AMERICAN115 7 12 11 11 94 OConnor M Byrnes 15 20 10 15 1841* JILS GREEN WOOD115 10 16 13 10 10 Taral M Murphy 30 30 20 30 TRIGGER 115 12 13 14 12 ll« Clawson J E Madden 12 12 10 10 18503 ETHICS 118 6 9 12 13 12 Cowman M F Dwyer 40 50 40 50 THRACIA 115 13 14 15 14 13 Dangman P Lorillard *8 15 8 15 PRCESS EVELYN 115 15 15 16 15 It Spencer L O Appleby 12 15 8 8 FRAXK ERXE 118 9 8 10 9 IS Pickering Midgely and Smith 100 1C0 100 100 KB1-SXARK 115 8 6 9 16 16 Henry E H Garrison 25 25 20* 25 PR. STONEMOUTH 118 17 17 17 17 17 Keenan D W Winkoop 100 100 100 100 BENGAL 115 18 18 18 18 18 Ballard P H McCarren 40 60 40 60 *Coupled in betting. Time, 1 =01. Winner— Ch. f, by Watercress— Hana. Went to post at 2 :30. At post 6 minutes. Start fair. Won driving ; second the same. Elizabeth M. was well up all the way and came with a fine rush at the end. Dublin ran a good race for his first time out. The Rhymer tired badly at the end. Competitor showed a lot of speed, but could not carry it far enough. Telamon ran a fairly good race. Scratched— 18329 Hengist. 118. Elizabeth M., place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Dublin, place, 10 to 1 ; show, 5 to 1. The Rhymer, show, 1 to 2. -| Q ~ Q A SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. On Main Track. 00 added. I C7 *J J*JT 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. lad Horses A Wt St 34 K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14945-RUSH 4 118 5 11 1" 1* 1* Turner W C Whitney 8-5 11-58-5 2 18241 MODRIXE 3 120 3 24 2» 34 2* Bullman G B Morris 10 15 10 15 18125 GOXFALOX 3 113 1 3 « 31 2i 34 Maher P Belmont 6 9 6 8 18499-:SAXDERS 5 123 7 5-! 51 5" 4h OConnor FV Alexandre 24 8 2 2 183242VXLCAIN 3 123 6 6* 61 4» 5 Spencer H E Leigh 34 4 3 34 1n499-COXTESTOR 3 123 2 4 41 66 6« McJoynt RWWaldenand Son 8 15 8 15 18502 HAMMOCK 3 113 4 7 7 7 7 Taral P J Dwyer 25 40 20 40 18400 MARGATE 3 113 8 8 8 8 8 Cowman M F Dwyer 60 100 60 100 12,23*5, K9i,UH. 1:141 f. Winner — B. f, by Wadsworth — Reine d Or. Went to post at 3 :06. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Rush was much the best, was well in motion when the flag fell and wa6 never headed, but she was tiring a bit at the end. Modrine ran his best race but could never reach the winner. Gonfalon ran a good race but tired badly. Sanders could never get to the front. Vulcain and Contestor were overweighted. Scratched— 15775 Prince Florist, 120; 18446 Commander Miller, 110. Rush, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Modrine, place, 6 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. Gonfalon, show, 7 to 5. Sanders, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Vulcain, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. 1 QSJQn THIRD RACE— 5 1-8 Furlongs. Over Futurity Course. 2-year-olds. JL OOoO Allowances. The Double Event. Value ,000. First Part. Ind Horses A Wt St H. V4 % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18470TOW. OF CANDLES 114 6 21 V 1" U Mitchell W M Rogers 15 25 15 20 18501 TOMMY ATKINS 129 2 6 3" 2" 2» Spencer JRandFPKeene 3 3 24 24 17S37 CONTEND 117 4 8 8 7 31 Shaw R W WaldenandSon 15 20 12 15 18501 BEDECK 122 10 4 21 3« 41 Bullman G B Morris 12 20 12 15 18240- 1RRITABLE 129 3 14 44 4- 5h Maher FleischmannSons 3 34 3 34 18501 HANDWORK 122 1 3h 64 61 61 McCue J W Rogers 10 15 10 15 17905 SMILE 117 5 9 9 8 7* McJoynt A H and D H Morris 15 20 15 20 18271 BEAU GALLANT 117 8 10 10 9 8 N Turner A Simons 15 25 15 25 18415 ALFONSO 117 12 12 12 10 9 Taral P H McCarren 15 20 12 12 18501 THE PURITAN 122 9 51 51 5110 Clawson E F Smith 50 100 50 100 18358* WATER COLOR 122 7 71 71 11 11 Littlefield C Littlefield Jr 4 4 3 3 17789iMlXTAGE 114 11 11 11 12 12 OConnor A Featherstone 12 15 12 15 *Added starter. Time, 1 :07:S. Winner— B. f, by Candlemas — Duchess of Towers. Went to post at 3:39. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second the same. Tower of Candles showed great speed and ran a fine race, but was tiring at the end. Tommy Atkins got off well and had no mischances. He finished fast and strongly under punishment. Contend was slow to begin, but closed fast. The weight was the only excuse for Irritable. Mintage showed no speed. Water Color was unlucky. Scratched— 18472 Maiden. 122; 18583 Schoolmaster, 117. Tower of Candles, place, 8 to 1 ; 6how. 4 to 1. Tommy Atkins, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Contend, show, 3 to 1. Water Color, place, evens ; show. 1 to 2. Irritable, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. 1 UKUl FOURTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. 3 year-olds and upward. lOOOD The Suburban Handicap. Value 0,000. Ind Horses A Wt St St % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18155-K1NLY MACK4 125 3 3" 3» 31 34 11 V 4 McCue Eastin and Larabie 10 12 10 12 18242ETHELBERT4 130 4 7« 7h 6h 6h 51 2* Maher Perry Belmont 6-57-511-1011-10 18500-UtULDEN 3 100 7 41 41 41 44 3h 35 Odom J E Madden 30 40 30 40 185O0IMP 6 128 1 21 21 2» t 41 4h OConnor HarnessandBrsman5 6 4 4 18179 HERBERT 3 96 9 5" 5h 5" 54 61 5" Ranch W C Rollins 50 60 50 60 U8309iJ"N BERAUD 4 127 2 1" 1h 11 1h 21 61 Turner W C Whitney 5 6 5 5 18448 INTRUSIVE 5 111 10 9 9 8 7« 84 71 Shaw L Waterbury 30 40 30 30 18471-SARMATIAN 3 99 6 61 64 7h 8* 93 81 Henry L Elmore 30 40 20 20 18398 SURVIVOR 4 100 8 84 8« 9 9 7» 9 Mitchell P H McCarren 40 50 40 40 a8161J. BRIGHT 5 119 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Spencer Talbot Bros 10 15 10 12 Time, 1%, 24. 36*5, 49, 1 K2, 1:15, 1 :28, 1 :415, 1:54, 2:06*3. Winner— B. c, by Islington— Songstress. Went to post at 4:13. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out; second handily. Kinley Mack was well up throughout, ran a grand race and was well ridden, but he had to be hard ridden to 6tall off Ethelbert at the end. The latter had poor racing luck and was penned in on •the fence all the way to the stretch and Maher could not get through in time. Ethelbert closed fast at the finish, but the distance was too short. Gulden ran a fine race. Imp and Jean Beraud were worn out by fast pacemaking. Herbert ran an improved race. The others were outclassed. Scratched— 181142PrinceMcClurg, 117; 18357 Bafaello, 113; 18532 Petruchio, 102. Kinley Mack, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Ethelbert, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Gulden, show, 5 to 1. Imp, place, 8 to 5 • show, 4 to 5. -| 4J fT O rT FIFTH RACE— fsnort Course. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. JL O » J O i Introductory Steeplechase. 00 added. Ind Horses A Wt St 1 3 5 7 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18533 CHARAGRACE5 145 1 630 630 6*0 4» 3» 14 Barry ¥ D Beard 6-5 8-5 6-5 7-5 U72l6 PLATO 4 133 5 1« 1* |1 11 1« 21* Heider H R Dulany f5 5 5 5 18533*TRlLLION 9 138 4 2 22 21 2« 24 3* Brazil W C Hayes 6 8 6 7 18328 NESTOR 7 130 3 54 51 41 5 5 4 Finnegan H S Page 8 10 8 10 18328 OCHILTREE 5 130 6 31 31 5" 3« 41 5* Veitch H R Dulany f5 5 5 5 1S533 OLD TAXK 5 132 2 41 41 32 Fell. Owens McDavittandBarnes3 4 24 24 13653 CAVALLERIA 4 132 7 7 7 7 Refused. Holden George Brown 20 40 20 40 ♦Lost rider, toupled in betting. Time, 4 :20?fc. Winner— B. g, by Charaxus— Young Grace. Went to post at 4 :42. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Chara-grace was much the best, was well ridden and Barry could have won further off with him. Plato was tired out from making the pace. Trillion ran a good race, but tired near the finish. Scratched— 18417 Dr. Catlett, 173; l8533The Bachelor, 165; 18469Buela, 155; 185332Filon dOr, 140; 18533 Decameron, 138; 184692Dr. Eichberg, 137; 15539 Concord, 135; 182l82Bob White, 130. Charagrace, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Plato, place, 7 to 5 ; show. 3 to 5. Trillion, show, 4 to 5. Old Tank, place, 4 to 5; show, out. -t OffOO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. On Turf . 00 added. 3-year-oldB. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St 34 Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18530THE AMAZON 96 2 2U 12 114 1U 13 Shaw W Keyes 2 24 9-5 9-5 18530 NAN SEN 100 6 5and 5r 5» 3» 2 OConnor H E Leigh 3 3 24 24 18473-iPOST HASTE 107 1 414 41 3" 24 3« Maher O L Richards 24 13-524 13-5 38529 PEACEFUL 98 3 l« 2" 2" 41 44 Rauch W Lakeland 12 15 12 15 185303S1R FiTZUUGH 103 4 34 3* 41 5» 512 Mitchell Frisbie and Co 6 8 6 8 18504 MAGIC LIGHT 105 5 6 6 6 6 6 Jamos W C Daly 50 60 50 50 Time, ll9fe, 2196.37, 50, 14Candl:landX,l:ftland, A1%. Winner— B. f, by Russell— Certamen. 1 Went to post at 5 :12. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. The Amazon showed the most speed and had the others beaten before the stretch was reached. Nansen was outrun in the first part of the race, but closed fast and stood a hard drive well. Post Haste appeared dangerous in the last furlong, but tired. Peaceful ran a good race and waB probably short. The Amazon, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. Nansen, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 8. Post Haste, show, 2 to 5.

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