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I , I ! ] " l « ! 1 l 1 1 1 j l! NEWPORT ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track slow. First Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp 18559 Tolstoi 4.. ..112 685 187112Dulac 5. ...112 700 188012Flop 5. ...109 685 18782 BrightieS 5. ...107 665 17834 Lillian Reed 4. ...103 680 18839 Lexoline 3. ...102 650 18777 W. G. Welch 3. ...102 670 18801! Dingy Carly 3. ...100 600 187ir*Julia Rose 3. ...100 675 18743 Anglesea 3.... 98 665 18782 Laura G. G 3.... 96 670 15226 Amaranth 3 96 675 Second Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 188042Trebor 5.. ..113 700 18804 Dandy H 4. ...105 685 18779 The Doctor 5.. ..104 .. 665 18837 Rarus 5.. ..104 . 670 18779 Richardson 4.... 100 660 18782 Louisville Belle 4.... 98 .. 675 18837 Zonne 3.... 95 . 680 18781 Polly Bixby 3.... 88 !690 0 2 • 5 0 0 5 n 5 q 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 j 1 5 3 . j 3 i j 3 3 t ; | Third Race— 6 1-3 Furlongs. I 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. !SS CowiaKttm Ky 6. ...106 690 JS55 ¥**P 5.. ..103 670 18i41 Lord Frazer 5. ...103 700 Isaac Marks 3 103 18801 Mark Hanna II 4 101 ".["665 18596 Refused 3 99 ggo 18711 Duplicate 4 99 ......675 18839 Flora Daniels 3 94 !!!!!!685 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 18626 Banished 3 112 710 18806-Goose Liver 6. ...Ill ."""715 18806! Mizzoura 4. no 720 l£X§e?**B5* 5. ...109 """705 999 Robert Latta 8.. ..109 . 700 18781 Elkin 6. ...107 ......715 18804 Peter Duryea 3 101 .. 725 18777 Marion Lynch 3.... 90 ...... Til Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 18742 Robert Morrison 108 ... 680 Velma Clark 106 18296 Fairy Day 104 .....M 18 1 In High Tone 103 .. 670 18838-iClaude Walton 103 .".".675 18838-Jim Nap 103 .. 685 18802 Irving Mayor 101 7uo 18802 High Ebb 96 !. "680 18778 Rainy Day % 680 Sixth Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 18805Northumberland 4 111 .. 725 18716 Beekman 5. ...106 ..."..105 186S5 Little Billy 8. ...106 ".".S 18b86dunaetta 4... 105 TO l£52feffkla *-•«■ •••••■is 18.16 Kilt 5. ...104 710 187432Rubel 4. ...102 705 12929 Onanetta 3 94 ......700