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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., July 21.— Twenty-fifth day. Washington Park Club. Summer Meeting. Weather cloudy: track fast. Presiding Judge. C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. rCY* r7» FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 00 added. 5 to second ; 5 to third. • /O I 2-year-olds. Allowance*. _ Ind H..r-p- A Wt St /, StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19079 GOLD RADGE 108 4» 5 t Si 1 J Wink field P Dunne 6 6 6 6 19168 PALETOU 111 1" I" 1" V 24 T Kniglit T F Sellers 4 4 4 4 19350 BATTCS 108 S 3, "• M 34 Southard J H Smith 10 15 10 15 19324 CORA GOETZ 108 8 74 64 2" 4 Mathews Clias Goetz and Co 3 5 3 5 19287 OMDIRMAN 111 9» 10 71 6- 52 Dupee Chinn and Forsythe 15 20 15 20 19168 LONG KLO 11111 11 8- 7- 64 Harshb ger E D Frazier 10 10 10 10 NW LENOX 111 3" 2112-41 7, Moody K Reutz 8 15 8 15 tSta SCALLYWAG 111 10* 8-101 8i 84 Wilkerson H T Griffin 20 100 20 1C0 19287 OOUNTBSS CLARA108 7h 9111 10 9 Vititoe Miles Finlen 20 50 20 M 19238 SAD SAM 111 2« I 3? 9- 10U Caywood J F Newman 3 3 3 3 19324 IN V1CTCS 11112 12 12 12 U» Enos TFentouandCo 10 40 10 40 19079 CRAVEN 108 Hi 61 9111 12 Devin G B Morris and Co 6 15 6 15 Time, 12, 241. 481,1 :01i. Winner— B. g, by Badge— Tweedledum. Went to post at 2:30. At post 12 minutes. Start good for all but InvictuB. The first four were driving to the limit. Gold Badge ran a high class race, but was extremely lucky to get through in the stretch, and was barely up in time to win. This youngster likes a route. Paletou got away well in his stride and showed a lot of speed, but hung in the last twenty yards. Southard rode a rough race on Battus. The colt bore in quite a bit in the stretch and was the cause of considerable crowding. Cora Goetz was the one that suffered by this. She was in a bad place all through the last sixteenth, and riht at the wire stumbled and almost fell. Omdurman finished stoutly. Lenox showed a sharp turn of speed. Sad Sam is ■ bad betting proposition and ran a bad race. Scratched— 19287 Bugaboo. 108. Overweights-Sad Sam. 3 pounds. Sold Badge, place, 2 to 1 : show, evens. Paletou. place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Battus, show. 3 to 1. Sad Sam. place. 6 to 5; show. 3 to 5. 1 OQ7Q SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 00 added. 5 to second ; 5 to third. _At_/0 I O 3-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St h % 14 StrFin Jockeys ~ Owners O H L C ~ 192923STAR CHAMBER 107 2» 6* 31 1* 13 Bullman P Dunne 8-5 8-5 1 1 192392FLAUNT 117 7h 7*« 6U 4" 2" Devin T H Ryan 4 8 4 8 19038 Ml N YON 102 3« 2- 13 21 34 Enos J F Newman 3 6 3 6 19263 ETTA 102 6" 10 10 61 4*" Hshberger J E Madden 20 30 20 30 19318 INNOVATOR 104 8" 5" *« 72 5 i Bergen L H Ezell 12 30 12 30 19425 SCARLET LILY 105 3»" 4" 51 62 Southard W S Barnes 6 8 6 8 19310 B1COR 107 I*" 44 9 8 7U T Knight J P Mayberry 20 20 15 15 19325 PARMEN ION 107 9" 84 71 94 83 JWinkfield W H Laudeman 3 5 3 5 19268 AILENNA 103410 9» 8 ;i 10 9+ Vititoe D C Raggio 20 25 20 25 19291 ALLIE H. 102 4" 14 21 34 10 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 30 50 30 50 Time. 12;. 24 i, 494. 1 :144. Winner— B. c. by St. Blaise— Soncy Lass. Went to post at 3:20. Off at the second break to a good start. Won handily at the end after an early drive ; second, third and fourth doing their best. Star Chamber was the best as the race was run and at the weights, and scored like a good colt. Flaunt, conceding a lot of weight and under a lazy ride, ran a good race. Minyon is rounding to and may be hard to beat when next out. She was bumped into and sharply interfered with by Star Chamber at the head of the stretch. Etta did not get fully in her stride until the stretch was reached, then she closed a lot of ground. She seems to be rounding to. Scarlet Lilv got a bad ride and did not run to the mark. Scratched— 1929PLomond, 107. Overweights— Scarlet Lily, 3 pounds; Aileuna, 14. Star Chamber, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Flaunt, place. 3 to 1 ; show, 8 to 5. Minyon, show, evens. 1lQff4 THIRD RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. The Wheeler Handicap. ,000 added. 00 to _A.«I/0 I ~T second: 00 to third. 3-year-olds and upward. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St St H H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C_ 19242 THE ROMAN 6 104 8 ftw •■« %" V 3* 1» Devin T H Ryan 6 10 6 10 19240 PINK COAT 5 117 31 81* 8*4 2" 8" 8* 22 Caywood WdfrdandBuckner 6 8 6 7 19306-AD. GUARD 1 111 7" 64 ii 54 V !» 3" Mathews CarthersandShields2 13-52 13-5 19098 jJOL. ROGER4 113 1 » 41 V *i 4" 4" 4»" JWinkfield R Tucker 5 5 4 4 192892SID. LCCAS 3 123 64 8 8 72 54 54 5 4 Bullman Thompson Bros 2 2 2 2 19240 FOUND 5 1C0 2» Hi 1*4 13 l-i 61 6- T Knight John Huffman 6 12 6 12 19329CROESUS 6 105 4" 7" 7" 8 8 7- 7" HshbergerS C Wagner 10 20 10 20 19288MACY 6 115 5" t» £•* tt 61 8 8 Bergen S Lazarus 10 15 10 15* Time. 12;, 241, 361. 491. 1:02. 1:14,, 1:28. 1:40. 1:52;, 2:041. Winner— B h. bv Brutus— Beauty. Went to post at 3:55. At port 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a terrific drive of two. Third and fourth were also under keeu pressure. The Roman had a pull in the weights and this enabled him to win. He was outrun in the first part of the race and none too well ridden, but when the others hung in the stretch he came on. displaying great gameness. Pink Coat, under an excellent ride, ran a high-cla68 ra e. He is a stake boree. every inch of him. and from now on will be hard to beat. Advance Guard took the longest route and was generally poorly ridden. He appeared to be winning at the Lead of the stretch, but Mathews was of but little or no help to him at the end. Jolly Roger ran his race. So did Sidney Lucas, who war- conceding much weight to all the other starters. The co.t also had a rough journey, in fact he was poorly ridden. Found showed her usual amount of speed, but the route was tot far. Croesus was outclassed and never a contender. Macy was prominent for three-quarters, then died away. It was a good handicap and furnished a grand contest. Scratched-19307 Hard Knot. 106. H02"iTall* Fonso. 101. The Roman, place, I to 1; show, 2 to i. Pink Coat, place, 24 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. Advance Guard, place, even.- ; show, 3 to 5. Jollj Roger, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. Sidney Lucas, place. evens ; show. 1 to 2. -| QCfrf T FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. 00 added. 5 to second~7l25 to third. 1 » J » | » 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St U Vt 3* StrFin Jockeys Owner? 0 H L C 09306 MR. BROWN 3 100 5" 3»* 3H 24 14 1- T Knight J B RespasB 3 4 3 4 il92J9MA BEACH 4 1064 1" 23 2 31 2 2« Bullman F T Wood 34 18-534 34 19328GEO. ARNOLD 6 112 8" t* 4 4- 3- SI Caywood J W Fuller 8-5 2 8-5 8-5 192921B. OFMEMPHIS5 107 6 5 and« 5124144s Mathews T J McHale 10 15 10 15 193492WAX 3 105 44 6 6 6 6 5 E Ross Thompson Bros 15 20 15 20 19309 JOHN A. MORRIS4 110 a» 1 1. 1" 5 6 J WinkfieldJ D McMillan 4 7 4 6 Time, 12.. 1:1.351.48. 1:011, 1:181, 1:385. Winner— B. c. by Bramble— Little Bes~. Went to post at 4 :30. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly. It was a terrific drive between the next two. Mr. Brown displayed extraordinary speed and gameness and ran far above expectations. He seems to be a colt of good class and smashed the track record into smithereens. May Beachs performance wa a fine one and on her Bullman rode a fine race. The filly had it hammer and tongs with John A. Morris in the first part of the race and then gamely stalled off George Arnolds rush in the stretch. This is perhaps the best race May Beach ever ran. George Arnold seemed to be able to go to the front at any time on the far turn but when Caywood let him down the horse seemed to be all out. Belle of Memphis acted badly at the post and was the cause of all the delay, but she eventually got away well and ran a good race. When John A. Morris stopped he stopped all over. Wax was outclassed. Scratched— 19373Flaunt, 100. Overweights— Wax. 5 pounds; May Beach. 14. Mr. Brown, place. 6 to 5 ; show, 3 to a. May Beach, place. 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. George Arnold. place, 3 to 5 ; show. out. _______ ~ TOQ7-t FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mite. 00 added. 5 to second ; 5 to third. _L»"/0 i O 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St 4 V* X StrFiu Jockeys Owners 0 H L C 193512HEIGH HO 5 107 ~i" 11 1 » 1W 1-- Enos O P Romigh 2 3 2 3 19266 FLAM ARO 4 1034 7" 74 6" 6 4 2" Vititoe D Cameron 10 10 8 8 18852 JOHN GR1GSBY 3 99 2" 5" 5M 4- 3« T Knight J B Respass 8-5 11-58-5 11-5 19169 B. OF HOLMDEL5 994 3" 41 4- 8" 4* Devin H T Griffin 10 15 10 15 18730T1LDV ANN 3 92 8. 8- 81 V 5 Ransom E March 6 10 I 10 19348 ALOHA 11. 3 94 1" 2™ 2 31 6-4 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 15 40 15 30 19191 FREE HAND 4 96 4* 3, 8»« 5»« 7« J Waldo S S Bender 10 12 10 12 19310-PATROON 5 112 6» 6 7i;8 8 Caywood W McLatchy 5 5 4 4 19310 FRELINGRYSN3 97 9 9 9 9 9 P Murphy T A Magee 30 30 30 30 19102 AVATAR 3 99 Left at the post. Hshberger K J Murphv 30 50 30 50 Time. 124, 841, 49.. 1:14. Winner— B. m, by Himyar— Janet. Went to post at 5:15. Ai post S Minute*. St.irt food. The first four were close together and hard at it. In the last fifty yards there was a general closing up and the finish was a spectacular one. Heigh Ho got away flying, had clear sailing and was lucky throughout. As the race was run Flamaro was the best. He was bumped and jostled at every turn and never really had clear sailing as he finished on the extreme inside hemmed in on the rail. John Grigsby took the longest route and Knight rode a rather lazy race on him. Belle of Holmdel awoke with a start and ran a smashing good race. Tildy Ann made up much ground in the las quarter. Aloha II. can win when placed right. Patroon showed no speed and was beaten off all the way. Scratched— 19373 Parmenion, 109; 19348-Emigre, 105; 19291 Lomond, 101; 19267 Jim W„ 103; ; 19373 Bicor, 99. Overweights— Belle of Holmdel, 11 pounds; Flamaro, 34. Heigh Ho. place, evens; show. out. Flamaro, place. 3 to 1; show. 8 to 5. John Grigsby, . place, evens ; show, out. Patroon, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. 1 QiJPTrT SIXTH RACE-1 Mile. 00 added. 5 to second; 5 to third. X sT/O I I 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses _ AWt St K V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19327 SAM MKEEVER 4 103 7 7 61 ?■ 34~"l Vititoe" Fred Foster 8 5 3 5 19329 EINSTEIN 5 98 4-. 23 22 21 11 8* Bassinger Earnshaw Bros 8 10 8 10 il9172BLUE LICK 4 103 54 41 31 I*"! 3UT Knight G W Poole and Co 4 4 34 34 19307 GEORGE KRATS 5 97 1" 5" 4-34 52143 Hshberger WHRobinsonandCo 24 13-524 13-5 19291 LOOSE SLEEVES 79 2" 1» 1*4 Ki 8" 54 J Walsh L H Ezell 30 30 8 10 19267TIM GAINEY 3 84 6" 3" 54 6 6-" 61* Ransom WdfordandBucknerlO 15 10 15 19241 THE DEVIL 5 105 3" 6« 7 7 7 7 Dupee WdardandAnders n 6 6 4 4 Time. 12, 244. 49i, 1 :14i, 1 :401. Winner— B. c, by Sam Lucas Etta McKeever. Wont to post at 5:55. Off at the second break to ■ good start. Won handily at the end after a hard early drive; second and third were doing their best. Sam McKeever ran true to form and a good race. He was cleverly placed during the early part of the journey and Vititoe waited until the stretch was reached before he made his move. Blue Lick was right there at the finish. George K rats got into a jam on the first turn and was roughly treated. Loose Sleeve showed some speed, but about three-quarters of a mile is as far as she wants to go. Neither Tim Gainey or The Devil seem to be of much account The latter pulled up lame. Scratched -192I43Greatland. 105; 19376 Patroon. 101. Overweights— George Krat , 1 pound. Sam McKeever, place. 2 to 1; show, evens. Einstein, place. 4 to 1 ; show, 8 to 5. Blue Lick, show, 3 to 5. George Krats. place, evens; show, 3 to 5. The Devil, place, 2 to 1 : show, evens. 1|» 7tJ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. 00 added. 5 to second : 5 to third. A %J O J O 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19290 ORIMAR 6 109 2« 31 31 14 1- "i-i J Winkfield j"TStewart 2 5! 2 !$ 19329-COGMOOSEY 6 107 5» 414 5« 5" 34 21 Mathews Lockhart Bros 6 7 6 7 19306 DISSOLUTE 3 97 7 61 62 4J 2" 3- Harshbger D P Rodgers and Co4 7 4 7 19325jTULLA FONSO 4 100 64 l- - 1 « 62 514 4*« Devin J Huffman * * * * U9101MORONI 5 103 3" 7 7 7 7 54 Vititoe James Arthur 8 12 8 12 U931HHIGH JINKS 5 99 4" 23 22 21 4h 6UT Knight W M WallaceandCo4 4 4 4 U»171CLAY POYNTER5 106 1- ■« 4U t"» 64 7 Bullman JDFarrellandCo 2 24 2 21 ♦Barred in betting. Time. 124, 241, 361, 49, 1:14; , 1:38. Winner— Ch. h, by Sir Dixon— Prairie Queen. Went to post at 6:25. Off at the first break to an excellent start. Won easing up; there was sharp action behind the winner. Orimar was at his best and, running in record time, made his field look cheap. Judging from this race. Orimar is the best selling plater in the west. Cogmoosey had rather a rough journey. He was at his best, though, and when he got clear in the stretch finished stoutly. Dissolute was slow to get going and had to be much used to get up, and this and the weight proposition considered he ran his best race. Tulla Fonso got away nicely and showed her usual amount of speed. Moroni could not keep up in the first part of it, but closed stoutly at the end. High Jinks was raced into submission by Tulla Fonso in the first half. The pace was too fast for Clay Poyutcr. The time hung out is of doubtful accuracy. Scratched— 19374The Roman, 1C9. Overweights— Cogmoosey. I pounds. Orimar, place, evens; show. out. Cogmoosey, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Dissolute, show, evens. High Jinks, place. 8 to 5: show. 4 to 5. Clay Poynter, place, evens; show, out.