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WORTH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather wet track sloppy First Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling nd Horses JLgt Wt Hdov 21699 Fishers Hornpipe 19 610 61024545Lou 24545Lou Woods 109 693 24627 JohnD 103 610 610247032Aransas 247032Aransas 103 675 244593Gracchi 103 700 24355 Tripp 100 6251 24730 Little Devil 100 625 625246273Miss 246273Miss Canale 100 650 650245452Blne 245452Blne Ridge 98 683 683247033Arigato 247033Arigato 93 670 670Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Horses color sex pedigroe Wt Hdcp Glenvarloch ch c by Inver ¬ ness Missoula 115 245992Dyxona 109 725 24734 Hanswurst 109 675 675243373John 243373John Drake 106 700 700247023Sculptress 247023Sculptress 98 710 710Third Third Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances247322Boney 247322Boney Boy 5 Ill 713 713247321Ohnet 247321Ohnet 4 109 730 24666 Poesart 3 91 750 750Fourth Fourth Race58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances nd Horses color BOX pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp247302Bridgo 247302Bridgo 113 700 700246003Hqodwink 246003Hqodwink 103 665 665Littlo Littlo Scout ch c by Lamp ¬ lighter Little Indian 103 243602Herodiade 103 650 650G G C Bennett Co entry entryFiftli Fiftli Race 1 Mile and 100 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horeai Agt Wt Hdcp 24572 Tobe Paino 5 Ill 693 24733 Obsidian 5 111 725 24767 Oxnard 6 108 683 683245693Maryland 245693Maryland Reserve 5 103 625 24700 Zacatoso 5 108 655 24569 Yoloco 4 107 660 660247022Qllio 247022Qllio J 5 106 700 24664 Martha Fox 5 106 695 24731 Avatar 4 104 675 24770 Phidias 5 103 715 24572 Krewer 3 86 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 100 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 24602 Anno wan 5 Ill 675 24702 Patroon 6 Ill 720 230153 W B Gates 5 108 715 24630 Irma S 5 106 665 665243882Nansen 243882Nansen 4 104 675 24729 Lamachus 4 102 725 72524701Do 24701Do Madge 4 102 685 246652 Boomerack 3 91 715 24733 Plead 3 81 715