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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO May 7 Sixth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Brnen Racing starts at 230 p m A Q fc K FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Puree 400 2yearolds Maidens t ± OO Allowances Horses A Wt St M H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P WAKITA 110 1 2H 31 1 Houck Stubbs Bros 75 24711 MYSTEE 110 3 31 2 21 Hart Tnrney Bros 8 24755 JLNGFRAU 110 4 52 41 3 C Combs B Schreiber 355 85 24413 ROSY CROSS 110 6 13 1 42 Ballinger BCBunbury 45532 24713 ANNA ELLIOTT 110 5 65 6 53 Dado 3 P Harlan 7 10 10 4 ELLA FLORENCE 110 2 42 52 6 Givens E G Jones 10 20 20 8 LUNA MINOR 110 8 75 75 7 WinwrightMartin Patton 6 10 10 4 MARIA ELENA 110 7 888 Hshbergar J C Ohio 10 10 10 4 4Time Time 18 31 561 561Winner Winner Ch f by Hermonce Itinerant ItinerantWent Went to post at 233 At post 23 minutes Start straggling The three leaders were driving Wakita a smart filly waa a good thing and ran a good race She got through an ugly bunch stood a long drive and was driving less hard thantho others at tbe eud Myatea cams s trong at the finish Juugfrau closed fast too Rosy Cross cut up frantically at the post but ra n a good race The start was delayed by Rosy Cross throwing Winstatt at the post Wakita show out Mysteo show 7 too Jnngfrau show to 10 O4Qil SECOND RACE G 12 Furlongs Purse Z400 4yearolds and upward atfcOxaO Selling LDd Horses AWtStM H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H P 247142 WAX TAPER 4 118 2 3n 3 33 13 Houck W W Darden 23 231 120 out 236253EIGHT BELLS 6 1C7 3 IH 1 12 21 A Weber G C Baker 8 12 8 85 24758 H 8 TOBACCO 7 114 1 23 2 22 33 C Combs P P Adams 75 2 2 12 21811 CORAL 4 105 7 62 6 52 4 Morse E D Tnrley 100 100 100 30 21523 LEXELL 4 109 8 73 7G 75 5u Ballingar J S Bratton 100 100 60 20 243792 WATER CRKST 6112 5 41 43 42 62 DVititoe JP Hirth 20 30 30 6 24753 MAY MACDUFF 5 107 6 53 51 6 73 Givens J Craft 60 100 100 20 24753 DAZIAMOOR 7 109 4 8888 Pritchett J O Tinsley 100 100 100 60 Time 60Time 61 241 31 43 56 122 UtilityWent Winner 122Winner B c by Candlemas Utility Went to post at 320 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily next two drivin g Was Taper was much the best H S Tobacco seemed sore and as if it waa too far for hi m Eight Bells speedScratched is high in flesh but ran a good race aud showed a lot of speed Scratched 24692 Swordsman 112 21639 Winyah 105 2475S3Lady Curzon 105 Overweights 105Overweights Lexcll 2 pounds Eight poundsEight Bells show 3 to 5 H S Tobacco show out fcj Q fc rr THIRD RACK 4 12 iuriongs Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens jflttO t Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M 1A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 24711 QN BURLINGTON 110 1 12 1 H T OBrien P Tomlinson Co6 10 10 165 245093 WINTER BELL 110 6 2 2 21 Morse W Gerst 4993 4993247113ALL 247113ALL MINE 110 4 4 45 3 Hart W H Jackson Jr 6 6 6 2 24755 BANDROL 110 3 33 33 41 Houck R R Rice 2 4 4 2 HUNTRES8A 112 2 8 5 53 Overton Christy Brown 8 10 10 4 LACRIMAE 110 8 SH 73 6 HshbergerA Cahn 7 15 15 6 MADABELL 1451DUELA 110 5 6 6 73 C Combs J Huffman 323 1451 DUELA 110 7 73 8 8 Nelson Chinn ForsytheS 3 2 45 45Time 56hWinner Time 1830 56h Winner B f by Burlington Marina Went to post at 350 At post 10 minutes Start poor Won cleverly next four driving Queen Burlington was off two lengths in front took the shortest route and uever was in danger Winter Bell came fast at the finish after getting away in a tangle All Mina was off badly and made up a lot of ground in the stretch Duela is Duelists sister and a small filly Overweights Huntressa 2 pounds Queen poundsQueen Burlington show 8 to 5 Winter Bell show 7 to 5 All Mine show evens Bandrol show evens Mada Bell show 1 to 2 Duela show out 2fl QQQ FOURTH RACE i 5 8 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward 4t O O Allowances Ind Horses AWtSt H BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 194882AMPERE 3 110 2 12 12 14 12 HshbargarACahn 10 12 12 2 24322DUELIST 3110 1 51 52 43 22 Nelson ChinnForsythe 12 35 35 oat 2475620RLEANS 3105 6 SH oatSH 42 SH 33 Dominick JEBnrrows 2 2 2 12 23552KISS QUICK 4 117 4 7 62 52 41 Givens HTBatchelerCo 40 40 30 10 24075 QUEEN DIXON 3 105 5 6 7 61 51 Morse TlinsonWoodfdS 15 15 4 19275 MAY I GO 4 117 7 43 21 2s 6S F Miles Rogers Miles 300300300100 21567 MARGABET F 3 107 3 2 32 7 7 Folsom L J Haas 100 200 200 30 Time 30Time 13 24 36i 102 102Winner Winner ElectricityWent Ch c by Charade Electricity Went to post at 4 26 At poet 7 minutes Start bad Won in a canter second easily Am ¬ pere off best simply ran away from his field Duelist was badly ridden He was held out of it too Ions Orleans off badly closed np a lot of ground in the first quarter and hung at the end Queen Dixon was almost left at the post Margaret F showed some spaed early Scratched2478728harp earlyScratched2478728harp Bird 122 247873Rindred 122 122Overweights Overweights Margaret F2 pounds poundsAmpere Ampere show 7 to 10 Orleans show out 24829 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M A X StrFin Jockeys Owners Owners247UTULLA 247UTULLA FONSO 5109 1 In lu is is 12 HshbarserJ Huffman 24756 CHAPPAQUA 5 5109 109 3 415 4154204304203 420 430 420 2 C Combs P M Ctvill 4 4 41 1 24389TAYON 4 112 4 31 3 2H 2H 315 Dominick F Conk I 65 6 5 25 245612HILEE 25245612HILEE 4105 5 21 2i 3J 3 4 D Shaw E B Ktndar Co 15 15 12 3 24508 GREY FORGE 4 102 2 5 5 5 5 5 Anstett Hutcuinson Co 30 103 103 40 40Time Time 25 50 l16i 143 143Winner Winner B m by Fonso Tulla Blackburn BlackburnWent Went to post at 5 00 At post 7 minutes Start gDod Won clavarly next two handily Tulla Fonso was off running on the inside and was never caught Tayoa had to be rushed a lot all the way His long trip from California evidently staled him Chappaqua came fast in tha stretch Hiloa stoppedTulla wont a smart half then stopped Tulla Fonso show out Chappaqua show out Tayon show out fe flQO SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles Purse 5100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St H Yi M StrFm Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 247122CHOPIN 12247543HARRY 5 111 4 3i 3 42 33 11 A Webar J C Ferris Jr 32 73 75 12 247543HARRY PULLFM3 91 6 62 6i 23 2 2i D Shaw J P Hirth 6 7 7 2i 24757 EDA RILEY 4 103 7 5 4n 62 52 35 T OBrien KDOrr 6552 2324DRUSH 65522324DRUSH FIELDS 7 103 2 21 2 32 41 4i Morse S J Cliarles 3 4 4 85 21692 PRINCE REAL 4107 5 4t 7 73 75 53 O Combs R N Vestal 15 15 15 7 247163 L A WTON 3 91 3 li 12 H 1 6 Goush P M Civill 6662 217373DOMS1E 6662217373DOMS1E 6 108 8 7H 51 5i 61 73 Loudsn Wm Clark 10 15 15 5 24716 DELGADO 6 103 1 8 8 8 8 8 Pritchett Blake Leonard 60 200 200 60 Time 60Time 25 51 1 17J 1 43I 1 50 50Winner Winner Gr h by The Bard Victress VictressWont Wont to post at 535 At post 6 minutes Start good Won handily second secondclevarly clevarly Websr took Chopin inside at the stretch turn and rode him home with powar Harry Palliam catna very strongly at the threeeighths post Eda Ritey off poorly cama vary fast in the stratcb but hung at tho end under a weak ride Rush Fields was short but shewed spaai Liwton ran a fast race but tired at tho ond ondOverweights Overweights Eda Riley 3 pounds Chopin poundsChopin show out Harry Pulliam show 6 to 5 Eda Riley show 4 to 5