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WORTH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Ago Wt Hdcc Hdcc246993Brissac 246993Brissac 114 650 24699 Illowaho 112 625 21597 Count Perepoint 112 670 6702433l2Silesian 2433l2Silesian 105 610 24699 Mihasa 105 655 21769 Miracle II 95 700 700Second Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 247043 Morriman 106 725 725243S63Impromptu 243S63Impromptu 101 705 24734 C B Campbell 103 683 24701 Remark 101 675 21310 Birdie D 99 705 24704 Blumist 99 6SO 24457 Jack G 99 650 24701 Aaron 99 700 24766 Floranthe 97 650 24181 Kings Favorite 92 693 693Third Third Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling247313Moroni 247313Moroni 6 115 725 24602 Annowan 5 Ill 6S5 6S524805Oxnard 24805Oxnard 6 108 680 24729 Refugee 8 105 660 660247703Dagmar 247703Dagmar 6 108 710 71024570Fox 24570Fox Bard 4 108 715 715247002John 247002John Grigsby 4 107 650 24630 Irma S 5 106 650 24571 PrairieDog 4 103 690 690247293Sunlocks 247293Sunlocks 4 102 710 710Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 247323Branch 6 109 705 705246322Ben 246322Ben Chanco 4 107 675 24732 Free Lance 7 106 660 66024770Myth 24770Myth 7 104 725 725247702Trebor 247702Trebor 6103 710 710246683E1 246683E1 Caney 4 103 703 24770 Hoods Brigade 4 102 670 670Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Fillies Allowances 22128 Ida V 112 650 24701 Princess Tatyana 112 675 67524S02 24S02 Sculptress 107 700 24631 Watita 107 725 24767 Lady Idris 107 695 695247342About 247342About 102 675 247663 Lake View Belle 102 685 685Sixth Sixth Ruce 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 24731 Mark Miles 5 Ill 680 24768 Frank Ireland 5108 700 24523 DanCnpid 5 108 675 67524S032Zacatoso 24S032Zacatoso 5 108 6SO 24805 Yoloco 4107 650 24734 BrichtNight 5 106 680 24767 Lydia S 4 106 660 21702 Golden Scepter 4 104 675 24664 Olekma 4 102 690 20741 Crystyne 4 102 600