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Th9 Melbourne Stud leads all brooding estab ¬ lishments in this country in producing annually strictly high typo firstclass race hordes as evi ¬ denced by the fact that Handspring the cham ¬ pion 3yearold of his year was the first foal dropped at Melbourne as well us Prince of Melbourne acknowledged champion 3yearold and Beau Gallant king of the 2yearolds both of 1SOO 1SOOThe The Melbourne Stud has probably bred to more stallions owned by other brooders in the last five or six years than all the large breeders in Kentucky combined and last year in addi ¬ tion to breeding its matrons now comprising seventyfivo beautifully bred young mares sired by tho remarkable number of fifty loading sires to the Melbourne stallions Princo of Monaco Jim Gore and Rainbow they were brod to the following firstclass sires Salvator imp Order Requital Blazes Tammany Onou daga Handspring Ben Brush imp Ingoldsby imp Wagner Wadsworth Belvidere imp De Benavoir and Ornament OrnamentAnnual Annual yearling sale at public auction held in New York June 1901 1901It It is the firm belief of Mr Barnes that strictly highclass race horses cannot bo bred as suc ¬ cessfully when banded together in large num ¬ bers on one place as if separated and it has been his policy for years to have his horses kept on different farms and at tho present time his matrons are located on no less than six different places and the yearlings on throe different places all near Melbourne on differ ent farms miles apart Mr Barnes claims that for years Molbonrue has been kept the cleanest and therefore the healthiest largo thorough bred KentuckyThe farm in Kentucky The Melbourne Stud comprising over 300 acres of as fine bluegrass land as there is in Kentucky is located one mile from Lexington ono mile and onehalf from Nursery two miles from McGrathiana five miles from Castloton five miles from Elmondorf four of the largest breeding KentuckyVisitors establishments in Kentucky Visitors are at all times welcoma W S BARNES Proprietor Lexington Ky