Racing Officials., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-20

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RACING OFFICIALS Worth Jockey Club M N Macfarlan Presiding Judge Thomas M Chivington Associate Judge M Natbanson Secretary and Handicapper Richard Dwyer Starter P P Pomeroy Clerk of Scales Hugh E Keough Patrol Judge James Loughman Paddock Judge M Nathanson Western Jockey Club Steward StewardLatonia Latonia Jockey Club L P Tarlton and E C Hopper Judges John B Dillon Clerk of Scales E C Hopper Handicapper H D Brown Starter StarterChicago Chicago Jockey Club James H Rees Presiding Judge Sheridan Clark Secretary and Handicapper Harry White Assistant Secretary Hugh E Keough Paddock auk Patrol Judge H F Mooro Clerk of Scales Edward A Jasper Entry Clerk J J Holtman Starter R Fitzgerald Western Jockey Club Steward StewardElnlock Elnlock Park Jockey Club J J Burke Presiding Judge Jack P Cbinn Starter StarterCharles Charles Lemp Wilson B Huut and Joseph D Lucas Racing Stewards Robert L Pate Clerk of Scai Scaii i J J Burke Handicapptr

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Local Identifier: drf1901052001_1_3
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