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THE MAY MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Stewards was held 011 Monday May G GApplications Applications of J H Smith and J M Ryau owners and B Silvers jockey for reinstate ¬ ment were passed to next meeting meetingApplication Application of T Walker jockey for rein ¬ statement was laid 011 the table tableApplication Application of P H Dale for reinstatement of the horse Ubler was denied deniedApplication Application of W A Wells for reinstatement of the horses Chanter and W T Karnper was denied deniedThe The horse Jingle Bells was reinstated for steeplechase purposes only onlyThe The following applications for licenses wore passed for future action actionDardeu Dardeu W W trainer trainerDo Do Neffe R W trainer trainerDoolan Doolan Edward trainer trainerHatton Hatton Joseph trainer trainerMaulding Maulding Charles trainer trainerThompson Thompson Louis trainer trainerHenderson Henderson Roy jockey I Biggins J J jockey jockeyMcDonald McDonald J jockey j Franklin Charles apprentice Higgins W A apprentice