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TORONTO ENTRIES Probabilities Weather wet track heavy heavyFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Ag Wt Hdcp 21672 Cormorant 5 131 705 21247 Mr Jersey 4 127 720 24991 Springwells 5 124 725 24780 Sannazaro 3 115 715 71522l232The 22l232The Covenanter 3 110 705 18314 Auld Lang Syne 4 109 710 24526 St David 3 105 710 21306 Trustee 4 102 700 700Second Second Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesThe The Juvenile Stakes 500 added addedInd Ind Horsas color aex pedigraa Wt Hdcp Hdcp23923Ganesa 23923Ganesa 120 725 72524674Baylike 24674Baylike 113 710 710fMark fMark Anthony 113 22908 Sir Clifford 113 710 71025050JIllowah9 25050JIllowah9 113 715 715impressive impressive 110 Sailor Cadmus b g by Mar ¬ iner Cornelia 110 246363Laracor 110 720 720fLady fLady Patroness 110 24801 J Little Devil 110 700 25169 JPatrick 110 705 705Hathflight Hathflight 110 Jack Canuck 108 Bessemer 105 Quarter Penny 105 W F Presgravo entry tJ E Seagram entry H Stover entry entryThird Third Race 1 12 Miles 4yearolds and upward Hunters Flat Handicap Sam Devere b g by Cir ¬ cassian Melody 5 168 20794Mystic Shriner 6 166 670 12363 Tates Creek 5 150 660 660Hacklet Hacklet b f by Hack Hackler ler Magnet 4 150 19445Pete Kelly 9 145 665 665208203Abingdon 208203Abingdon 9 144 675 675Qnickwire Qnickwire b c by byQuicklimeJudith QuicklimeJudith 4 144 Interference byMontfortClash b m by MontfortClash 5 140 T P Phelan entry entryFourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward upwardThe The Queens Plate 1250 added and Plate value 250 250189692Bellconrt 189692Bellconrt 5 121 725 725208192Kaslo 208192Kaslo 4 119 705 705181992tOpnntia 181992tOpnntia 4 119 715 71518402tiilver 18402tiilver Locks 4 117 700 20821 Euclaire 4 117 710 710Paardeberg Paardeberg ch c by byIronside Ironside Spas Bona 3 106 20769 Daddy 3 103 700 700Oneiros Oneiros b g by Mor ¬ pheus Athena III 3103 JJuvoncus b g by Ju ¬ venal Uproar 3 103 John Rnskin ch g by byJuggler Juggler Rnsina 3 103 184332Lady Berkeley 3 101 720 720212713Ferney 212713Ferney Tickle 3 101 710 710Maple Maple Sugar b f by Derwentwater Sugar SugarPlum Plum 3 101 HPando ch f by Sem ¬ per Rex Banjo 3 101 tPurisian Lady b f by byParisian Parisian Andante 3 101 N Dyment entry Davies entry JR J E Seagram en entry entryH H Wm Hendrie entry Fifth Race Short Course CourseAbout About 2 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Royal Canadian Steeplechase Steeplechase24209fDaryl 24209fDaryl 4 165 650 65014321JV 14321JV R Customs 6 165 670 19853 Fifield 8 165 655 20660 Californian 4165 675 19025 Mario 5 160 650 21072 Alberta Lady 4 160 660 660Interference Interference b m by byMontfortClash MontfortClash 5160 21273 Bromo 7 160 650 8943 Bonaparte 8 160 665 21829 Harry Corby 5160 660 660Hero Hero 4 158 18344 Happy Hermit 4 140 665 665First First series seriesfW fW F MacLean entry entrySixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 21672 Cormorant 5 124 715 13674 Aragnol 6 124 690 21185 M Murphy 4 122 710 710250522Edinborough 250522Edinborough 4 122 725 725219692Tekla 219692Tekla 4 122 705 18845 Confederacy 5 121 695 24181 Spurs 5 121 715 14466 Medford 4 119 690 20014 Infelice 7 119 705 705148183Toddy 148183Toddy Ladle 5 114 705 70521263Violent 21263Violent 6 114 720 24287 Mercenary 3110 695 24638 Tenario 3 110 700 25124 Andrattns 3 107 715 24654 Maggie W 3 105 710 21193 RedBreaat 3 100 700