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WORTH FORM CHART CHARTWORTH WORTH ILL May S3 Eighteenth day Worth Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track muddy Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m O C O r f FIRST RACE 13 Mile Puree 400 75 to second 25 to third a O O 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25024 PALMETTE 100 4 2 H 16 Cobnrn H T GrifTm 2 2 65 35 25086 ARLEAN B 101 2 4 2 21 Dominick J E Gushing 34465 25086 CHANSON 102 6 6 55 3 See MrklnWhmhff6 993 25190 THE 21GOTAKA STEWARDSSIOO 35 33 31 45 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 6 8 8 21 GOTAKA 102 12 li 43 52 BirkenrnthL H Ezell 30 10010030 25190 HER8E 1011 5 52 6 6 J Mathews H B Durham 34465 34465Time Time 12 21g 37 51 Winner 51Winner B f by Albert Bonnie Ola OlaWent Went to post at 215 At post 9 minutes Start fair Won pulled to a walk second and third w ra driven out Palmetto was much the boat of a bad lot She fairly flew through the mud and after going the first fnrlong was almost a certainty Arlean B slow to begin stumbled shortly after the start losing much ground This accident however cut no figure in tho result Chanson was standing flatfooted when the barrier arose and it took her some time to get in her stride When she did she showed quite a turn of speed and finished with a rush The Steward ¬ ess was ridden the longest route Gotaka boat tho barrier but the advantage was of no avail to her goingScratched Herse could not navigate in tho going Scratched 25054 Queen W 100 21097 Evening Star 100 Overweights 100Overweights 21Palmetto Gotaka 2 pounds Arlean B 1 Horse 41 Chanson 21 Palmetto show 1 to 4 Arlean B show 1 to 2 Chanson show 6 to 5 Horse show 1 to 2 O PC O C Q SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 5400 75 to second S25 to third O A O O 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M Vt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 24774 BIG INJUN 100 SH 4 4 2 22 12 Coburn H T Griffin 2 2 85 12 24613 THE AUDITOR 107 4 22 3 4 33 2 JWinkfleldE Marsh 2331 2331252302FLANEUR 252302FLANEUR 97 l s 12 i 15 15 30 Davisson J Maiden 85 85 32 25 25122 LITTLE PEPPER 1011 2 31 2 31 4 4 M Hill T Licalzi 15 20 20 4 4Time Time 13 26 3851 1 05 1 20 1 36 PappooseWent Winner 36Winner Ch g by Fortissimo Pappoose Went to post at 300 Off at the second break to a good start Won easily second and third driving and staggering Big Injun was well handled but had to be the best to win He was crowded into the fence and almost thrown at the start Cobnrn being obliged to pull him to a standstill to keep from going down The boy made up the lost ground gradually and from the head of the stretch home Big Injun overhauled Flaneur without much effort Flaneur was badly ridden Davissson wore him out in the first part of it and when many lengths in front at the head of the stretch foolishly drew his whip and under it the gelding iloundred all over the track The Auditor finished stoutly He is not much and this can be marked as about as good us he can do doScratched Scratched 24802Dyxona 110 25152 Merriman 107 Overweights 107Overweights 41No Big Injun 3 pounds Little Pepper 41 No show betting O K O J A THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 5500 75 to second 25 to third O aOrt 2yearolds Handicap Ind Horses A Wt Bt H VL StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 25123HERODIADE 100 1 12 12 16 is Coburn G C Bennett Co 2 1152 35 25101 195125054MAGI BAROUCHE 102 4 44 33 23 See W H McCorkle 6 6 1951 45252282YANA 25054MAGI 1041 2u 2 22 22 36 J Mathews James Arthur 21 3 3 45 252282YANA 101 3 3 32 4 4 Dominick W E Applegate 2331 2331Time Time 12 24 37 50 104 Winner Ch c by Hanover Drnidess DrnidessWent Went to post at 3 20 At post 9 minutes Start perfect Won easily the others were driv ¬ ing Herodiade again showed good form Ho rune equally as well in the mud as in good going and is a most useful youngster Coburn succeeded in getting him away flying and from the be ¬ ginning to end tho issue was never in doubt Barouche displayed great gameness She was in distress at the three furlong post and from that point homo was hard driven Magi is a high class filly and plainly showed her dislike for mud She slipped and slid about from beginning to end and was entirely out of place Yana was mHch used at the post She however is not as good as she was a few weeks ago and perhaps would be freshened by a letup Overweights letupOverweights Yana 2 pounds Magi 21 Horodiade 2 2No No show betting f K O K FOURTH RACE1 116 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 1 tt J J 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses AWt St 3i H 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownera CHOP 25053V3TRANGE8T 5108 2 4 SB 2n 22 H Davisson C K Burdeau 3 3 1351 25017 FRANGIBLE 4 106 5 22 1 12 12 25 Dominick Rold Bros 8 8 61 21 25155 BEN CHANCE 4 107 1 5 41 4 3 3 K Cobnrn R M Westorfield 2 135135910 250552LEO NEWELL S 95 4 1 2 3 4 43 R Jackson F T Wood 3 5 4 32 25152 PRAIRIE DOG 4 104 3 3 5 5 5 52 J Mathews W W Clark 5 12 12 4 251942PARMENION 4 93 666666 Rice F W Doss Co 10 20 20 7 Apprentice allowance allowanceTime Time 12 26 39 52 1 06 1 21H 1 48 1 56 g Winner DearestWent B h by Knight of Ellerelie Dearest Went to post at 400 Off at the second break to a good start Won well in hand second mildly driven third and f9urth driving hard Strangest is almost a stake horse in the mud and in this instance made his field look cheap He was always in a good position and when ready in tho stretch easily overhauled Frangible winning going away Frangible ran one of his beat races He runs best in front and Dominick took him there as soon as possible Ben Chance kept up well enough the first part of itt but when the pinch came did not act as Jie usually fatal mistake by trying to take the gelding to the front the first part of it and wabbled all over him going down the backetretcb Neither of the other two ever bad a chance Scratched chanceScratched 25156 Espionage 107 251943 About 87 25157 Tnurlea 108 25231 Birdie D 91 Overweights 91Overweights Prairio Dog 11 pounds Strangest poundsStrangest show 1 to 2 Frangible show 6 to 5 Ben Chance show 2 to 5 Leo Newoll show 7 to 10 O K O A 43 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 75 to second 25 to third 3 1 0 O 3yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Horses AWt St H Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 252293BONEY BOY 5111 2n 22 2H 25 11 1 J Winkfield Mrs R Bradley 1 1 710ont 25154MAGGIE DAVIS 5 104 In 11 12 Hi 25 21 Cobnrn W M Sloan 32 95 95 14 25021 DEN THOMPSONS 92 3 4 4 32 310 320 R Jackson H T Griffin 6 10 8 95 22129 ALBERT LEE 4104 4 31 3 4 4 4 Birkonruth W Ulrich 50 10010015 Time 10010015Time 13 26 39 53 1 06 1 20 1 34 Winner 34Winner Ch g by Blitzen Sue B BWent Went to post at 425 At post 1 minute Start good Won eased up sesond and third the same Boney Boy had little or no trouble beating this lot The going was made to order for him and he was ridden to perfection He ia a strongly constitutioned race horse Maggie Davis found the route a trifle too far As far as she went however she did well but the way they were rigged in this BoyScratched instance she is not in tho eame class as Boney Boy Scratched 250892Operator 95 95No No show betting U p t J rf SIXTH RACE 1 18 diles Pnrso 400 75 to second 25 to third T 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt St J4 ft 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2523038UNRO 3 106 2 2 3s 21 HI 12 1 Dominick F T Wood 36585 24842 DAN CUPID 5 118 4 31 8 61 61 6 23 JWinkfleld H Morgan Co 6 12 12 3 25194 AZIM 3106 51 7 62 72 52 22 31 Cobnrn R M Westerfleld 65 65 6512 6512251273HOSI 251273HOSI 6 123 1 62 2a 51 4 5 42 Gaywood I M Fries 6993 25157 OXNARD 6 123 SB 4 52 4 7 7 53 I Lewis E Harding Co 10 15 8 3 252262AVATAR 4114 6 H Hi 1 21 42 61 Otis K J Murphy 10 11 11 3 3251223HANSWURST3 251223HANSWURST3 106 8 8 41 8 8 8 73 M Hill T Licalzi 10 15 15 6 625226GIVE 25226GIVE ALL 3 93 7 5 71 3 St 3 8 W Knapp J Curl 20 30 30 12 12Apprentice Apprentice V allowanceV allowance Time 12 25 39 53 1 07 1 22M 1 36 1 50 2 06 06Winner Winner Ch c by Ornns Ergot ErgotWent Went to post at 455 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving and staggering second 1 the aame Sunro won principally on account of the good ride he got Dominick hustled the colt t from beginning to end He aeems to be a loafer and requires a hustling ride After having the 9 race easily won Dominick became careless and at the very end nearly threw it away Dan i Cupid was dull of speed the first part of it but fiom the head of the stretch came with a rush B tretch he darted from the middle of tho track to the extreme inside Hosi got a good ride was s close up all the way and did his best Avatar and Givo All both retired about the same timo in i IcraSedaSigi Martha Fox 116 116Sunro Sunro enow 4 to 5 Dan Cupid thow 3 to 2 Azim show 1 to 4