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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind florass Ass Wt Hdcp 25582 Kings Pet 5 109 670 670256IG2Stamp 256IG2Stamp 4 109 700 25692 Major Boll 5 104 665 25646 Nelae Morris 3 102 685 25688 Old Phil 3 102 675 25651 Zelmore 4 102 690 25500 Lot Thomas 3 100 680 25725 Dnrrell 3 97 665 25688 Tangible 3 95 685 685Scoiid Scoiid Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling 2550 Tony Licalzi 610G 715 25729 Salvaleta 3 105 700 70025646Baronet 25646Baronet 3 105 715 71525t053Tronbalino 25t053Tronbalino 4 105 725 25649 Sylvan Dell 4 104 710 710257643Marion 257643Marion Lynch 4 102 705 25729 Amoroso 3 100 710 25729 Sweet Dream 3 9t 700 23691 Prne Wood 3 94 720 720Third Third Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 25761 Edna Kenner 109 680 25761 Pillowdex 109 665 257633 Cor inno C 107 680 25761 Faleta 107 670 25362 Lazella 105 675 25689 Dr Worth 105 685 685The The Widow 103 25586 Winnora 103 675 25761 Worthington 103 665 665257612Ship 257612Ship Ahoy 100 700 24961 Octo 98 665 665256893Pigeon 256893Pigeon Top 97 690 25583 Lady Florence 97 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 25619 Strathbroeck 4 112 680 25401 Gwynne 4 109 685 685256262Meggs 256262Meggs 6 109 675 18921 Maggie Felix 4 107 665 66525l32Eva 25l32Eva Wilson 5 107 690 25728 Iris 5 107 202592Icon 3 102 254323 Grandma H 5 102 252503Chemisette 5 102 24989 Mazeta 3 95 Fifth Race 1 11G Milts Milts3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 25764Banqno II 7 Ill 710 25764 Wileon 6 Ill 725 25469 Kirkwood 5 106 720 25725 Beutley B 5 103 695 25585 Hinsdale 3 101 705 25651 AlCaskey 4 99 705 705256932Gb 256932Gb arley Estes 4 98 710 710256912Dollie 256912Dollie Wagner 3 94 715 25626 Virginia 3 93 700 25691 Russian 3 92 705 25327 Scorpoletto 3 90 700 25764 Saragamp 3 87 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 24607 Ceylon 4 109 685 25651 Jim Flood 9 107 680 68025l64Robert 25l64Robert Morrison 3 105 690 690256882By 256882By George 5 104 685 25688 Back Talk 4 104 680 25688 Brown Thrush 4 102 665 I 25728 BettieR 4 102 675 25728 Allaire 4 102 700 25729 Jim Nap 3 100 665 25539 Bean 3 95 670