St. Louis Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-13


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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolda 3yearolda and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horns Age Wt Hdoc 24486 Loving Cup 6 109 725 72525832Battus 25832Battus 3 106 715 715258322Verify 258322Verify 6 105 710 710259063Ben 259063Ben Frost 6 105 720 21730 Reefer 6103 700 25751 Bamivel 6 102 710 25906 Sue Johnson 4 101 715 17090 Moo No Ite 5 100 690 25724 Donna Bella 3 98 705 25903 Judge Kemp 3 89 695 25531 May Do 3 87 690 25681 Purse Lady 3 87 695 695Stcoud Stcoud Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 25865 Larry Wilt 106 700 Y JUSTE 13 1901 25268Zoraide 105 725 25866 Jim Scanlan 105 710 710259013Precieely 259013Precieely 104 700 25902 Maria Elena 103 720 25866 Sister Sarah 103 705 70525902Satchel 25902Satchel 103 715 25865 The Potentate 101 690 690257493Has 257493Has Gift 101 710 71025865Josie 25865Josie F 101 705 705Colonel Colonel Stone 101 25865 Tufts 101 690 25749 Swiftlight 101 695 695258652Aegin 258652Aegin 101 700 700258662Carat 258662Carat 101 715 715Third Third Raco 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling258703Zonne 258703Zonne 4 107 705 70525680Eugenia 25680Eugenia 8 5 106 720 25679 Lexell 4 104 715 715259302Rush 259302Rush Fields 7 103 725 25680 Round Turn 5 103 700 25869 Maud Wallace 4 97 715 715259053Tho 259053Tho Caxton 3 89 710 710Fourth Fourth Race 0 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Allowances 25027 Ondenarde 112 715 71525574Albert 25574Albert F Dewey 112 710 710258283Robert 258283Robert Jr 112 700 21621 Burnetts Walkaway 109 695 24565 Lady Strathmore 107 725 19162 Cicely Thorncap 107 690 24642 Varro 102 715 25352 Mr Mnlkey 102 695 25903 Syncopated Sandy 102 715 715255323Kate 255323Kate Freeman 100 700 25137 Miss Thresa 100 705 705258673Sinfl 258673Sinfl 100 720 720Flflh Flflh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 25905 Swordsman 7 Ill 710 25831 Windward 5 Ill 705 21650 Quannah Parker 5 103 695 25680 Barboe 6 108 715 25832 Ladas 5 108 700 700258693Maximns 258693Maximns 3 107 25575 Miss Patron 5 106 725 725257942Tea 257942Tea Gown 3 93 720 720Barred Barred in betting bettingSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling257952Guide 257952Guide Rock 6 105 710 25906 Tom Gilmore 4 99 700 70025620Sarner 25620Sarner 3 98 725 725256S12Tuskarosa 256S12Tuskarosa 3 97 715 715258303Ida 258303Ida Ledford 4 91 720 25575 La Desirous 3 90 705 705258682Hnrry 258682Hnrry 3 86 710

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Local Identifier: drf1901061301_3_4
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