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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO Jwiio 18 Thirty seventh day St Lotus Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Bruen Racing starts at 230 pm K Q 6 K FIRST RACK 78 Kile Parse 300 3yearolda and upward Soiling md Horses A Wt St ft K BtrFm Jockeys Owners O H O P 21784 DOM1NIS 6 108 6 31 2 Hi Hi HI Hart R W Marka 30 60 50 20 CLINTON 20CLINTON B 4113 3 12 H 21 22 22 L Rose G Tuggle 15 15 12 5 25794 JUL1ETTA B 3 91 2 2i 3 35 3 3 ONeil J Burrows 3 4 17565 25832 THORN WILD 3 107 7 7 9 7 5 43 WedstrandE L Liger 4552 25832 IRVING MAYOR 3 96 8 9 11 11 72 52 Louden F Sharp 30 60 60 20 19017 FOURTH WARD 6 106 5 51 44 41 43 6 IS Vititoe M E Graasmuck 34485 25748 AROUND AGAIN 6 109 14 10 10 9 81 72 T OBrien A A Benson 100 100 100 40 21834 NAUGHTY GIRL 7104 4 61 8 10 10281 Hardy M Dundou Co 12 30 30 10 258G8 WINK AND SONG 3 961111 12 13 12 91 Wnwright J C Ferris Jr 12 15 12 5 J 25531 BONNIVARD 4 107 1 4i 51 51 11 102 Tnberviila J P Hirth 50 100 100 30 25832 MACE RUSSELL 6 104 13 8 CH 63 61 11 Dowlor D J Brealoy 40 60 60 20 j 25G1S2MK ROSE 4 107 15 15 14 12 13 122 Ansteit J W Riloy 20 30 20 8 BWEEl ROBIN 4 104 12 14 15 11 14 13 Plunkott J K Finley 20 20 15 6 19711 CLARA M 4 102 9 13 13 15 15 14 Hatley A A Fraiike 30 100 100 30 19820 GALE TODD 3 105 10 12 72 8 9i 15 Vaacamp J W Medley 50 100 100 20 20Time Time 13 24i 37 49J 1 021 1 15i 1291 Winner 1291Winner Blk h by Hiinynr Lady Agnes Went AgnesWent to poet at 232 At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily Dominis was well ridden and hud the most speed Julietta B had no excuses and ran an ordinary race Mr Rose was off poorly and had an easy raco Around Again did well from a poor beginning It was a poor lot Overweights lotOverweights Clinton B 3 pounds Thorn Wild 2 2Dominis Dominis show 10 to 1 Clinton B show 2 to 1 Jnliotta B show 3 to 5 Fonrth Ward show 3 to 5 25926 SECOND RACK 1 Mile Pnrse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling md Horaea A Wt St J4 K StrFiu Jockeys Owners O H u P 25724 KID MCOY 4 107 1 Hi 23 H HI li Dale W L Mower 6 10 10 4 25752 CHICKAMAUGA 4 107 6 61 42 2H 2 25 Houck Sinclair Rosa 31 5 4 85 25S32 SILENT FRIEND 4 104 8 22 1 35 33 33 Kuhn T Sayers Co 8 10 10 4 25570 CROaSMOHNA 5 106 11 10 11 4 4i 41 Wedstrand Jones fe Co 7 8 7 21 25905 KAFTAN 4 102 12 3 72 81 61 51 Wainwght W K Cleveland 80 200 200 60 25658 KLON QUEEN 5 106 7 13 81 5 51 61 T OBrien E L Bohlman 8 10 9 3 25068 NANCE ONEIL 4 102 10 71 102 n 9 72 A Weber B Schreiber 23 30 50 10 25903 ICE 4 104 4 81 12 12 10 82 ONeil L Thompson 8862 25663 CELESTE DOR 5 106 2 51 5 61 7 91 Plankett W Mulkey 25 40 40 12 25793 PAN CHARM 6 111 14 14 13 13 11 102 Earl W A Finnia 10 10 9 3 25751 HARDLY 6 106 5 41 3 7 8 112 Vancamp Brnmfleld Co 6 8 7 21 25531 LAKE FONSO 5 106 3 91 6 9 12 123 Givens E F Smith Co 20 20 20 8 25718 MANDAMUS 4 102 9 112 9 10 13 13 Redfern J B Hoiatman UO 100 100 40 25438 NICK LAHART 4 105 13 12 14 14 14 11 F Miles G H Moore Co SO 100 100 40 Time 13 251 38 501 1 03i 1 161 1 29i 1 43i 43iWinner Winner Br c by Bolero Britannia BritanniaWent Went to poet at 305 At poet 9 minutes Start good Won driving aocond cleverly Kid McCoy wae tne beat He was lucky well ridden and ran a good race Chickamauga had no excuses Silent Friend quit after showing much speed Crosemoliua was off badly and ran a good race Ico could never got near the front frontScratched Scratched 25826 Ella Martin 102 102Kid Kid McCoy show 2 to 1 Chickamauga show 4 to 5 Silent Friend ahow 3 to 2 25927 THIRD RACK 34 Mile Purse 500 3yoarolda and upward Handicap Horaea A Wt St Y StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O F 237203FRANK BELL 5109 3 2 2H 21 1 J Miller J W ONoall Co85 2 131012 25535MAUD GONNE 3 115 6 31 3 3H 22 WodstraudTurney Bros 1354 4 65 25828HI NOCKER 4102 4 52 41 42 33 ONeil J D Lucas 44465 44465251362H1LEE 251362H1LEE 4 103 7 4 52 53 42 T OBrien E B Kinder Co 4 5 5 75 25720 MYRTLE VAN 7 92 2 H 1 1 5 Bell J Persinger Co 20 20 20 6 23830 NAN DORA 5 83 1 7 6 61 6 Earl J P Rico 40 60 60 15 13730 DR NOWLIN 4 100 5 63 7 7 7 Givons D A Honig SO 20020050 Time 20020050Time 12i 24i 361 491 1 02 1 15 15Winner Winner B g by Big Henry Flora Leach LeachWont Wont to post at 340 At post 11 minutea Start good Won in a hard drive second driving Frank Bell displayed surpriaing power and sameness at tho finish Maud Goune had him beaten to almost the last jump when he came and beat her by merely the nod The filly hung in the soft going near the wire Maud Goune ran a line raco under a crushing impost Her race was a sparkling one Hi Nocker poorly handled taken ontsido and given little support at the finish should havo been closer Hiloo off badly and bumped and cnt off at the stable turn came stoppedFrank strong at tho end Myrtle Van showed spaed for half a mile then stopped Frank Bell show out Maud Goune ahow 1 to 2 Hi Nocker show 1 to 2 Hiloe show 1 to 2 i PC O Q FOURTH RACK 1 11G fillies Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Ot7 O Handicap ud Horsea A Wt St M X 3 StrFin Jockoya Owners O H C P 256173CHAPPAQUA 5 106 4 311 3u H 13 13 Dale P M Civill 85 3 21 45 45Chinn 258692PROPELLKR 3 90 5 21 211 32 23 2 Earl Chinn Forsythe 4 4 31 65 25830HOTTENTOT 4 112 3 43 41 2 32 32 T OBrien F W floltgrewe 3 5 41 75 25830CHOP1N 5 93 1 5 5 42 41 43 A vVeber J C Ferris Jr 21 3i 9 5 3 5 25356 MACON 4 93 2 1 1 5 5 5 ONeil L Lomp 20 40 40 10 Time 10Time 12t 24 361 49 1 02 1 15 1 281 1 42 1 49 Winner 49Winner Br h by Iroquoia Hilda HildaWent Went to poet at 416 At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly next two driving Chap paqua was mach the best and galloped over the lot whon ho got ready Propeller run an excel ¬ lent race and finished strong Hottentot did his best and was ontrun all the way Chopin had no speed and did not run to his mark markChappaqna Chappaqna ahow out Propeller show 2 to 5 Hottentot ahow 2 to 5 Chopin show ont OPCQ J O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolda and upward Selling Ind Horaos A Wt Bt 4 H J StrFin Jockoya Owners O H C P 25395 H S TOBACCO 7 109 1 22 25 H 12 12 T OBrien P P Adama 4 4 25748 ELSIE BARNES 7 104 3 In INK 21 33 2 ONeil W H Billings 15 20 20 8 25905 COLONEL GAY 7 109 2 41 4 61 42 31 Plunkett T A Gay 7 12 12 5 2i867MRS GRANNAN 3 91 7 61 51 311 22 41 Hedfern J S Bratton 5662 238672ALEA 5662238672ALEA 3 94 6 72 73 5a 51 5 A Wober S P flarlan 21 1653 1 25826 BEN BOY 6109 4 31 SK 42 62 61 1 Wain wghtBV Crosby 50 8080 30 25316 DORALICE 5 104 5 5 6 75 H 71 D Vititoe K D Orr 15 20 20 8 257182IDA CORBRY 3 94 88 8 8 8 8 Earl Tnrney Bros 31 5 4 85 24760 HUNGARIAN 5 109 Withdrawn Watorbury S W Street 15 20 20 10 Time 10Time 121 25 37 491 1021 1151 129 129Winner Winner B h by Phoonix Sarmienta SarmientaWent Went to post at 445 At post 8 minutes Start poor Won handily second in a gallop H S Tobacco away running got through early and was never in danger Elsie Barnes much favored by the start ran into the place easily She hung to H B Tobacco gamely too The start put Mrs Grannan Ida Corbry and Doralice ont of the race Hungarian ran away two miles before the start startScratched Scratched 25905 Deponan 104 104H H S Tobacco show 1 to 2 Elsie Barnes show 31 to 1 Colonel Gay show 8 to 5 Alea show 1 to 2 Ida Corbry show 1 to 2 SIXTH RACEl Mile Puree 300 4yearolda and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K Yi 3 StrFin Jobkeya Owners O H C P 25272 KISME 7 104 1 22 11 IHK 22 11 T OBrien John Powera 2 3 211 258702RUSH 211258702RUSH FIELDS 7 108 3 411 2 23 Hi 22 Dale B J Charles 2 11511545 256632BELLE 11511545256632BELLE SIMPSON 4 102 5 84 63 51 55 31 Bell J Koefe Co 8 10 10 4 257933ADMRL SCHLEY5 107 7 5n 5 42 41 41 Givona G R Williama 10 14 14 5 25681 ORRIS 4 102 4 311 31 31 32 5H Knhn J C Ghio 12 12 8 4 258313CLAY POYNTER 6108 6 93 95 91063 6 WedstrandT H Stevens 66485 25663 JIM BREEZE 4 107 2 INK 45 61 72 75 Gihnoro J J Gilmore 10 30 30 10 25679 C P JONES 5 108 9 61 7 7 81 8 Hart R L Jackson 30 50 50 0 2583238ADIE LEVY 6 100 8 71 82 81 91 92 Vancamp T E Davis 20 60 60 20 258312T1DAL 20258312T1DAL WAVE 4 108 11 11 11 101 105 1012 ONeil L M McKeo 6 12 12 4 25724 WARREN POINT 8 103 10 108 IQI H H 11 D Vititoe P McGnire 20 80 80 30 Time 30Time 13 25i 37i 50 1 02l 1 16 1 281 1 42i Winner 42iWinner B m by Glonelg Keepsake KeepsakeWent Went to post at 5 20 At post 18 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving It was strictly a two horse race in which Kieme was the beat Rush Fields ran as if a trifle short Bella Simpson finished with a rattle at the end Admiral Schley ran a good race Clay Poyuter was bumped at the first turn and ran a good race for six f nrlonga only He wasvshort and will do later on at a mile or over overScratched Scratched 25391 Croesus 108 25679 Don Luis 108 25352 Cariboo 104 256792 da Riley 102 Overweights 102Overweights Jim Breeze 3 pounds Kismo show 1 to 2 Rush Fields ahow out Bella Simpson show 2 to 1 Clay Poynter show 3 to 5