untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-21


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AGGS GREATEST J5 COTTAGE GROVh Rainor DERBV DAV 200 200I I ALL OTHER DAVS 100 100For For accommodation of the public and to avoid delay at gates general admission tickets for DERBY DAY will be on sale Saturday morning June 22 at THE WEL ¬ LINGTON HOTEL BOARD OF TRADE ROTUNDA HOTEL MORRISON and CHAPIN GORES at 8 A M MSeason Season and Guest Tickets now on Sale at Wellington Hotel Rotunda TRAIN SERVICE SERVICESouth South Side Elevated Trains connecting with all Elevated Roads via the Loop every 3 minutes If I TUntO Pflimnni nnil nnnn PVDtlDDO nun T nnni mnnillD mnnillDSOUTH SOUTH SIDE ELEVATED EXPRESS TRAINS ILLIQUID LfciJUttHL nnlui1UjlUArlttbb HfilJ LUbHL IHHlfib IHHlfibLeaving Leaving Loop at Congress St and Stoppin onlv 2d St and 31st St arriving at 61st St in All regular express and local suburban trains leaving Randolph St from 1245 to 240 pm in inAvr elusive have loop service direct to the grand stand In addition express trains direct to the Avr ii ii j j grand stand with no stops south of VauBuren St carrj ing parlor cars leave Randolph St at atState State St uad Cottage Grovo Ave cable lines connecting witn all South Side cross townlmo r 1n 1ndirect 1 10 1 3 ° i ° nnd 2 1 ° d Pm direct to gates Calumet Electric Street Railway to South Park Avo and S3rd St

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901062101/drf1901062101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901062101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800