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HIGHLAND PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Kace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Allowanceslad lad Horses AKB Wl fldeu 25654 Satire 110 700 700261683Tho 261683Tho Boer 102 675 26243 Cypress II 100 680 680261613Lillie 261613Lillie Hammerton 100 685 26142 Land of Clover 97 670 26219 Hemeen 97 690 26168 Mr Bmooth 97 685 26120 Jnvencus 97 670 670Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 26220 Gregory 112 660 660Prester Prester 106 26121 J Patrick 106 680 21633 Lady Handy 106 665 665261913flalmetta 261913flalmetta 106 685 26220 Woodchnck 103 700 26121 Contestant 103 690 690262202Tristram 262202Tristram 103 675 675261652Tom 261652Tom Crabb 103 685 26220 Transfer 100 680 26220 Fannie Blazes 100 685 26117 La Gazelle 100 665 26220 Tout 100 670 670Third Third Race 1 116 Milea Milea3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 26118 Orontas 4 110 725 72526166Callear 26166Callear 3 100 710 710262232Obstinato 262232Obstinato Simon 5 99 705 70526017Talala 26017Talala 4 97 715 26245 Wine Prets 5 97 710 710259462BenMac 259462BenMac Dhui 3 92 720 720Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap 261902Scorpio 4 115 715 26221 Lady Berkeley 3 101 725 26221 Foneda 4 101 705 26221 Droghoda 3 99 720 7202t 2t 217Horsa 3 96 715 23716 Lelia Barr 3 93 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 26169 Tekla i H 26192 Filibuster 4 114 685 26076 The Corinthian 11U 680 680262193Qcie 262193Qcie Brooks 5 113 685 26140 Exit 5 110 690 25793 Louisville Belle 5 107 80 80260733Ridean 260733Ridean 61 26219 Bonnie Maid 4 105 660 13637 Sue Clifton 6 104 655 25785 Sylvan Dell 4i ° 26145 Nancy Beitz 5 104 66a 26246 Medford 4104 650 26193 Glad Hand 5 104 675 26216 Inkerman 4 104 650 26068 Little Veronica 4 102 670 670Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling261192Passaic 261192Passaic 5 108 725 6193 Tip Gallant 5 105 700 6059 Highland Prince 5 lOo 710 26059 Tamarin 104 TOO 26070 Handy 4 JO 2 26247 Miss Chambers 7HS r 25762 Annie Lauretta S J2 26224 lii261402bilver Queen Carnival 3 JSs lii 261402bilver Locks 4 J5 26068 Templar f1 26145 Ahamo 99 710 n 26020 Rose Bird 3 84 69a